关键字:轨道交通;LTE-M;冗余覆盖感谢信 英文
彩妆工具中图分类号:U231 文献标识码:A 文章编号:web trends1672-9129(2018成交英文)01-0107-03
Analysis of the Application of Redundancy Coverage Scheme in LTE-M System in Urban Rail Transit
ZHANG Shiming*
四六级报名入口官网登录 人才培养 英语(China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd.decently, Sichuan Chengdu, 610031, China)
Abstract:At prent, the application of LTE-M system in urban rail transit is very extensive. The system can be ud to carry train operation control rvices, train emergency text delivery rvices, train operation status monitoring rvices, vehicle video surveillance rviceswilliam masters, PIS video rvices, and trunked dispatching rvices. Therefore, to meet requirements of high reliability, no single points of Failure in the entire network, The system must take redundancy measures in the coverage scheme. This paper starts with factors such as leaky cable sharing, wireless signal combining and wireless coverage scenarios, and analyzes the application of redundant coverage scheme for LTE-M system. Rearch to provide a reference for system design.