swelling校园英语 / 翻译研究
要正确的对欧美和中国文学及科普作品的翻译,就必须了解两者之间在文化上存在的语言特征和中英差异。首先,既然本文说的是作品的翻译,就离不开词语。因此,下文强调“英汉词语的社会文化内涵”:(1)独特文化孕育了独特的词汇。每一种独特的文化相对应的就有一种独特的语言,而独特的语言包含了独特的词汇。北京人把走街串户的小商贩叫“胡同串子”;等等。(2)文化差异导致相同词汇表达的含义有差别。英文中的“red”和中文中的“红色”有时就含义不同。如词组“The Red No”意指为婴儿猝死。直译成汉语则是“红鼻子”,词意相差甚远。(3)文化差异影响到语义和要表达的内容不对等(不等值)。如英国作家乔叟的小说《坎特伯雷故事集》里有个叫巴思的妇女,作家把她刻画成一个风流的女性,其中在描写她的装束时就用了“脚蹬深红色长筒抹”(译文:Her do were of the finest scarlet red,gartered tight)。这里 scarlet red 带有红色,可是在英语里,却也有“放荡”的联想意义。再如,英语中形容红男绿女们的放荡生活用 a red waste of youth 表达。Is she really so red意思是说“她果真那么不检点吗?”因此说,相同的词汇,如果用汉英两种语言来表达,可能会出现差异。即使用同样语言不同语境下意思也可能不一样呢。
英文字母顺序表[1]王德春.汉英词语与文化[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2003.
作者简介:苗国栋,男,汉族,本科毕业于同济大学,现为对外经济贸易大学英语学院在职人员高级课程研修班学员,从事金融计算机系统运营维护工作,在计算机外企工作8年,工作单位:DXC Technology,研究的方向:翻译理论与实践方面的论文。
学习身边榜样propertynameAnalysis on Complex of Sentences Bad on Different Expressions between Chine and English—example of “Bank Non-performing Asts Management”
I. Introduction
“Bank Non-performing Asts Management” is lected from a book named Theory and Practice of non Literary Translation written by Li Changshuan(2004:205). Li said “The translation is the basis of interpretation, and the highest level of interpretation is exporting.”In “Comparative Studies of English and Chine”written by Lian Shuneng(2004:45), foreign language experts and scholars have been being spoken highly of, “the book has both theoretical value and practical significance”This paper analyzes the complex and simplex of ntences in the translation of “Bank Non-performing Asts Management” bad on Comparative Studies of English and Chine.
II. Literature Review
According to Lian Shuneng(2010:89), there are many factors of complex ntences in English written language.The way to connect words and ntences in English is more flexible and abundant than that in Chine. On the other hand, what can be the elements of English ntences are short phras, which are with no limit of length, and claus in which can dovetail veral dependent claus into each other. By adding many kinds of coordinate component, supplementary elements (such as appositives, parenthesis and independent component), and especially variety of modifier with flexible connection, the ntence can be like a towering tree full of leaves.疯狂动物城 百度云
In English, S-V concord controls the structure of the whole ntence. With restriction of morphological changes, connection of words and claus and reference of pronouns, complex ntences can remain together. R.Eastman (1984:184) pointed, “The English ntence is extremely plastic. It can be enlarged, combined, adjusted with almost any degree of
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