A Support Process Area at Maturity Level 5成熟度5级的支持过程域
The purpo of Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR) is to identify caus of lected outcomes and take action to improve process performance.原因分析与解决方案(CAR)目标是识别选定结果的原因,并采取行动来改进过程性能。
Introductory Notes简介
Causal analysis and resolution improves quality and productivity by preventing the introduction of defects or problems and by identifying and appropriately incorporating the caus of superior process performance.原因分析和解决方案通过预防缺陷或问题的引进,识别并适当纳入优秀过程性能的原因,从而提高质量和生产率。
The Causal Analysis and Resolution process area involves the following activities: 原因分析和解决过程域涉及以下活动:
●Identifying and analyzing caus of lected outcomes. The lected outcomes can
reprent defects and problems that can be prevented from happening in the future or
success that can be implemented in projects or the organization. 识别并分析选定结果的原因。选定结果代表了可能预防未来发生的问题或缺陷或者可以在项目和组织中实施的成功事例。
●Taking actions to complete the following: 采取行动来完成以下:
✧Remove caus and prevent the recurrence of tho types of defects and
problems in the future 将这些原因移除,防止这类缺陷和问题未来再次发生
✧Proactively analyze data to identify potential problems and prevent them from
✧Incorporate the caus of success into the process to improve future process
Reliance on detecting defects and problems after they have been introduced is not cost effective. It is more effective to prevent defects and problems by integrating Causal Analysis and Resolution activities into each pha of the project.依赖在缺陷和问题引进后进行检测,不符合成本效益。将原因分析和解决活动整合到项目每个阶段中来预防缺陷和问题,更加有效。
Since similar outcomes may have been previously encountered in other projects or in earlier phas or tasks of the current project, Causal Analysis and Resolution activities are mechanisms for communicating lessons learned among projects. 因为在其他项目或者当前项目的早期阶段或者任务中可能已经遇到相似的结果,所以原因分析和解决活动可以充当项目间沟通经验教训的机制。
Types of outcomes encountered are analyzed to identify trends. Bad on an understanding of the defined process and how it is implemented, root caus of the outcomes and future implications of them are determined. 分析遇到的结果类型来识别趋势。基于对已定义过程及其实施方式的理解,确定这些结果的根本原因和未来影响。
Since it is impractical to perform causal analysis on all outcomes, targets are lected by tradeoffs on estimated investments and estimated returns of quality, productivity, and cycle time. 因为对
Measurement and analysis process should already be in place. Existing defined measures can be ud, though in some instances newmeasurement definitions, redefinitions, or clarified definitions may be needed to analyze the effects of a process change.度量和分析过程已经到位。现有已定义度
Causal Analysis and Resolution activities provide a mechanism for projects to evaluate their process at the local level and look for improvements that can be implemented. 原因分析和解决活动给项目提供了一种机制,可以在一定层面评估过程,并寻找可以实施的改进。When improvements are judged to be effective, the information is submitted to the organizational level for potential deployment in the organizational process.当改进被判断为有效的,该信息被提交到组织级以便在组织过程中进行潜在部署。killers
The specific practices of this process area apply to a process that is lected for quantitative management. U of the specific practices of this process area can add value in other situations, but the results may not provide the same degree of impact to the organization’s quality and process performance objectives.该过程域的特定实践适用于选择来进行量化管理的过程。虽
Specific Goal and Practice Summary特定目标和实践总结dirk
SG 1 Determine Caus of Selected Outcomes确定选定结果的原因尚友
SP 1.1 Select Outcomes for Analysis 选定结果进行分析
SP 1.2 Analyze Caus分析原因
SG 2 Address Caus of Selected Outcomes解决选定结果的原因
hotpotSP 2.1 Implement Action Proposals 实施行动建议
SP 2.2 Evaluate the Effect of Implemented Actions评估已实施行动的影响
SP 2.3 Record Causal Analysis Data记录原因分析数据
Specific Practices by Goal目标的特定实践
A root cau is an initiating element in a causal chain which leads to an outcome of interest.根本原因是因果链中的初始,会导向结果。
This activity could be triggered by an event (reactive) or could be planned periodically, such as at the beginning of a new pha or task (proactive). 该活动可以由事件(被动)触发,或者定期策划,如在新阶段或者任务(主动)开始。
Example Work Products实例工作产品
1. Data to be ud in the initial analysis 在初步分析中使用的数据
2. Initial analysis results data 初步分析结果数据
3. Outcomes lected for further analysis 选定结果作进一步分析
1. Gather relevant data.收集相关数据。
Examples of relevant data include the following: 相关数据的实例包括以下:
●Defects reported by customers or end urs 客户和终端用户报告的缺陷
●Defects found in peer reviews or testing同行评审或测试中发现的缺陷
●Productivity measures that are higher than expected 生产率度量比预期高
●Project management problem reports requiring corrective action要求纠正行动的项目管理
●Process capability problems过程能力问题
●Earned value measurements by process (e.g., cost performance index) 过程的挣值度量(如
gay是什么●Resource throughput, utilization, or respon time measurements资源吞吐量,利益率和反
●Service fulfillment or rvice satisfaction problems服务完成和服务满意问题
2. Determine which outcomes to analyze further.确定进一步分析的结果。When determining which outcomes to analyze further, consider their source, impact, frequency of occurrence, similarity, the cost of analysis, the time and resources needed, safety considerations, etc.当确定进一步分析的结果时,考虑其来源,影响,发生频率,相似性,分析成本,需要的时间和资源,安全考虑等等。
Examples of methods for lecting outcomes include the following: 选择结果的方法包括以下:●Pareto analysis 帕累托分析
●Histograms 直方图
●Box and whisker plots for attributes 属性的箱线图
●Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) 失败模式和影响分析(FMEA)
●Process capability analysis过程能力分析
3. Formally define the scope of the analysis, including a clear definition of the improvement needed or expected, stakeholders affected, target affected, etc.正式定义分析的范围,包括需要或预期改进的清晰定义,受影响的干系人,影响的目标等等。
The purpo of this analysis is to define actions that will address lected outcomes by analyzing relevant outcome data and producing action proposals for implementation. 该分析的目的在于定义解决选定结果的行动,通过分析相关结果数据,生成实施的行动建议。Example Work Products实例工作产品
1. Root cau analysis results 根本原因分析结果
2. Action proposal 行动建议trouble is a friend什么意思
1. Conduct causal analysis with tho who are responsible for performing the task. 和负责执行任务的人一起进行因果分析。
we could have had it all
Causal analysis is performed, typically in meetings, with tho who understand the lected outcome under study. Tho who have the best understanding of the lected outcome are typically tho who are responsible for performing the task. The analysis is most effective when applied to real time data, as clo as possible to the event which triggered the outcome.通常以会议的形式,和理解研究的选定结果的人一起进行因果分析。最能理解选定结果的人通常是负责进行任务的人。尽可能接近时触发结果的事件,应用实时数据分析最有效应。Examples of when to perform causal analysis include the following: 进行因果分析的例子包括:●When a stable subprocess does not meet its specified quality and process performance
objectives, or when a subprocess needs to be stabilized当稳定的子过程不能满足其特定的质量和过程性能目标,或者当子过程需要稳定时
●During the task, if and when problems warrant a causal analysis meeting在任务期间,如果
●When a work product exhibits an unexpected deviation from its requirements当工作产品
●When more defects than anticipated escape from earlier phas to the current pha当比
●When process performance exceeds expectations当过程性能超出预期
●At the start of a new pha or task新阶段或者任务的开始
2. Analyze lected outcomes to determine their root caus.分析选定结果来确定其根本原因。
Analysis of process performance balines and models can aid in the identification of potential root caus. 过程性能基线和模型的分析可以协助识别潜在根本原因。
Depending on the type and number of outcomes, it can be beneficial to look at the outcomes in veral ways to ensure all potential root caus are investigated. Consider looking at individual outcomes as well as grouping the outcomes.根据结果的类型和数目,以不同的方式来查看结果确保所有潜在的根本原因得到调查。考虑对结果进行单个和分组研究。
Examples of methods to determine root caus include the following: 确定根本原因的方法包括以下实例:
●Cau-and-effect (fishbone) diagrams因果分析(鱼骨)图
●Check sheets检查表
3. Combine lected outcomes into groups bad on their root caus. 根据根本原因,将选定结果合并成小组。
In some cas, outcomes can be influenced by multiple root caus.在某些情况下,结果可能受多种根本原因影响。
Examples of cau groups or categories include the following: 原因小组或者类目的实例包括以下:
●Inadequate training and skills不充分的培训和技能
●Breakdown of communication 沟通中断
●Not accounting for all details of a task没有解释任务的所有细节
●Making mistakes in manual procedures (e.g., keyboard entry) 在手动步骤中犯错误(如键
●Process deficiency过程缺陷
Where appropriate, look for trends or symptoms in or across groupings.适当时,在组内或者小组间寻找趋势或者症状。
4. Create an action proposal that documents actions to be taken to prevent the future occurrence of similar outcomes or to incorporate best practices into process. 创建一个行动建议,记录要采取的行动来预防未来相似结果的发生,或者将最佳实践纳入过程中。
Process performance models can support cost benefit analysis of action proposals through prediction of impacts and return on investment.通过影响的预测和投资回报,过程性能模型可以支持行动提案的成本效益分析。
Examples of propod preventative actions include changes to the following: 建议的预防行动实例包括对以下的变化:
●The process in question 考虑中的过程
●Training 培训
●Tools 工具
●Methods 方法
●Work products工作产品
Examples of incorporating best practices include the following: 纳入最佳实践的例子包括以下:●Creating activity checklists, which reinforce training or communications related to common
problems and techniques for preventing them建立活动检查表,加强常见问题及其预防技术有关的培训和交流,
●Changing a process so that error-prone steps do not occur变化过程以便易错步骤不会出
●Automating all or part of a process自动化过程的全部或部分
●Reordering process activities 重新排序过程活动
●Adding process steps, such as task kickoff meetings to review common problems as well as
actions to prevent them增加过程步骤,如任务召开会议来评审常见问题及其预防行动An action proposal usually documents the following: 行动建议经常记录以下:
●Originator of the action proposal 行动建议的发起人
●Description of the outcome to be addresd要解决的结果描述
●Description of the cau 原因的描述
●Cau category 原因分类
●Pha identified 识别的阶段
●Description of the action 行动描述
●Time, cost, and other resources required to implement the action proposal 实施行动建议
●Expected benefits from implementing the action proposal从实施行动建议中期望的收益
●Estimated cost of not fixing the problem 无法修复问题的估算成本
●Action proposal category行动建议类别
Projects operating according to a well-defined process systematically analyze where improvements are needed and implement process changes to address root caus of lected outcomes.按照完善定义的过程运行的项目,系统地分析需要的改进以及实施过程变化来解决选定结果的根本原因。