Politicization and rebordering in EU enlargement: membership discours in European parliaments 期刊名称: Journal of European Public Policy
作者: Marie-Eve Bélanger,Frank Schimmelfennig
年份: 2021年
关键词: European Union;enlargement;parliament;discour;parties
goacross摘要:Enlargement is the most significant debordering policy of the European Union. In an analysis of debates in the European Parliament and a sample of member state national parliaments, this article examines whether EU enlargement discour has been characterized by a politicized rebordering process since the阵亡将士纪念日>bdg是什么意思
堪萨斯州立大学mid-2000s. We find that enlargement discour has become more 'rebordered' in the cour of the 2010s. Moreover, enlargement has lost salience and become more contested. In a regression analysis of enlargement positions and frames, we further show that the enlargement discour is systematically
politicized along cultural partisan lines. Members of culturally conrvative and nationalist parties are more oppod to enlargement and u more restrictive frames. Finally, we obrve that cultural boundary gaps bad on the