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Insolvency Statute (Insolvenzordnung, InsO)
Promulgated on 5 October 1994, as last amended on 1 January 2002.
Insolvency Statute - Contents
Part One: General Provisions
1. Section 1: Objectives of the Insolvency Proceedings
2. Section 2: Jurisdiction of the Local Court as Insolvency Court
3. Section 3: Local Jurisdiction
4. Section 4: Applicability of the Code of Civil Procedure (Zivilprozessordnung)
5. Section 4a: Deferment of the Cost of the Insolvency Proceedings
6. Section 4b: Repayment and Adjustment of the Deferred Amounts
7. Section 4c: Rescission of Deferment
8. Section 4d: Legal recour
9. Section 5: Principles of the Insolvency Proceedings
10. Section 6: Immediate Appeal
11. Section 7: Appeal on Points of Law
12. Section 8: Service
13. Section 9: Publication
14. Section 10: Hearing of the Debtor
Part Two: Opening of Insolvency Proceedings. Involved Asts and Parties Chapter One: Prerequisites of Opening and Opening Proceedings
1. Section 11: Admissibility of Insolvency Proceedings
2. Section 12: Corporations under Public Law
3. Section 13: Request to Open Insolvency Proceedings
4. Section 14: Request by the Creditor
5. Section 15: Entitlement to Request the Opening of Insolvency Proceedings for Asts Owned by Corporations and for the Asts Owned by Companies without Legal Personality
6. Section 16: Reason to Open Insolvency Proceedings
7. Section 17: Illiquidity
8. Section 18: Imminent Illiquidity
9. Section 19: Overindebtedness
10. Section 20: Obligation of Disclosure During the Opening Proceeding, Reference to Discharge of Residual Debt
11. Section 21: Decisions Ordering Arrestment
12. Section 22: Legal Status of the Temporary Insolvency Administrator
13. Section 23: Publication of Restriction on Property Transfers
14. Section 24: Effects of Restrictions on Property Transfers
15. Section 25: Repeal of Measures of Arrestment
16. Section 26: Refusal for Lacking Asts
17. Section 27: Order Opening the Insolvency Proceedings
18. Section 28: Requirements Incumbent on the Creditors and Debtors
19. Section 29: Docketing of Meetings
20. Section 30: Publication of the Order Opening the Insolvency Proceedings.
21. Section 31: Commercial Register, Register of Cooperatives and Register of Associations
22. Section 32: Land Register
23. Section 33: Ship/Aircraft Register
24. Section 34: Appeal
Chapter Two: Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings. Classification of
1. Section 35: Definition of the Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
2. Section 36: Objects not Subject to Attachment
3. Section 37: Joint Marital Property of a Community
4. Section 38: Definition of the Creditors of the Insolvency Proceedings
5. Section 39: Lower ranking Creditors of the Insolvency Proceedings
6. Section 40: Claims to Maintenance
7. Section 41: Immature Claims
8. Section 42: Claims Subject to a Resolutory Condition
9. Section 43: Liability Incumbent on Several Persons
10. Section 44: Rights of Obligors Liable Jointly and Severally and of Guarantors
11. Section 45: Conversion of Claims
12. Section 46: Recurring Payments
13. Section 47: Right to Separation
14. Section 48: Right to Separation Extending to the Consideration Received as a Substitute for the Object of Separation
15. Section 49: Separate Satisfaction from Immovables
16. Section 50: Separate Satisfaction of Pledgees
17. Section 51: Other creditors with a Claim to Separate Satisfaction
18. Section 52: Elimination of Creditors with a Right to Separate Satisfaction
19. Section 53: Creditors of the Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
20. Section 54: Costs of the Insolvency Proceedings
21. Section 55: Other Debts incumbent on the Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
Chapter Three: Insolvency Administrator Bodies Reprenting the Creditors
1. Section 56: Designation of an Insolvency Administrator
2. Section 57: Election of a Different Insolvency Administrator
3. Section 58: Supervision by the Insolvency Court
4. Section 59: Dismissal of the Insolvency Administrator
singleton5. Section 60: Liability of the Insolvency Administrator
6. Section 61: Nonperformance of Debts incumbent on the Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
7. Section 62: Period of Limitation
8. Section 63: Remuneration of the Insolvency Administrator
9. Section 64: Determination by the Insolvency Court
10. Section 65: Empowerment to issue an Order
11. Section 66: Rendering of Accounts
12. Section 67: Establishment of the Creditors' Committee
13. Section 68: Election of Different Members
14. Section 69: Duties Incumbent on the Creditors' Committee
15. Section 70: Dismissal
16. Section 71: Liability of the Members of the Creditors' Committee英文谚语
17. Section 72: Decisions of the Creditors' Committee
18. Section 73: Remuneration of the Members of the Creditors' Committee
19. Section 74: Convening the Creditors' Asmbly
20. Section 75: Request to Convene a Creditors' Asmbly
21. Section 76: Decisions of the Creditors' Asmbly
22. Section 77: Determination of Voting Right
23. Section 78: Repeal of a Decision taken by the Creditors' Asmbly
24. Section 79: Information to the Creditors' Asmbly
Part Three: Effects of the Opening of Insolvency Proceedings
Chapter One: General Effects
1. Section 80: Right to Manage and Transfer the Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings Vested in the Insolvency Administrator
2. Section 81: Transfers of Property by the Debtor
3. Section 82: Performance in Favour of the Debtor
4. Section 83: Decedent's Estate. Continued Community
5. Section 84: Liquidation of a Company or a Community
6. Section 85: Joinder of Pending Actions as Plaintiff
7. Section 86: Joinder of Certain Pending Actions as Defendant
8. Section 87: Claims Held by the Creditors of the Insolvency Proceedings
9. Section 88: Execution prior to the Opening of Insolvency Proceedings
10. Section 89: Prohibition of Execution
11. Section 90: Prohibition of Execution under Debts incumbent on the Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
12. Section 91: Exclusion of other Acquisition of Rights
13. Section 92: General Damage
14. Section 93: Unlimited Liability of Partners
15. Section 94: Prervation of the Right to Set Off a Claim
16. Section 95: Acquisition of the Right to Set Off a Claim During the Proceedings
17. Section 96: Prohibition of Set-Off
18. Section 97: The Debtor's Obligation to Disclosure and Cooperation
19. Section 98: Imposition of the Duties of the Debtor
20. Section 99: Interception of the Debtor's Mail
21. Section 100: Maintenance Payments using the Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
22. Section 101: Members of the Body Reprenting the Debtor. Employees
23. Section 102: Restriction of a Basic Right
Chapter Two: Performance of Transactions. Cooperation of the Works Council
1. Section 103: Option to be Exercid by the Insolvency Administrator
2. Section 104: Fixed-date Transactions. Financial Futures
3. Section 105: Severable Contracts
4. Section 106: Priority Notice
5. Section 107: Retention of Title
6. Section 108: Continuity of Severable Contracts
7. Section 109: Debtor's Status as Tenant or Le
8. Section 110: Debtor's Status as Landlord or Lessor
9. Section 111: Sale of Property Let by the Debtor
10. Section 112: Prohibition to Terminate Tenancy or Lea Contracts
11. Section 113: Termination of a Service contract
12. Section 114: Emoluments from a Service contract
13. Section 115: Expiry of Mandates
14. Section 116: Expiry of Management Contracts
15. Section 117: Expiry of Proxies
16. Section 118: Liquidation of Companies
17. Section 119: Invalidity of Agreements Derogating from the Foregoing Provisions
18. Section 120: Termination of Plant Agreements
19. Section 121: Plant Modifications and Conciliatory Proceeding
20. Section 122: Judicial Approval of a Plant Modification赫尔辛基英文
21. Section 123: Scope of the Social Plan
22. Section 124: Social Plan Established prior to the Opening of Insolvency Proceedings
23. Section 125: Reconciliation of Interests and Dismissals Protection
24. Section 126: Judicial Orders Deciding on Dismissal Protection
some like you 歌词
25. Section 127: Action brought by the Employee
26. Section 128: Sale of Plant
tell me who you areChapter Three: Contest of the Debtor's Transactions in Insolvency Proceedings
1. Section 129: Policy
2. Section 130: Congruent Coverage
3. Section 131: Incongruent Coverage
4. Section 132: Transactions Immediately Disadvantaging the Creditors of the Insolvency Proceedings
5. Section 133: Wilful Disadvantage
6. Section 134: Gratuitous Benefit
7. Section 135: Loans Replacing Equity Capital
8. Section 136: Silent Partnership
9. Section 137: Payments on Bills of Exchange and Cheques
10. Section 138: Persons with a Clo Relationship to the Debtor
11. Section 139: Calculation of Time Periods prior to the Request to Open Insolvency Proceedings
12. Section 140: Date of Performance of Transaction
13. Section 141: Executable Deed
14. Section 142: Cash Transactions
15. Section 143: Legal Conquences
16. Section 144: Claims of the Party to the Contested Transaction
17. Section 145: Transactions Contested and Enforced against Legal Successors
18. Section 146: Limitation of the Right to Contest
19. Section 147: Transactions carried out subquent to the Opening of Insolvency Proceedings
Part Four: Management and Disposition of the Asts Involved in the Insolvency
Chapter One: Arrestment of the Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
1. Section 148: Transfer of the Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
2. Section 149: Objects of Value
3. Section 150: Sealing
4. Section 151: Record of the Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
5. Section 152: Record of Creditors
6. Section 153: Survey of Property
7. Section 154: Deposit with the Registry of the Insolvency Court
8. Section 155: Accounting under Commercial and Fiscal Laws
Chapter Two: Decision on Disposition
1. Section 156: Report Meeting
2. Section 157: Decision on the Further Proceedings
3. Section 158: Measures taken prior to the Decision
4. Section 159: Disposition of the Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
5. Section 160: Transactions of Particular Importance
6. Section 161: Provisional Prohibition of the Transaction
7. Section 162: Sale of Plant to Persons with Specific Interests
8. Section 163: Sale of Plant below Value
9. Section 164: Legal Validity of the Transaction
Chapter Three: Objects Subject to a Right to Separate Satisfaction
1. Section 165: Disposition of Immovables
2. Section 166: Disposition of Movables
3. Section 167: Notification of the Creditor
4. Section 168: Notification of Envisaged Sale
5. Section 169: Protection of the Creditor Against Delayed Disposition
6. Section 170: Distribution of Proceeds
7. Section 171: Calculation of the Contribution to Costs
8. Section 172: Other U of Movables
9. Section 173: Disposition by the Creditor
Part Five: Satisfaction of the Creditors of the Insolvency Proceedings.
Discontinuation of the proceedings
Chapter One: Determination of Claims
1. Section 174: Filing of Claims
2. Section 175: Schedule
3. Section 176: Proceedings of the Verification Meeting
4. Section 177: Subquent Filings
5. Section 178: Prerequisites and Effects of Determination of Claims
6. Section 179: Denied Claims
7. Section 180: Competence for the Determination of Claims
8. Section 181: Scope of Determination
自制美容护肤小窍门9. Section 182: Value of Action
10. Section 183: Effect of the Decision
11. Section 184: Action to Enforce a Claim Denied by the Debtor
12. Section 185: Special Jurisdiction
13. Section 186: Restitutio in Integrum
Chapter Two: Distribution
1. Section 187: Satisfaction of the Creditors of the Insolvency Proceedings
2. Section 188: Distribution Record
3. Section 189: Consideration of Denied Claims
4. Section 190: Consideration of Creditors with a Right to Separate Satisfaction
5. Section 191: Consideration of Conditional Claims
6. Section 192: Subquent Consideration
7. Section 193: Amendments to the Distribution Record
8. Section 194: Objections to the Distribution Record
9. Section 195: Determination of a Fraction
10. Section 196: Final Distribution
11. Section 197: Final Meeting
12. Section 198: Deposit of Retained Funds
13. Section 199: Surplus Resulting from Final Distribution
14. Section 200: Termination of the Insolvency Proceedings
15. Section 201: Rights of the Creditors of the Insolvency Proceedings subquent to Termination
16. Section 202: Jurisdiction for Actions to Enable Execution
17. Section 203: Judicial Order to Hold Delayed Distribution
18. Section 204: Appeal
19. Section 205: Implementation of a Delayed Distribution
20. Section 206: Exclusion of the Creditors of the Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
Chapter Three: Discontinuation of Insolvency Proceedings
kyx1. Section 207: Discontinuation for Lacking Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
2. Section 208: Notification of Lacking Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
3. Section 209: Satisfaction of the Creditors of the Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
4. Section 210: Prohibition of Execution
5. Section 211: Discontinuation upon Notification of Lacking Asts Involved in the Insolvency Proceedings
6. Section 212: Discontinuation for Subquent Lack of Grounds to Open Insolvency Proceedings
7. Section 213: Discontinuation with the Creditor's Connt

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