yishuHors Recognize Pics of Their Keepers
We recognize our friends’ faces. And we’re not alone. Many social animals can identify individuals of their own species by their facial features. That’s important, becau they need to be able to adjust their behavior depending on who they encounter. And rearch has shown that some species of monkeys, birds, and domesticated animals can even distinguish among different faces by looking at photographs alone.
Scientists have also wondered whether domesticated animals that have co-existed with people for thousands of years can recognize different human faces. For example, we’ve sh
ared more than 5,000 years of our history with hors. Plus, they can live up to 30 years, and may need to retain a great deal of information about us throughout their lifetimes.
jesusEthologist Léa Lansade of the French National Rearch Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment did an experiment to find out how well hors can recognize individual people in photographs. borehole
法国国家农业、食品和环境研究所的动物行为学家Lea Lansade做了一项实验,以找出马在照片中识别人的能力有多强。
She and her team first taught the hors how to “choo” between two side-by-side images by touching their nos to a computer screen. The hors were then shown photos of their current keeper alongside faces of unfamiliar humans. They had never e
n photos of any of the people before. The hors correctly identified their current keeper and ignored the stranger’s face about 75% of the time, significantly better than chance.
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What’s more, the hors also preferentially picked photos of their previous keeper—a person they hadn’t en in six months. In fact, even though the hors didn’t get it right every single time, they were at least as accurate in picking out their previous keeper as they were at identifying their current one. The findings are in the journal Scientific Reports.devious maids
The results suggest that not only can hors differentiate between familiar and unfamiliar human faces, they intuitively understand that photographs are two-dimensional reprentations of real life, without any other cues such as odor or sound. And they’re even better at this than our oldest animal companion, the domestic dog.
on the wayIn addition, hors em to have a robust long-term memory for human faces, consistent with their long lifespan and history of domestication. In future experiments, the rearchers would like to test whether looking at photos of people that they have had bad experiences with in the past might cau hors to act anxious or even avoidant. So maybe think twice before doing anything at a stable that might give a hor a long face.
Hors Recognize Pics of Their Keepers
We recognize our friends’ faces. And we’re not alone. Many social animals can identify individuals of their own species by their facial features. That’s important, becau they need to be able to adjust their behavior depending on who they encounter. And rearch has shown that some species of monkeys, birds, and domesticated animals can even distinguish among different faces by looking at photographs alone.
Scientists have also wondered whether domesticated animals that have co-existed with people for thousands of years can recognize different human faces. For example, we’ve shared more than 5,000 years of our history with hors. Plus, they can live up to 30 years, and may need to retain a great deal of information about us throughout their lifetimes.
Ethologist Léa Lansade of the French National Rearch Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment did an experiment to find out how well hors can recognize individual people in photographs.
She and her team first taught the hors how to “choo” between two side-by-side images by touching their nos to a computer screen. The hors were then shown photos of their current keeper alongside faces of unfamiliar humans. They had never en photos of any of the people before. The hors correctly identified their current keeper and ignored the stranger’s face about 75% of the time, significantly better than chance.