精彩电影推荐A Sunri on the Veld
by Doris Lessing
Every night that winter he said aloud into the dark of the pillow: Half—past four! Half—past four! till his brain had gripped the words and held them fast. Then he fell asleep at once, as if a shutter had fallen; and lay with his face turned to the clock so that he could e it first thing when he woke.
It was half—past four to the minute, every morning。 Triumphantly pressing down the alarm—knob of the clock, which the dark half of his mind had outwitted, remaining vigilant all night and counting the hours as he lay relaxed in sleep, he huddled down for a last warm moment under the clothes, playing with the idea of lying abed for this once only。no comment
But he played with it for the fun of knowing that it was a weakness he could defeat without effort; just as he t the alarm each night for the delight of the moment when he woke and stretched his limbs, feeling the muscles tighten, and thought: Even my brain – even that! I can control every part of mylf.too small
万圣节恐怖电影 Luxury of warm rested body, with the arms and legs and fingers waiting like soldiers for a word of command! Joy of knowing that the precious hours were given to sleep voluntarily! – for he had once stayed awake three nights running, to prove that he could, and then worked all day, refusing even to admit that he was tired; and now sleep emed to him a rvant to be commanded and refud。
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The boy stretched his frame full-length, touching the wall at his head with his hands, and the bedfoot with his toes; then he sprung out, like a fish leaping from water. And it was cold, cold。
He always dresd rapidly, so as to try and conrve his night—warmth till the sun ro two hours later; but by the time he had on his clothes his hands were numbed and he could scarcely hold his shoes。 The he could not put on for fear of waking his parents, who never came to know how early he ro.
As soon as he stepped over the lintel, the flesh of his soles contracted on the chilled earth, and his legs began to ache with cold. It was night: the stars were glittering, the trees standing black and still. He looked for signs of day, for the greying of the edge of a stone, or a lightening in the sky where the sun would ri, but there was nothing yet. Alert as an animal he crept past the dangerous window, standing poid with his hand on the sill; for one proudly fastidious moment, looking in at the stuffy blackness of the room where his parents lay.
Feeling for the grass-edge of the path with his toes, he reached inside another window further along the wall, where his gun had been t in readiness the night before. The steel was icy, and numbed fingers slipped along it, so that he had to hold it in the crook of his arstuck in my heartm for safety。 Then he tiptoed to the room where the dogs slept, and was fearful that they might have been tempted to go before him; 路上的小草尖如刀刃,刺痛了他的脚趾。他沿着墙来到更远的一扇窗前,伸手进去提上来一把枪,昨晚他就准备好了这把枪。这冰冷的钢制家伙慢慢从他麻木的手指间滑落。为了安全起见,他只好把枪夹在臂弯里,踮着脚,朝狗屋走去,他担心脚步声会刺激它们提前冲出门。but they were waiting, their haunches crouched in reluctance at the cold, but ears and swinging tails greeting the gun ecstatically. His warning undertone kept them cret and silent till the hou was a hundred yards back: then they bolted off into the bush, yelping excitedly. 但它们还算安静.虽然不情愿缩着腰身慢行,它们却竖起双耳,欢快地摇着尾巴,心醉神迷地盯着他的枪.他不断回头朝它们低声警告,确保它们秘密安静地离开。当房子已被甩在百码之后,它们立刻像解放似的冲进树林,欢天喜地地吠着. The boy imagined his parents turning in their beds and muttering: Tho dogs again! before they were dragge
d back in sleep; and he smiled scornfully。 He always looked back over his shoulder at the hou before he pasd a wall of trees that shut it from sight。 It looked so low and small, crouching there under a tall and brilliant sky。 Then he turned his back on it. 男孩想像着父母此时一定在床上一边翻身,一边咕哝:“又是这群死狗!”然后又倒头睡去。想这,男孩讽刺般地微笑着。他不时回望那个房子,直到被树挡住了视线;那矮小的房子卑微地蜷缩在高阔的天空。他把房子甩在身后,把闷声闷气睡在其中的父母甩在身后,彻底忘掉它们
He would have to hurry. Before the light grew strong he must be miles away; and already a tint of green stood in the hollow of a leaf, and the air smelled of morning and the stars were dimming. 他想加速前进,因为天亮前他得赶完四里路。此时,一丝绿光已经穿过叶片上的小洞折射而来,空气中充满了清晨的气息,星星也渐渐暗下去了。
He slung the shoes over his shoulder veld shoes that were crinkled and hard with the dews of a hundred mornings. They would be necessary when the ground became to
o hot to bear. Now he felt the chilled dust push up between his toes, and he let the muscles of his feet spread and ttle into the shapes of the earth; and he thought: I could walk a hundred miles on feel like the! I could walk all day, and never tire! 他把鞋子挂在肩上.经过千百次晨露的洗礼,这双草鞋变得又皱又硬,地面炽热难忍时估计能派上用场。冷硬的灰尘在脚趾间飞扬,他充分伸展脚底的肉,使它们完全融入大地的怀抱.他想:我能这样赤脚走一百里呢!走一整天都不觉得累!