
更新时间:2023-06-27 11:56:58 阅读: 评论:0

     机械公敌 一
歌曲保镖主题曲 不得伤害或者是袖手旁观,导致人类受到伤害 二
 机器人必须服从人类下达的命令,除非该命令与定律一相悖 定律三
 在不违背前两条定律的前提下机器人可自保求生 真是好看 Thing of beauty. 早上好
 先生 Good morning, sir! 有另一封准点快递来自 Yet another on-time 别挡道
 破铜烂铁 Get the hell out of my face, canner. 祝您今天过得愉快 Have a nice day! 芝加哥
 2035 年 我们推出的任你游计划
 一定物超所值 And we believe our Destination Anywherepackage to be the best value. 搭乘我们的 X-82 型轨道航amp;hearts;天amp;hearts;飞机 Let us take you to your dream desti
nation 我们将带你遨游梦想之地 aboard our orbital spaceplane, the X-82. 尝尝爵士镇人造芝加哥式披萨
 一如你记忆中的美味 Try Jazztown”s synthetic Chicago-stylepizza. Tastes as good as you remember. 荧光鱼
 全球畅销的转基因精品 Glowfish! The world”s hottest-llingtransgenic treats. 你的孩子一定会对新色系爱不释手 Your children will love the new colors too! -不好意思
 -表现出色 -Excu me, sir. -Total performance. 反应迅速
 全方位防护 Total readiness. Total curity. 与那些升级和服务热amp;hearts;线amp;hearts;告别吧 So goodbye to upgrades and rvice calls. 上行传输至机器人公amp;hearts;司amp;hearts;的中amp;hearts;央amp;hearts;电脑 An uplink to USR”s 每日给这种尖端科技的新型机器人
 提供最新程序 provides this state-of-the-art robot with new programs daily. 通过机器人公amp;hearts;司amp;hearts;传输享受每日更新 今日的内斯特 5 系列
 是未来机器人的所趋 The Nestor Class 5 is tomorrow”s robot today. 享受上行传输系统的 NS-5 机器人
 斯普纳 Spoon! Spoonie! 嘿 Hey! 等等
 借过 Hold up. Hold on! Excu me, excu me. -斯普
 你去哪了? -出远门了而已
isomers 法波 -Spoon, man, where you been at? -Just away, Farber. 出远门? 去度假了吗? 听起来不错啊
 兄弟 Oh, yeah, away? Like vacation? That”s nice, man. 我想让你帮我个忙
 你的车借我用个 5 或 15 分钟吧 Listen, I got a favor to ask. I need to borrow your car like 5 or 15 minutes. 这次不同
  This is different. Listen, I got this 她非常完美
 善解人意 she is complete and agreeable. 还有小电臀 I mean, ass-hot spankable. -这话什么意思? -你知道我什么意思
 兄弟 -What does that even mean? -You know what it means. Man. -别废话了tray是什么意思
英语四六级准考证打印入口官网 把那破钥匙给我
 -首先 -Now stop berricading. Let me get the damn-ass keys. -First 别讲脏话
  Stop cussing. Cuz you”re not good at it. 那就给我十块钱坐车吧
 我等着用呢 Give me 10 for the bus, then, man. I”ve been there for you. -回家吧
 算你赢了 -Go home. -That”s strike one, Spoon. That”s strike one! 今天真是意义非凡的一天 This is such a 你和玛西谈过了吗? You talk to Marci? 不
 我还没和玛西聊过 No, Gigi, I haven”t talked to Marci. 在我那个年代
 我们是不会和别人结了婚之后 When I was coming up, we didn”t just
 还老死不相往来 then divorce them, then not talk to them. 戴尔
 别敷衍我 Del, don”t play with me. 我敢说如果我不做饭了
 I bet if I stopped cooking, you”d call Marci. 孩子
 你脚上穿的是什么玩意儿? Boy, what is that on your feet? 匡威全明星帆布鞋
 2004 年款 Conver All Stars, vintage 2004. 别这副表情
 直说嘛 Don”t turn your face up. I know you want some. Just ask. 不用了
 多谢 No, thank you very much. -很甜的土豆派
 -放在盘子上吃 -Sweet potato pie. -Put that on a plate. 我在电视上看到他们以中彩票的形式
  You know, I”ve en on TV they”re giving away 派发新款机器人 some of them new robots in the lottery. 琪琪
 这些机器人对人类没什么好处的 You know, Gigi, tho robots don”t do anybody any good. 地球人之中
 属你最了解机器人 Of all the people on God”s earth, you should know better. 可你就是不愿意说些好话 Sometimes the stuff that comes out of your mouth! 你在听我说话吗
 戴尔? You listening to me, Del? 喂 Hey! 喂 Hey! 拿着我的派urban renewal
 不然就砸你衣服上 Hold my pie. Sir, hold it or wear it. 让开 Move! 不许跑了 Freeze! 喂
 停下 Hey! Stop! 停下 Stop! 我让你停下 I said, stop! 放松
 别紧张 Relax. Relax.
 我是警amp;hearts;察amp;hearts; I”m a police officer. 你 真是混amp;hearts;蛋amp;hearts; are an asshole. -女士

本文发布于:2023-06-27 11:56:58,感谢您对本站的认可!



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