第五节 法国大革命和法兰西第一帝国
自由、平等、博爱 liberty, Equality, Fraternity
第三等级 the Estate-General
路易十六 Louis
国民议会 National Asmbly
制宪议会 Constituent Asmbly
巴士底监狱 the Bastille
法国大革命 French Revolution
《人权宣言》 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
雅各宾派 the Jacobins
罗伯斯庇尔 Maximilien de Robespierre
广州中专热月政变 Thermidorian Reaction
督政府 Directory Government
雾月政变 Coup d’Etat of Brumaire
拿破仑 Napolenon Bonaparte
执政府 the Consulate
法兰西第一帝国 the First French Empire
《拿破仑法典》 the Code Napoleon
滑铁卢战役 Battle of Waterloo
The Taking of the Bastille
Demolition of the Bastille, with a gleeful tiers état figure
For the first time, the will of the people appeared to be an irresistible force. Many obrvers considered that this event had a profound symbolic significance and most of the prints sought to communicate this idea and celebrate a new political consciousness.
Louis XVI(路易十六)
Visit of the king to Paris(群众围观国王返回巴黎)
Tho who shared this opinion were less impresd by the fall of the Bastille than by the king's triumphal visit to Paris a few days later, a ceremonious event which emed to reconcile the monarch with his people, an idea conveyed by many of the the prints.
Allegory of Liberty(自由的象征)
Ever since ancient Greek and Roman times, western culture has illustrated ideas through allegorical figures and symbols. From the 16th century on, books were published indicating precily how to reprent different allegories with figures for everything from A to Z — from Abundance to Zeal. The figure of Liberty, for example, was always reprented holding a pike or staff topped with a cap or bonnet, an allusion to the cap worn by freed slaves in ancient Roman times。
audacitytae是谁 The Law Symbolized(法律的象征)
walkawaythis is it 下载 Allegory and symbolism had been at the rvice of the King and the Church; now they were put at the rvice of the Revolution.
服装搭配学习Sometimes allegorical figures and symbols were all that were required — on government letterheads or on public monuments, for example。
Print of the Liberty Cap(象征自由的帽子)
hardlywhenThe attribute or element identifying the figure usually had a visual life of its own.
Hence the cap can appear in a composition even without the figure and convey the idea of Liberty. The French revolutionaries were particularly fond of symbols and allegories. This was becau so many keywords during this period — such as Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Unity, the Law, the People — were celebrated with a fervor that was until then rerved for the monarchy and for religion.