parate from旅游 英语
parate from是一个常见的搭配,意思是“与……分离”。例如:
The man had parated from his wife and moved to a new city.(这个男人和他的妻子分居了,搬到了一个新的城市。)
You need to parate the white clothes from the colored ones before washing.(你需要在洗衣前把白色衣服和有颜色的衣服分开。)
parate into
parate into的意思是“分成”,“分为”,常用于描述将一个大的物品或物体分成几个部分。
武汉平面设计公司 She parated the cake into eight equal pieces.(她把蛋糕分成8个均等的部分。)
famous什么意思 The company was parated into three areas of business.(公司分为了三个业务领域。)如何考会计师
卸妆水怎么用 parate out
parate out表示“分离出来”,“筛选出来”。例如:
If we heat the mixture, the salt will parate out from the water.(如果我们加热这个混合物,盐就会从水中分离出来。)
He spent hours parating out the recyclable materials from the garbage.(他花了几个小时从垃圾中筛选可回收材料。)
parate by
parate by表示“按照……分开”,多用于描述将物品按照某个标准分开。例如:
on the way什么意思
The books in the library are parated by genre.(图书馆的书按照类型分开了。)
We need to parate the items by price before putting them on sale.(在打折前,我们需要按照价格把商品分开。)
parate off
parate off表示“从……中单独分离出来”,通常是指将一部分物品从整体当中分离出来。例如:
He parated off a small piece of clay from the larger mass.(他从大块粘土中分离出了一小块。)
jps The office has been parated off from the main living area with a partition.(办公室已经用隔板与起居空间隔开了。)