Chapter 5 Word-Formation in English
1.Give the definition of morpheme.
The morphemes can be regarded as “the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words”. In short, a morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit into which a word can be divided.
2.What is the difference between free morphemes and bound morphemes?
Free morphemes are morphemes which can occur as parate words. That is to say, a free morpheme can stand alone as a word.
Bound morphemes are morphemes which cannot stand alone as words. They are mainly affixes. That is to say, a bound morpheme is one that appears with at least one other morpheme, bound or free in a word.
3.What are lexical morphemes and grammatical morphemes? Give examples.
Lexical morphemes include root morphemes and affixes ud for the construction of new words as in compound words (“classroom”), and affixes such as –ship, -ize(“friendship”, “modernize”).
Grammatical morphemes are morphemes ud to express grammatical relationships between a word and its context, such as plurality, past ten, progressive ten or posssive ca, as is shown in the words “workers”, “worked”, “working” and “worker’s”.
4.What are simple words, compound words and complex words? Which words
belong to the common core of the English vocabulary? Why?
A simple word is one which consists of only one free form, such as water, man, work.
A compound word is one which consists of more than one free form, such as classroom.
A complex word is one which has one free form and one or more than one bound form, s
48个音标as rewrite, socialize.
Simple words are the common core of the English vocabulary. They provide the language with a basis for the formation of new words.
5.Give the definitions of the following terms and examples.
1)root A root is the ba form of a word that express its esntial meaning, a meaning that
never changes, even though affixes may be added at the beginning of a word or the end of a word. To be more exact, root refers to that part of the word left when all the affixes are re moved. For example, “work” in “worker”, and “agree” in “disagreement” are roots.
2)ba There are two explanations for the term ba.
Some linguists consider the ba to be equivalent to the term root, that is, the part of a w
ord remaining when all affix es have been removed. For example, “truth” is the ba form of all its derivatives “truthful”, “truthfulness”, “truthfully”, “untruth”, “untruthful”, “untruthfulness” and “untruthfully”.
中秋节快乐 英文But other linguists maintain that the ba is a part of a word when an affix is added to a root or stem. For example, in “unhappy”, the ba is “happy”; in “unhappiness”, the ba is “unhappy”. 3)stem A stem is the main part of a word to which suffixes, or ca endings are added. Forcofdm
example, in the words “disagreement” and“worker’s”, the stems are “disagree” and “worker”.
6.How many main types of word-formation are there is English? What are they?
Give their definitions.
There are four main types of word-formation in English. They are:
Prefixation is a main type of word-formation putting a prefix in front of the ba, sometimes with, but more usually without a change of word class, e. g. “dislike” (dis+ like).
Suffixation is a main type of word-formation, putting a suffix after the ba, sometimes without, but more usually with a change of word class, e. g. “frankness” (frank+ ness).humanbeing
bbc中文Conversion is a main type of word-formation assigning the ba to a different word class with no change of form. For example, the verb “relea” is converted to the noun “relea”.
Compounding is a main type of word-formation adding one ba to another, such that us
ually the one placed in front in some n subcategorizes the one that follows, e. g. “blackbird”.
宝贝翻译成英文7.What is the difference between the chief function of prefixes and suffixes?
The chief function of prefixes is to effect a mantic modification of the ba, and the chief function of suffixes is to change the word class of the ba, though suffixes have only a small mantic role.
8.What is the difference between the suffix –able and the suffix –ive? Give
examples for each suffix.
The differences between the suffix–able and –ive are in verbal voices.
The suffix –able is basically related to the passive voice, and the meaning is “of the kind that can be done”. For example, the word washable means “that can be washed without damage”. The suffix –ive is basically related to the active voice, indicating “of the kind that
can do something”. For example, the word attractive means “having the power to attract someone or something”.外表英语