
更新时间:2023-06-28 04:00:38 阅读:13 评论:0

1. 审判者,总是喜欢评判你,你做了什么?你没做什么?你应该做什么?批评你的每⼀个决定。
2. 施害者,它总有办法让你相信,整个世界都在密谋对你不利,⽤借⼝装满你的⼤脑,剥夺了你的意志⼒。
3. 保护者,它总是试图保护你免受失败,评判或批评的风险,告诉你,你的能⼒不够,你的经验不⾜。
4. 领班⼈,它⾮常善于洗脑,让你永远感受不到满⾜,永远都觉得你不够好,做得不够多。
5. 忽视者,它不断地通过将别⼈的需求放在第⼀位来寻求认可,让你觉得你必须努⼒赢得别⼈的认可。
What if you were limitless? What if every single day you knew that nothing or no one would get you down? What if lf-doubt was replaced with unshakable conviction? Imagine how your life would play out over a week a month or even a year. Imagine the snowball of momentum and confidence regardless of external tbacks.
We all know tho remarkable even obssive people that really go for it. They truly live their potential with conviction. What's the key difference between this tiny subt of movers and shakers and a majority with equally lofty aspirations that never really get there?I've had the good fortune of working with thousands of leaders at some of the most influential companies around the globe. My business helps them to boost their performance and part of the process includes identifying and removing obstacles that get in their way.
As I engaged with more and more leaders, I started to notice a pattern emerging among tho that operated with a limited mindt versus the limitless minority. It turns out what held back most of the otherwi exceptional and talented people wasn't a lack of skill, experience or even resources. It was often rooted in a relationship with the clost and most influential person in their lives and this person would always appear to care but instead would sabotage their progress and growth. You have such a person in your life, too.
They're much clor than what you realize becau they exist up here. In your mind. I am not talking
imaginary friends, I'm talking about your inner deceiver. It's that insistent voice in your head that judges you, demeans you, shines a spotlight on your weakness. And becau most aren't even aware of it, it can lead to destructive lf-doubt and even lf-sabotage. It was clear to me that the happiest, most fulfilled and highest performers had figured out how to subdue their inner deceiver. In fact in the patterns I obrved there wasn't just one inner deceiver.基础英语口语
I identified five of the most common archetypes and now I'm going to expo them to you. Becau you won't be able to
subdue them without first recognizing them. And the prerequisite to operating with a truly limitless mindt is that you first need to free yourlf from their clutches.
Let's start with the deceiver I call the classic judge. As the name suggests the judge likes to judge you. What you did? what you didn't do? What you should have done? Criticizing every decision and blaming you for things outside of your control. When you ruminate on past failures with an unforgiving lens, that's not you, that's the classic judge preventing you from learning from the past and instead beating you down. Most psychology rearchers agree that the deceivers begin to emerge bad on the parenting you received when you were a child. If you had a critical controlling or demanding parent, you come to internalize this judgment and it manifests within you as an adult. So you give yourlf the same critical judgment. You develop an inability to acknowledge anything positive about yourlf or your performance and it's extremely damaging.
The cond deceiver is the victimizer. She has a way of convincing you that the univer is rigged to conspire against you. She fills your mind with excus and robs you of your willpower. Conversations with the victimizer sound like See? This always happens to you. Every time an opportunity comes up somehow you get screwed over. You're never going to be good enough for them. So what do you do? You give up. You stop trying becau your victimizer reminds you. What's the point anyway you can't win. You never win.
Next we have the deceiver I call the misguided protector. Your protector says things like Whoa whoa whoa slow down. Did you think this through? You don't know enough. You're not qualified. You're too old, too young. You'll mess up don't do it. It tries to protect you from a risk of failure, judgment or criticism. How? By keeping you paralyzed so you don't take any action. Becau then you're safe bu
vietnam什么意思t you're also stuck. If your parents t high standards for you and excessively criticized you when you failed to meet the standards? For example, You got an A. Why couldn't you get an A plus like your perfect cousin Julio. You may hear it as your misguided protector up here which leads you to fear failure and never feel ready.人妖空姐
Second to last is the ringmaster. The ringmaster is all about productivity guilt. If you're not familiar with the term. It's when you have an unhealthy drive to keep working becau you feel guilty when you stop. The ringmaster is very good at brainwashing you into believing that your worth and merit as a person are directly correlated to how productive you are. You achieve a goal, feel no satisfaction and immediately jump to the next goal. The unfulfilling treadmill of achievement addiction.
But the thing is no matter how hard you push yourlf or what you achieve you will never be good enough or have done enough for the ringmaster.
Our survey of two and a half thousand people globally found an overwhelming 93% experience this guilt frequently, putting themlves at risk of burnout. Maybe you haven't met any of the deceivers yet but instead are well acquainted with this last one.
Cloly related to the ringmaster it's the neglector. When you feel incure in your worth, you anticipate rejection. So you constantly ek validation by prioritizing the needs of everyone el. If you didn't receive emotional validation as a child or you had a parent that was hard to plea, you mi
ght work really hard as an adult to try and ek approval from everyone around you. Partners, peers, co-workers, your boss. And then whenever you don't receive it, it's an automatic trigger and you have a conditioned need to win it back.
The neglector drives you to give beyond your capacity, leaving you exhausted, drained and overwhelmed. So the stakes are high. If you listen to the deceivers, you buy into their narrative and give them power over you. The good news is that change is possible you can break free from the limits.
The first step is awareness. If you have a classic judge hurling judgment and criticism at you for ever
ything that you do. Call it out. Classic judge, I know you're trying to convince me that I'm incompetent right now. But I'm choosing not to listen. Calling it out in this way is a form of psychological distancing where you're referring to this part of yourlf in the third person. We know from science that third person lf-talk helps you gain emotional distance from your deceiver allowing you to think with more rationality. If you notice your victimizer making you feel like you should just give up becau the world is against you.
Shift to an internal locus of control. Accept the fact that you can choo what you focus on at any moment. You can choo to focus on things outside of your control and feel powerless or you control what you have control over. Instead of saying look at what happened to me, look at what they did to me. U a technique called cognitive shifting and consciously redirect your attention to okay, this is what's happening in my life this is where I want to be and this is what I'm going to do about it.conductor是什么意思
Now you're speaking from a position of personal power. You take responsibility for what's within your control and choo to take action. What if you hear your misguided protector in your psyche trying to convince you that you'll fail so you shouldn't try at all. I have my own experience with my misguided protector. Chances are I wouldn't even be here or where I am today if I listen to it.
Back in march of 2020 when the world was suddenly in lockdowns, all of our business bookings were either cancelled or postponed and our business was dead in the water. So I was curious about experimenting with an app called Tiktok. I wanted to create content and e if we could help people through that platform. But then my protector woke up and said people will think you're ridiculous. You
're way too old for that. It's going to ruin your reputation. And I listened to my protector for two months until I didn't anymore. I decided to take action instead. I created 40 pieces of video content in one day. This way I couldn't back down for 40 days no matter what my protector said.
And you know what? All it took was 40 days to e tens of thousands of followers start to accumulate. I didn't make perfection the goal. I made the process the goal. And nearly two years later, we have a million followers on that platform and over 2 million across all major social media platforms which has been the best marketing for our business. Taking us global and allowing us to help people all around the world. And none of that would have happened if I'd listened to my protector and
私人外教一对一stayed safe. So if you ever feel your protector taking over, grab a blank sheet of paper and write down all the protectors arguments.
Then ask: Is this scenario likely to happen? What's the worst that could happen realistically? Take time to rationally risk asss and you'll likely find it's just your protector being overly dramatic. Given the protector tries to keep you safe by keeping you stuck, the best antidote is to take action. Don't worry about getting things right the first go. Don't make perfection the standard. Just act. Be consistent and be open to growth. Make the process the goal.
Now the ringmaster. If you feel underving of taking a break and feel guilt or shame when you do, change the narrative in your head. Value yourlf for who you are not what you've done. Stop wearing busy as a badge of honor. Remind yourlf of your qualities, the value you add to the lives of others, how you make a difference. Write this down. And with this n of empowerment, pragmatically t healthy boundaries so that you have a more balanced life.
Working hard at times is not a bad thing but risking burnout is counterproductive to performance. And finally, tho of you who have a loud neglector. I know what you're going through. Early in my career, my neglector was loud. I would constantly over apologize when I hadn't done anything wrong. Agree with people when I actually disagreed on principle. Avoid any possibility of conflict and would say yes of cour when I really meant no. I was a people plear to the point of sacrificing who I truly was.
I gave away so much of mylf in my efforts to be approved of that I no longer knew who I was. But you can't be limitless if you have nothing left inside to give. If you have a strong neglect of like I did, you need to overcome the codependency and acknowledge your worth is not linked to how you think others e you. If you let people's perception of you dictate your behavior, you will never grow as a person.
And when you do choo to give of yourlf in the future ask am I doing this out of compulsion for approval or is it in a true spirit of rvice. So the are the five inner critical deceivers the archetypes I've identified cross-culturally with people all around the world. And what's really interesting is that we
've obrved that many high performers believe that the inner deceivers are central to driving their performance. While outwardly they appear successful, allowing their core driving force to emanate from the fear of failure, envy, greed, eking approval and status is a proven source of unhappiness, constant stress and a lack of fulfillment.
What they failed to realize was that they've become trapped in the obssive prison of lf. My needs, my pain, my success, how people e me. So they continue to operate through a desire to avoid negative states and outcomes. instead of being in a limitless mindt. It's a bad deal. Here is a better deal. If our reality is indeed our thoughts, emotions and how we uniquely experience the world.
Then I invite you to acknowledge that there is a cond side to us. Our higher nature if you will. One that is intrinsically motivated by a desire to express excellence, confidence, being of rvice, love, creativity, courage and justice. This is the limitless aspect of our nature that is liberated from the prison of the insistent lf. And as you consistently put in the work to decouple from your inner deceivers. Integrating the practices I've shared with daily routines of meditation, journaling, prayer and reflection.
I want you to remember that each one of us has the power to operate from our higher our limitless nature. The struggle to keep them at bay is a lifelong one. But I promi you, as you distance your
illy咖啡粉怎么喝lf from the voices, your life will begin to transform. So I have a challenge for you.Seriously commit to reframing your relationship with your inner deceivers. Acknowledge they exist, be aware of them and learn to discern between rational thought and the voices of the ego. Your prison of lf, it limits you. When you break free, your thoughts become limitless. You become limitless. Thank you.
责任编辑:Leon Yong

本文发布于:2023-06-28 04:00:38,感谢您对本站的认可!



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