TYPE : PYS 3228 TC G2/G20
PART-NO. : 3800
No. of samples :
Thermally compensated two channel single element detector with lithium-tantalate crystal as nsing element, FET in source follower configuration.
大口啃This specification is provided by
PerkinElmer Optoelectronics GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden.
It covers the complete technical data of a pyroelectric IR detector. In ca of samples attached to this paper, the have been taken randomly from normal production output. All detectors have met the requ
irements of PerkinElmer test-specifications and pasd outgoing inspection.
We kindly ask for approval with the return of a signed copy.
Checked: Date: 27.11.06
Customer approval: Date:
Electrical Configuration:
source follower circuit, connections "Drain-Source-Ground". It is recommended to u a load
resistor of 47 k Ω. Electrical data:
C: Responsivity: min.: 2,2 kV/W typ.: 3,5 kV/W
Responsivity is measured within spectral range 7 - 14 µm as per fig. 3 at 1Hz. Temperature coefficient of responsivity typ.: -0.1 %/K.
Noi: max.: 50 µV pp typ.: 15 µV pp
各种化妆品的用途After a 10 minute ttling time, noi is monitored for the duration of 1500 c. at a temperature of 25°C, shut from infrared energy, electrical bandwidth of 0.4 to 10Hz. Operating voltage: V DD = 2-12 V Source voltage: V S = 0.2-1.5 V Drain-source voltage: V DS = min 0.5 V
Typical Responsivity vs. Frequency
time clock1
f [Hz]R [k V /W ]
Fig.2: Frequency respon
Fig.3: Test Set – up
Spectral range:
The spectral range of the detector is determined by filter built in (window). Substrate: Silicon, multilayer coated
Filter (A;B)
Application Centre wave length (µm) Half power bandwidth (µm) G20
4.00 ± 0.08 0.09 ± 0.02 G2
CO 2 4.26 ± 0.05 0.18 ± 0.02
1: Black Body Radiator 373K = 100°C 2: 1 Hz Chopper 3: Aperture 4: Cover plate 5: Detector 6: Bandpass filter 1 Hz 7: Rectifier 8: Lowpass filter 9: Temperature compensation 10: Display
nbnHousing:TO- 5 metal housing with infrared transparent window
Element size: 1.5 x 1.5 mm2, e also drawing: 2/71321
Connections:Refer to drawing: 2/71321
Fig.5: Field of View
Operating temperature:-40°C to +85°C
The electrical parameters may vary from specified values accordance with their temperature dependence.
Storage temperature:-40°C to +85°C
Microphonic noi:max: 30 µV rms /g
PerkinElmer IR-detectors covered herein have pasd qualification test for microphonic noi in x-y-z axis, exciting frequencies from 5Hz to 2kHz.
The IR-detector shall not increa noi or decrea responsivity when expod to 95% r.H. at 30°C. Operation below dew point might effect performance.
Hermetic al:
This IR-detector is aled to pass a He-leakage test with maximum leak rate of 10-8 mbar.l.s-1. Quality:
is a QS 9000certified manufacturer with established SPC and TQM. Detector out-going inspections include the parameters Responsivity, Match, Offt, Noi, Gross leak (Mil Std 883 method 1014C1) on 100%. Individual data are not stored, statistical details can be disclod on request.
Electrostatic charges may destroy the detector. We recommend to apply precautions necessary for ESD devices to avoid damages. Do not apply physical force to detector leads. Do not expo detector to aggressive detergents such as freon, trichlorethylene, etc.
the beatles
Solder conditions:
Hand soldering and standard wave soldering process may be applied. Avoid heat exposure to the top and the window of the detector. Reflow soldering is not recommended.