a back answer 顶嘴
a back issue 过期期刊
a back number 过期的刊物
a bad actor 坏蛋
a bad egg 坏蛋
a bad hat 坏蛋
a bad jo
b ⽩费⼒的事
a bad life 不道德的⽣活
a bad lot ⼀个坏蛋
a bad quarter of an hour 不愉快的短暂时刻
a bad shot 错误
a bad word 猥亵话
a bag of bones ⾻瘦如柴的⼈
a bag of wind 夸夸其谈的⼈
a baker's dozen ⼗三
a ball of fortune 受命运摆布的⼈
a barber's cat ⾯有病容饥⾊的⼈
a bare possibility 万⼀
A bargain's a bargain 达成的协议决不可撕毁。
a ba area 根据地
a basket ring 篮圈
a beaten path 惯例
a beaten track 惯例
a bed of down 安乐窝
a bed of flowers 安乐窝
a bed of honor 阵亡者的墓
211大概要多少分 a betting sin 易犯的恶习
a best man 男傧相
a big deal 要⼈
a big pot ⼤⼈物
a big shot ⼤⼈物
a big stick policy ⼤棒政策
a Bill of Oblivion ⼤赦令
a bird in the bush 未到⼿的东西
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 双鸟在林不如⼀鸟在⼿
a bird in the hand 已到⼿的东西
a bird of Jove 鹰
a bird of Juno 孔雀
a bird of Minerva 猫头鹰would you like
a bird of paradi 极乐鸟
a bird of passage 候鸟
a bird of peace 鸽
a bird of prey 猛禽
a bird of wonder 凤凰
a bit and a sup 少量的⾷物
a bit of ⼀点
a bit thick 过分
a black sheep 败家⼦
a blank cheque 空⽩⽀票
a blank sheet ⼀张⽩纸
a blind alley 死胡同
a blind letter 死信
a blood bank ⾎库
a blot on one's escutcheon 名誉上的污点
a blue dahlia 不可能有的东西
a blue moon 不可能的事
a boiled shirt 浆过的衬衫
a bolt from the blue 意外事件
a bone of contention 争论的原因
cooperation是什么意思 A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near 海内存知⼰天涯若⽐邻 a box and needle 罗盘
a boy in buttons 服务⽣
a brand from the burning ⼤难得救的⼈
a breath of life 必不可少的东西
a bridge of gold 退路
a broken reed 不可靠的⼈
a bull in a china shop 莽撞闯祸的⼈altar
a bunch of fives 拳头
a bundle of nerves 神经极紧张的⼈
a burning shame 奇耻⼤辱
王子的前妻 A burnt child dreads the fire ⼀朝被蛇咬
a call of nature 要⼤⼩便的感觉
a call to arms 战⽃的号令
a ca of crabs 失败
a castle in the air 空中楼阁
A cat has nine lives 猫有九命
a cat in the pan 叛徒
A cat may look at a king ⼩⼈物也有权利
a certain degree 到某种程度
a certain extent ⼀定程度上
a certain 某⼀
transcript A chain is no stronger than its weakest link ⼀环薄弱全局坏 a change of heart 改变主意
a change of scene 改变环境
a chapter of accidents 接踵⽽来的事情
a child of fortune 幸运⼉
a child of nature 天真的⼈
a chip in porridge ⽆关紧要之物
a chip of the old block 与⽗亲⼀模⼀样的⼉⼦
a cho in posssion 占有物
a circular letter 通知
a clean sheet 清⽩的历史
a clear anchorage 安全锚地
a clergyman's sore throat 慢性喉炎
书是人类进步的阶梯 a clinging vine 依赖男⼈的
a clo battle ⾁搏
a clo call 侥幸的脱险
a clo shave 侥幸脱险
a clo thing 侥幸的脱险
a coat of arms 盾形纹章
a cock of the loft 在⼩地⽅称王的⼈
a cock of the walk 称王称霸的⼈
a cold cook 殡仪馆⽣意⼈
a command post 指挥所
a common soldier 列兵
a complimentary ticket 赠券
a conceited pup 傲慢的⼩青年
a conspiracy of silence 保持缄默的密约
a convenient memory 只记住对⾃⼰有利的事 a copper captain 冒充有地位的⼈
a copy of ⼀份rango
a corporate body 法⼈团体
a counl of perfection 达不到的理想
a couple of 两个
a cour of exchange 兑换率
a covenant of salt 不可背弃的盟约
a cow in calf 怀孕的母⽜
a crowd of 许多的
a crowning victory 的胜利
a cuckoo in the nest 破坏他⼈家庭幸福的⼈ a cup of cold water 施舍的象征
a current account 往来帐
a curtain lecture 妻⼦私下训斥
a dark hor ⿊马
a daughter of Momus 滑稽的⼈
a day off 休息⽇
a dead dog 废物
a dead duck 完蛋的⼈
therefore是什么意思 a dead frost 彻底的失败
a dead heat 不分胜负的赛跑
a dead lift 需全⼒的事
a dead ason 淡季
a dead cret 还未泄露的秘密
a dead shot 神枪⼿
a death march 向着死亡的进军
a debt of honour 赌债
a decisive battle 决战
a devil's darning needle 蜻蜓
a dirty night ⾬夜
a disciple of Momus 爱嘲弄的⼈
a dish of gossip 闲谈
a distinction without a difference ⼈为的区别 a distress sale 扣押物的拍卖
a dog in the manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的⼈
a dog's age 好久
a dog's life 悲惨的⽣活
a drawn battle 不分胜负的战⽃
a drop in the bucket 九⽜⼀⽑
a drop quiz 突击测验
a drumming in the ears ⽿鸣
a dry eye 不哭的⼈
a Dutch feast 主⼈先醉的酒宴
a duty call 礼节上的访问
a face as long as a fiddle 阴郁的脸⾊
a fair field and no favor 平等的⽐赛条件
a fair shake 公平交易
a far cry ⼤不相同的
a far fetch ⼀段远距离
a fat chance 微⼩的机会
a fat lot 很少
a fault on the right side 因祸得福
a favourite son 宠⼉
a feast for the gods 极精美的⾷物
a feast of reason and a flow of soul 有益的谈话 a feather in one's cap 可夸耀的事
a feeding storm 暴风⾬
a few 少许
a field army 野战军
a field of honour 决⽃场
a fierce battle 激战
a fine day for young ducks ⾬天
a finger on the wall 灾难的预兆
a finishing stroke 最后致命的⼀击
a flash in the pan 昙花⼀现
a flea in one's ear 讥讽