
更新时间:2023-06-29 09:31:06 阅读: 评论:0

1.现金Cash on hand
2.银行存款Cash in Bank
3.其他货币资金 Other cash
4.应收票据 Notes receivable
5.应收账款Accounts receivable
6.其他应收款Other receivable
唐顿庄园圣诞特辑7.坏账准备 Provision for bad debts
8.预付账款 Payment in advance
9.应收补贴款 Subsidies receivable
10.物资采购 Goods in transit or goods received
11.原材料Raw material
12.保税原材料 Bonded raw material
13.非保税原材料 Non-Bonded raw material
14.原材料—国外进口 Raw material-imported
15.原材料—国内采购 Raw material-purchad domestic
16.包装物 Wrappage
primadonna17.保税包装物 Bonded wrappage
18.非保税包装物 Non-bonded wrappage
19.包装物—国外进口 Wrappage-imported
20.包装物—国内采购 Wrappage-purchad domestically
21.低值易耗品Low Value Goods & short Articles
22.材料成本差异Price Variance
23.自制半成品Semi-finished Goods
24.来料加工 Production with imported materials
25.一般贸易 General trade
26.进料加工 Production with purchad materials
27.国内销售 Domestic sales
28.库存商品Finished Goods
29.来料加工出口 Production with imported material
30.一般贸易出口 General trade
31.进料加工出口 Production with purchad materia
32.国内销售 Domestic sales
33.委托加工物资 Raw material to subcontractors
34.存货跌价准备 Inventory rerve
35.分期收款发出商品 Goods delivered on installment
36.待摊费用Prepaid Expen
37.固定资产Fixed Asts
38.办公设备Official Equipment
39.生产设备Production Equipment
41. 累计折旧Accumulated Depreciation
42. 办公设备Official Equipment
43. 生产设备Procuction Equipment
44. 固定资产减值准备 Devalue preparation of fixed as
45. 在建工程 Construction in progress
46. 在建工程减值准备 Devalue preparation of construc
47. 固定资产清理 fixed asts liquidation
48. 无形资产 Intangible ast
49. 无形资产减值准备 Devalue preparation of intangib
50. 长期待摊费用 Long-term prepaid expen
51. 厂房装修款decoration fee
52. 软件费 software
53. 待处理财产损溢 Profits and loss of asts to
54. 待处理流动资产损溢 Profits and loss of current
55. 待处理固定资产损溢 Profits and loss of fixed as
56. 递延投资损失 Deferred loss on investments
57. 其他递延支出Other Deferred Asts
58. 转入Transfer in
59. 摊销Amortization
60. 开办费Organization Expen
61. 开办费摊销Amortization
62. 筹建期间汇兑损失Exchange loss during startup per
63. 短期借款 Short-term loans
64. 长期借款 Long-term loans
65. 应付票据 Notes payable
66. 应付账款Accounts Payable
67. 预收账款 Advances from customers
68. 应付工资Accrued Payroll
69. 生产部Production Dep.
70. 中方管理Domestic Administator
70. 中方管理Domestic Administator
71. 中方个调税Domestic Payroll Tax
72. 外方个调税Overas Payroll Tax
73. 住房公积金(公司)Housing Fund(Co.)
74. 住房公积金(个人)Housing Fund(individual)
75. 养老金(公司)Pension(Co.)
76. 养老金(个人)Pension(individual)
77. 失业金(公司)Unemployment Insurance(Co.)
78. 失业金(个人)Unemployment Insurance(individual
79. 生育保险Birth Insurance
80. 工伤保险Compo Insurance
81. 医疗保险(公司)Medicare(Co.)
82. 医疗保险(个人)Medicare(individual)
83. 应付福利 Accrued benefits
omdpermission84. 大额医疗保险 Accrued medicare insurance
85. 应付福利费 Accrued benefits
86. 应付股利 Dividends payable
87. 应交税金Taxes Payable
88. 应交增值税 VAT payable
89. 已交税金 VAT paid
90. 进项税额 Income tax
91. 销项税额 Sale tax
92. 转出未交增值税 VAT for transfer payable
93. 出口退税 Export rebatesapprove
94. 进项税额转出 Income tax transfer
95. 出口抵减内销产品应纳税额 Tax to be paid of export-de
96. 转出多交增值税 To transfer overpaid VAT
97. 未交增值税 Unpaid VAT
98. 减免税款 Tax Deduction
99. 应缴个人所得税Payroll Tax
100. 应交所得税 Income tax to be paid
101. 应交车船使用税 Tax on Vehicle to be paid
102. 应交营业税 Sales tax to be paid
103. 其他应交款 Other accounts Payable
104. 其他应交款—教育费附加 Other accounts payable-addit
105. 其他应付款Other Payables
106. 预提费用Accrued Expen
107. 实收资本Paid-in Capital
108. 已归还投资 Investment returned
109. 资本公积 Capital surplus
110. 接受捐赠非现金资产准备 non-cash financial preperati
111. 盈余公积 Surplus rerve
112. 储备基金 Rerve fund
113. 法定盈余公积 Legal surplus rerve
114. 任意盈余公积 Random surplus rerve
115. 法定公益金 Legal commonweal fund
116. 企业发展基金 Enterpri development fund
117. 利润归还投资 Profit capitalized on return of i
118. 本年利润Current Year net Income
119. 利润分配Undistributed Profit
120. 其他转入 Deferred asts value from donation
121. 提取法定盈余公积 Legal surplus rerve
122. 提取法定公益金 Legal benefit rerve
123. 提取储备基金 Legal capital rerve
124. 提取企业发展基金 Enterpri expansion fund
125. 提取职工奖励及福利基金 Workers and staff welfare an
126. 利润归还投资 Profits capital on returned of in
127. 应付优先股股利 Preference dividends payable
128. 提取任意盈余公积 Unspecified surplus rerve
129. 应付普通股股利 General dividends payable
130. 转作资本(或股本)的普通股股利 General dividends transf
131. 未分配利润 Undistributed profits
132. 生产成本Manufacture Cost
日语量词133. 加工费 Process fee
134. 包装物 Wrappage
135. 制造费用 Manufacture Expen

本文发布于:2023-06-29 09:31:06,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:准备   出口   应交   提取   应付   公积   投资   原材料
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