一直以来 Molecular Plant Breeding is an international, peer-reviewed journal providing rapid publication of articles in all aspects of plant genetics, including genetics and genomics, quantitative and population genetics, functional and evolutionary genomics, epigenetics, metabolic engineering, physiological and molecular biology, developmental genetics, agroforestry, biotechnology, and applied biochemistry.
The journal publishes high-quality original rearch, reviews, and opinion papers on the most significant advances in all areas of contemporary plant genetics and the associated technologies. It rves as an invaluable source of current and emerging concepts for the international scientific community.
ratte Since its establishment in 1994, Molecular Plant Breeding has maintained a high reputation for its excellence in editorial lection and sound peer review. It is indexed by Cabi, which includes the Web of Science; Scopus; Biological Abstracts; and AGRICOLA. The journal is also included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) from Clarivate A
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Molecular Plant Breeding is published monthly, with the exception of one combined issue in the summer. Each issue contains reviews of recent advances in the field, lected refereed rearch articles, commissioned book reviews, and welcomes submission of original rearch articles and review articles relevant to its scope.
津波 Molecular Plant Breeding is an esntial source of information for plant breeders, geneticists, agronomists, biochemists, bioinformaticians, plant pathologists, and other scientists involved in the study of plant genetics and related technologies. The journal eks to contribute to the advancement of science and the benefit of society. It is becoming increasingly recognized as an important source of rearch and continues to be a leader in the field.