1:I need to kill some time before the Coast Guard gets here to tow my boat. 我只是想消磨一些时间,等着海岸警备队来拖我的船。(kill time: v.消磨时间) 2:Becau you're starting to freak me out. 你的眼光让我很不安。(freak: adj.奇特的;反常的) 3:Shut up, becau here comes one-time-only儿歌下载 免费 mp3 opportunity. 不过现在有了一个千载难逢的好机会。 4:Now, why didn't I think of that? -Well, you're too clo to the project. 我怎么没有想到?-当局者谜啊。 5:Fresh eye never hurts. 旁观者清嘛。 6:Would you like to have breakfast again tomorrow morning, same time? 你愿意明天早上同一时间再一起吃早餐吗?(would you : 用于有礼貌的请求、邀请) 7:Well, you Haluki-liki the kind of teacher all the kids have crushes on. 哦,你看上去是那种学生很喜欢的老师。(have a crush on sb.[俚]迷恋某人, 深深 地爱上某人;get a crush on sb.[俚]迷恋某人, 深深 地爱上某人) 8:Hey, Alexa, did you hook up with that girl from the bar? 嗨,阿力克斯,你那天晚上泡到那个女孩没有? 9:I chickened out. -Really? -我怕了。-真的?(chicken out: [美俚]因害怕而停止做某事jingle, 因胆小而放弃) 10:l can't believe you fell for that. 你竟然上当了。(fall for: 受骗) 11:Sure. l don't want you to strike out tomorrow.-没问题。-我不想你明天又白费力气。 (strike out: v.勾销, 抹去;删去) 12:l'm a sucker for lilies.我很喜欢百合。 13:l suck at this job. 我讨厌这个工作。 14:I didn't mean to put you on the spot or anything. 我不是让你难堪或者别的。(put sb. on the spot使某人处于难堪地位) 15:...you've been dying to make out with me for some time now. 你从刚才开始就一直想和我亲热。(make out: [口]进展, 开展;[美俚]接吻, 爱抚; 性交) 16:...but we are actually eing each other. 但是我们事实上在恋爱。 17:Becau l came here to break up with you. 因为我这次来是和你说分手的。 18:Yeah. I fell for桀骜不驯怎么读 one chick and I'm losing my mind. Good luck with that. 是啊,我只喜欢一个小妞,真他妈疯了。祝你好运。(fall for: 爱上,倾心;lo one's mind: 不能自制) 19:...so we thought we'd drop by to wish you bon voyage. 所以我们就是过来看看顺便预祝一路顺风。(drop by: v.随便访问;bon voyage: n.<法>一路平安, 再见) ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× 1:He's slipping his arm in the drawer and out comes the cookie jar. All clear. 把他的右手伸到抽屉里,将饼干盒偷了出来,解除警报。 倒装句:倒装是一种语法手段,用于表示一定的句子结构或强调某一句子成分。倒装句有两种:完全倒装和部分倒装。 a. 完全倒装 完全倒装即把整个谓语放到主语之前(是整个谓语动词,而非助动词)。 例:In came the teacher and the class began. (老师走了进来,然后开始上课。) b. 部分倒装 部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。 例:Were she to leave right now, she would get there on Sunday.(如果她立刻就走,她就能在星期天到达那里。) 2:You crack me up, kamaaina. -Oh, yeah? -你真让我觉得好笑。-是吗? crack sb. [sth.] up: 吹捧某人[某事], 把某人[某事]捧上天 3:...but l was kind of off my game. But, man, was she cute, though. 可是我当时有点不在状况。不过,她真的很可爱。 be off one's game: (竞技)状态不好, 不佳 4:Yeah, that's usually my policy. Make sure l don't get tied down. 是,那是我一贯的原则,我不想被拴住。 tie down: v.系住, 拴住, 束缚 5:Your high school sweetheart got drunk hen cheated on you with whole wrestling team. 你的高中情人在舞会上喝醉了,然后跟整个摔跤队发生了关系。 cheat on: 对...不忠 6初中英语教材下载:I am grouchy due to lack of recent physical intimacy. 我因为最近缺少肌肤之亲,所以心情不好。初三英语语法 grouchy: adj. <美>adapted不高兴的, 不满的 due to:因为;由…引起;由于 lack: n.(常与of连用)缺乏;需要 7:Fry some up and throw some eggs on it. 能不能帮我做一些,再加个鸡蛋? fry up: (用煎锅)把食物热一下 8:Well, my fingers are available for your sniffing pleasure anytime you need them. 这样啊,我的手可以随时为你的嗅觉服务。 available: adj.可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的, 樟目接受探访的 be available for: 可得到的;可利用的 9:Sea lions are known for 海狮的运动能力力众所周知。 be known for: v.因...而众所周知 10:-You suck, you're good at everything. -Father of the Year strikes again. 你们这些小鬼,怎么什么都会。-又丢脸了。 good at: 擅长... 11:She doesn't want guys hitting on her while she has her breakfast. 她不喜欢在她吃早饭的时候有男的来泡她。 hit on: 偶然发现 12:-I’m not looking for a one-night stand. -Anything with Lucy is a one-night stand, numb-nuts. -我不是在找123。-任何事情对露西来说都只能维持一晚。 one-night stand: (旅行剧团在一城镇)一夜的停留演出;一夜夫妻swap是什么意思, 露水姻缘 13:He learned his lesson! 他已经得到教训了! learn one's lesson: 得到教训 give[read] sb. a lesson: 教训某人 14:I never hung out with you in the afternoon like this. 我从来没有在下午这样和你在一起。 hang out: [美俚]闲逛; (在某处)闲呆着 15:It's to keep the video as up-to-date as possible. 好记录在录像里。 up-to-date: adj. 直到现在的, 最近的, 当代的, 新式的 16:You were going for a feelski! 你是想模拟滑雪吧! go for: v.去找, 努力获取 17:Well, you probably thought l couldn't live up to the hype. 你可能认为我忍受不了这种刺激。 live up to: 真正做到,生活得无愧于 18:Hey! What the 出售无形资产heck are you guys doing here? 嗨,你们来这里干什么? heck: [英口]地狱(hell的委婉说法, 用以加强语气或咒骂) 19balls:...becau you thought you were holding me back 因为你觉得我会因为你失去…… hold back: 阻碍发展 (= keep back) |
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