Air Server
Series 2
Thermal Desorption
Automated canister and on-line air/gas analysis
尿布外交1. Patent# GB 2395785 (Automated re-collection using a single TD autosampler),
2. Patent# US 6,446,515 B2,
3. Patent# GB 2337513 US 6,564656 B1诗史数千言
4. Patent# GB 2336649
Thermal desorption technology
Thermal desorption (TD) is a highly versatile, nsitive and labour-saving sample preparation technique for the measurement of volatile and mi-volatile organic
compounds (VOC and SVOC) in air and materials. It is applicable to GC-compatible organics ranging in
affsvolatility from acetylene to n-C 40and a few inorganic gas; including nitrous oxide, SF 6, CS 2and H 2S. Key applications include:•Environmental and workplace air monitoring •Civil defence and forensic analysis •Materials and materials emissions testing •
Food, flavour and fragrance profiling
Many material samples such as drugs, foods, textiles,polymers, paints etc . can be directly thermally
desorbed by weighing them into empty TD sample tubes.
Alternatively, vapours in gas or air can be concentrated on- or off-line onto sorbent traps/tubes before TD-GC(MS) analysis.
Innovation and excellence in thermal desorption
Since 1997 Markes International has re-engineered analytical thermal desorption for the 21st century.
Harnessing unparalleled technical experti, the company has developed a suite of “universal” TD
systems and unique sampling accessories incorporating key proprietary innovations such as: •SecureTD-Q™ and automated sample re-collection using a single TD autosampler 1•RFID tube tagging (TubeTAG™)2广州学德语
•Diffusion-locking for effective tube aling and robust automation 3•
理学学士Innovative low volume valving specifically designed for TD 4
Many of the innovations now t the standard for TD instrumentation worldwide.
Introducing the ries 2 Air Server range
Series 2 Air Server modules add to any ries 2
(U LTR A-)UNITY system to allow a controlled flow of whole-air or gas to be introduced directly into the electrically-cooled focusing trap of the desorber. The combined systems operate cryogen-free(to minimi running costs/maintenance) and offer optimum analytical performance/nsitivity.
With 3- (Air Server) or 8-channel (Canister Interface Accessory - CIA 8) options available, method-compliant ries 2 (U LTR A-)UNITY-Air Server systems are suitable for both automated analysis of canister/bag samples and round-the-clock unattended monitoring of on-line air/gas streams.
Key applications include:
•Continuous monitoring of ozone precursors(C2
to C10hydrocarbons) in ambient air and/or
vehicle emissions
•On- or off-line odour asuring
reduced sulphur species such as H2S, mercaptans
and sulphides in canister, bags or on-line air
streams at sub- to low-ppb levels
•“Air Toxics”in ambient US EPA Method
英国绅士风度•Industrial process control of gas purity and
•Atmospheric lobal background
pollution levels, pollution transport and kinetic
studies, such as monitoring diurnal changes in
urban air pollution or biogenic emission profiles Series 2 (U LTR A-)UNITY-Air Server systems connect to any Agilent or other brand of GC(MS)
Overview of Air Server operation
Series 2 Air Servers connect to any ries 2 UNITY or U LTR A-UNITY TD system. They contain 3, or 8 inert sample/stream lection valves uniquely configured to
eliminate dead volumes and prevent carryover . Each whole air/gas sample (pressurid or at
(sub-)atmospheric pressure) is introduced directly into the electrically-cooled, sorbent-packed, focusing trap of the UNITY 2 thermal desorber for a ur-specified sampling time. Conventional sorbent sampling tubes are not ud in this process.
The sampling flow is regulated by an electronic mass
flow controller (MFC) and optional pump located downstream of the trap to eliminate risk of
contamination. Focusing trap sorbent and trapping
temperatures are lected for quantitative retention of
the compounds of interest and for lective purging of potential interferences such as CO 2and water . No
liquid cryogen is required and only inert, non-emitting components come into contact with the sample. All sampling parameters are monitored by system
software as an integral part of the analytical method. At the end of sample introduction, the flow path is purged with carrier gas to prevent carryover and
eliminate oxygen from the focusing trap. The trap then heats rapidly in a rever stream of carrier gas to
inject/transfer retained compounds into the
measurement system and trigger the analysis. This transfer/injection may be performed splitless for maximum nsitivity . (See UNITY 2 brochure for more details.)
Once the focusing trap has desorbed, it cools and re-equilibrates at the trapping temperature. Focusing of the next air/gas sample in the quence may begin while analysis of the previous sample is ongoing to optimi throughput.
Series 2 Air Server range
The table below highlights the differences between the Air Server 3 and CIA 8.
Note:Air Server 3 is integrated with UNITY 2 prior to
shipment or during field installation to minimize bench space in confined locations such as mobile labs or remote monitoring
stations. The CIA 8 is a parate module.
Schematic of Air Server 3 operation
Sample lection valves
Series 2
Air Server
Cold trap
Optional split
Desorption flow
Intuitive ur interface
Control of ries 2 (U LTR A-)UNITY-Air Server systems (Air Server 3 or CIA 8) is intuitive and integrated with the UNITY 2 TD software to provide one comprehensive
and easy to understand ur interface (UI).
The UI offers a specific mode for on-line/canister operation (e figure opposite) and, once lected,urs are prompted to enter the relevant sampling
parameters such as sampling time, flow rate and purge times.
Sequence building
Automated quences for on-line monitoring and/or automated canister/bag analysis are easily cons
tructed via the quence builder . Samples may be assigned individual desorption methods. Each sample is classified as sample, calibrant or blank and all quences may be stored and recalled for future reference or repeat u.
mperGraphical quence viewer
The quence viewer prents a clear graphical display of current quence status.
Sequence reporting
Information associated with each analysis, such as the time, date and any deviations, are all recorded in the quence reporter . Any sample quence failure
triggers the GC(MS) system to start a blank run to keep the analyr in step with the autosampler . Up to 8-channels for
optimum throughput
Control method screen (top) of ur interface.
Complete ur interface screen (bottom)