英美文学名词解释Terms in English and AmericanLiterature
1. Aestheticism/the Aestheticism Movement (唯美主义)
A European phenomenon duringthe middleof the 19th century t hat had its chief headquarters in France。This movement was introducedto late Victorian England mainly Walter Pater as a reaction against the materialism andcommercialism of an industria lized society.It was also a reaction against the Victoriancon vention of art for morality’s sake, or art for money’ssake.Themajor tenets of this movement include thebelief in the autonomyof a work of art, the emphasis oncraft and artistry ——the theory of “art for art’s sake”. The most outstanding Victorian representatives of thismovement included Oscar Wilde.
annually2。 Allegory(寓言)
A talein verse or pro inwhich characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities. An allegory is a story with two meanings, a literalmeaning and a symbol ic meaning.
3.Alliteration (头韵)
It is the repetition of the same initialconsonant sound within aline or a group of words in poetry。 In Old English alliterative m eter, alliteration is the principal organizing device of the ve r line, such as in Beowulf.
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4.Allusion: A referenceto a person, a place, an event, or
a literarywork that awriter expects the reader to recognize and respond to. An allusion may be drawn from history,geography, literature, or religion.ﻫ典故:文学作品中作家希望读者能够认识或做出反应的一个人物、地点、事件或文学作品。典故或来自历史、地理、文学或宗教。
5。 American Naturalism (美国自然主义)
The American naturalism accepted the more negative interpretatio n of Darwin’s evolutionary theory and ud it to account for thebehaviorof tho charactersinliterary works who wereregarded as more or less complex combinationsof inherited attributes, their habits were conditioned bysocial and economic force s. American naturalism was evolved from realism when the author’s tone in writing became less rious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic。 It was no more than a gloomy philo
sophicalapproach to reality, or to humanexistence. Dreiser wa s a leading figure of this school。
6. American Puritanism (美国清教主义)
Puritanism isthe practices and beliefs ofthe Puritans. The American puritans, like their English brothers, areidealist s. They accepted the doctrine of predestination,original sin a ndtotal depravity, and limited atonement through a special in fusionof graceform God。But due to the grim struggle fo rliving in thenew continent, they become more and more practical. Americanpuritanismis so much apart of the national atmosphere rather that a t of tenets.
In American literature, the Civil War brought the Romantic Period to anend。 The Age of Realism came into existence。George Eliot introduce realism into England, and William Dean Howells introd uced it into the United States。 It came as a reaction against t he lie ofromanticism and ntimentalism. Realism turned from anemphasis on the strange toward a faithful rendering of the ordina ry, a slice of life as it is really lived。 It has been chiefly concerned with the commonplaces ofeveryday life among the middle and lower classes, andit offers an objective rather thanan ide alistic view of human nature and human experience。 Realistic literature finds the drama and tension beneath the surfaceof ordin arylife. Later,many writers,notably Henry James, turned to psychological realism that cloly examined the complex workings of themind。
8。American Romanticism(美国浪漫主义)
The Romantic Period covers the firsthalf of the19th century.
A rising America withits ideals of democracy and equality, the boomingeconomy,the flourishing publications, andavariet y of foreign influences made its literary expansion possibleand inevitable。 Romantics shared some characteristics: moral enthusi asm, individuality and intuitive perception。 Irving played an important role in inspiring American romanticism with his master pieces Rip Van Winkle andThe Legendof Sleepy Hollow. Americanromanticism culminatedaround the 1840s, which can be called “Transcendentalism or American Renaissance”. One of the major figure
英语语法知识in this period was Emerson. His Nature had been called “themanifes to of American Transcendentalism”.Inthe poetry aspect, Wh itmanand Dickson were two major American poets in this perio d. In the novel aspect, Hawthorne and Melville belongedto another type of romanticism. They placed increasing valueonthefree expression on emotion and thepsychic states of their characte rs. The New England
poets,such as Longfellowand Bryant formed a differentschool from Whitman, Dickson, Thoreau and Poe.
9. Angry Young Men (愤怒的青年)
The Angry Young Men is a journalistic catchphra appliedto a numbe rof British playwrights and novelists from the mid—1950s. Their works mainly express the bitterness of thelowerclass towards the established sociopolitical system and towardsthe mediocrity and hypocrisy of the middle and upper classes。 The playwright John Osbornewas thearchetypalexample of the angry young m en with his signature play Look BackinAnger in 1956.
10. Antagonist (反面人物):
A person orforceopposing the protagonist in a narrative;
a rival of the hero or heroine.
11.American Transcendentalism (美国超验主义)提高口语表达能力
American Transcendentalism is more than an attitudeof transcendentalis ts. To “transcend" something is to rise above it, to pass bey ond its limits. The transcendentalists speak for cultural rejuve nation and against the materialism of American society.The major features of American Transcendentalism are: 1。 Transcendentalists place emphasis on spirit, or the Oversoul, as the most important thing inthe Univer。 2. They stress the importance of the individual。 Tothem,the individual was the most important elem ent of society. 3。They offer afresh perceptionof nature as symbolic ofthe Spirit or God.Nature was,to them, alive, filled wi th God’s overwhelming presence.
12.Aphorism (警句)
A concise, pointed statement expressing awi or clever obrva tion about life.ﻫ警句:蕴含关于人生真理的明智的看法的精练的语句.
13.Aside (旁白)ﻫIn drama, lines spokenby a character in an underton eor directlyto the audience and。Anaside is supposedly not heard by other actorson stage。
14. Assonance (类韵)
The repetition of similar vowelsounds, especiallyin poetry.Assonance is often employed to plea the ear or emphasize certain sounds.
15。 Autobiography (自传)
The literary formof autobiography is a person's account of hisor her own life. An autobiography is generallywritten in narr ative form and includessome introspection, such as The Autobi ography written by Benjamin Franklin.ﻫ自传:一个人对他或她自己生活的描述,自传是一种叙述性的文体,多包含回忆性的描写。
16. Ballad (民谣)
ﻩIt is a relatively short narrative poem, written to be sung, with a simple and dramatic action. The ballads tell of love, death, the supernatural, or a combination of the。 Two characteristics o fthe ballad are incremental repetition andthe ballad stanza。Incremental repetition repeats one or morelineswith small but si gnificant variations thatadvancethe action。 The ballad stanza has four line;commonly,
thefirst and third linescontain four feet or accents, the cond and fourthlines contain thre e feet.Balladoftenopenabruptly,present brief descriptions and u conci dialogues.
Thefolk ballad is usually anonymous and the presentation is impersonal. Theliteraryballaddeliberately imitates the form and spirit of a folk ballad。 The Romantic poets wereat tracted to thisform,as Longfellowwith The Wreck ofthe Hesperus,Coleridgewith The Rime ofthe Ancient Marine, wh ich is longer and more elaborate than the folk ballad。
ﻫ17. Ballad Stanza (民谣诗节)ﻫ A type of four-line stanza, t he first and the third lines have four stressed words or syllables; the cond and fourth lines have three stresses.
18. Beat Generation (垮掉的一代)
The BeatGeneration refers toaloosely—knit group of poets and novelists,writingin the second halfof thee 1950s and early 1960s.They shared a set of socialattitudes-- anti-establishment, anti—political,anti-intellectual, o
ppo to theprevailing cultural,literary, and moral values,and were infavor of unfettered lf-realizationandlf-expression.Reprentatives of the groupwere AllenGinsberg with his long poem Howl and Jack Kerouac with his On the Road.
19。Bildungsroman (成长小说)
为什么学日语Bildungsroman defines a genre ofthe novel which focus ont he psychologicaland moral growth of the protagonistfrom youth to adulthood,and in which characters’change is thus extre mely important。In a Bildungsroman, the goal is maturity. Char les Dickens' David Copperfield is a classical Bildungsroman.
20.Biography (传记)
西奥多罗斯福A detailed accountof a person‘slifewritten by another per son。ﻫ传记:由他人篆写的关于某人生平的详细记录。ﻫ
21. Black comedy/Blackhumor (黑色幽默)
It is mostlyemployed to describe baleful, naive, or inept ch aracters in a fantastic or nightmarishmodern world playingouttheir roles inwhatIonesc
o called a“tragic farce”,i n which the evets are often simultaneously comic, horrifying,and absurd. Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 can be takenas an example of the employmentof this technique.
22. Black Mountain Poets (黑山派诗人)
Itis sometimes called projective poets(投射诗人), a groupof themid-20th century American avant-garde or postmodern poets centering on Black Mountain College。 In theessay Projective Ver, Ch arles Olson calls “for poetry of openfield” composition to replace traditional closedpoetic forms with an improvised form that should reflect exactly thecontent of the poem. This essaybecamethe manifesto for the Black Mountain Poets.
23。Blank Verse(无韵体诗)
Versewritten in unrhymed iambic pentameter。It is the verseform used in some of the greatest English poetries, including that of William Shakespeare andJohnMilton.ﻫ素体诗:用五音步抑扬格写的无韵诗。
alter table24. Byronic hero(拜伦式英雄)
Byronic hero refersto a proud, mysterious rebel figure ofnoble origin. With immense superiority inhis passions and powers, he would carry on his shoulders the burdenof righting a ll the wrongsin a corrupt society, andwould ri single—handedly againstanykind of tyrannicalrules either in government,in religion, orin moralprincipleswith unconquerable wills a nd inexhaustible energies。
25。 Calvinism (加尔文主义)