Unit 7 Introduction to Environmental Chemistry of the Atmosphere
The quality of the air that living organisms breathe, the nature and level of air pollutants, visibility and atmospheric aesthetics, and even climate are dependent upon chemical phenomena that occur in the atmosphere.
The, in turn are strongly tied to absorption of solar energy, interactions between the gas pha of the atmosphere and small solid particles suspended in it, and interchange of chemical species with the geosphere.英语等级考试成绩查询
Chemical reactions in the atmosphere and the chemical nature of atmospheric chemical species are the topic of atmospheric chemistry, which is introduced in this text.
Chemistry in the atmosphere involves the unpolluted atmosphere, highly polluted atmospheres, and a wide range of gradations in between.
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The same general phenomena govern all and produce one huge atmospheric cycle, in which there are numerous subcycles.
Gaous atmospheric chemical species fall into the following somewhat arbitrary and overlapping classifications: inorganic oxides;oxidants;reductants;organics;photochemically active species;acids;salts;and unstable reactive species。
In addition, both solid and liquid particles play a strong role in atmospheric chemistry as sources and sinks for gas-pha species, as sites for surface reactions ( solid particles) , and as bodies for aqueous-pha reactions (liquid droplets)。
英语下载 此外,固体和液体粒子作为气相物种的源和汇,作为表面反应的中心(固体粒子)和作为水相反应的物体(液滴),在大气化学中都起着很强的作用。
Two constituents of most importance in atmospheric chemistry are radiant energy from the sun, predominantly in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum, and the hydroxyl radical, HO • .
紫色的英语The former provides a way to pump a high level of energy into individual gas molecul
es to start a ries of atmospheric chemical reactions, and the latter is the most important reactive intermediate and “currency” of daytime atmospheric chemical phenomena.
An important aspect of atmospheric chemistry is that many of the process occur in the gas pha where molecules are relatively far apart.
Therefore, some reactive species can exist for significantly longer times before reacting than they would in water or in solids. This is especially true in the highly rarefied regions of the stratosphere and above.
Photochemical Process in the Atmosphere
The absorption of electromagnetic solar radiation (“ light ,” usually in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum) by chemical species may cau photochemical reactions to occur.英文翻译在线转换器
Photochemical reactions give atmospheric chemistry a unique quality and largely deter mine the nature and ultimate fate of atmospheric chemical species.
The ability of electromag netic radiation to cau photochemical reactions to occur is a function of its energy, E, which increas with increasing frequency (ν) and decreasing wavelength (λ) according to the relationship,
In order for a photochemical reaction to occur, a single unit of photochemical energy called a quantum and having an energy of hv, must be absorbed by the reacting species.
2013年高考数学题 If the absorbed light is in the visible region of the sun's spectrum, the absorbing species is colored. Colored NO2 is a common example of such a species in the atmosphere.
Nitrogen dioxide, N02浪漫夏日 , is one of the most photochemically active species found in a polluted atmosphere. When a molecule such as N02 absorbs radiation of energy hv,
Electronically excited molecules and atoms are reactive and unstable species in the atmosphere that participate in a wide range of atmospheric chemical process.
two other generally reactive and unstable species in the atmosphere are free radicals compod of atoms or molecular fragments with unshared electrons, and ions consisting of charged atoms or molecular fragments.