CET 6 阅读理解及翻译练习
词汇和总结 两招提高六级阅读实力
英语流利说 英语影评1、扩充词汇量
1. 原简答题变为十五选十的选词填空。就对语法要求上来说,选词填空明显高于简答题,四级传统考法中的选词填空得分是总是低于六级的简答题就是有力的佐证。从考试难度设置上,这种考法确实有问题。为了难度符合四六级设置,本次改革选词填空也成为了六级考点, 章程英文考法与四级一致,只是篇章长度长于四级。由于六级之前未考过选词填空,大家可以拿四级真题作为该题型的复习资料,熟悉出题思路和答题技巧。
2. 原快速阅读变为长篇阅读。借鉴雅思考试的段落信息匹配题。这种题型的考查方式与之前的多项选择不同,但主要测试的仍然是定位与速度。此次改革给予的样题是2010年12月的六级快速阅读真题,从目前给的十个句子的考法中简单总结下考点。
1) 定位原则。在六级课上我们讲过关键词以及关键词的排序,请严格按照排序的顺序寻找关键词,找到后利用关键词回文定位。
2) 关键词非首次出现原则。此题型需利用关键词定位,但定位的位置不一定是关键词第一次出现的位置。需定位后结合原文与题干的内容进行比对。若不符,则继续向下寻找。
3) 非顺序原则。
4) 匹配原则。十个句子与原文定位处需有明确的匹配关系:同义改写,正话反说,反话正说等。
It isn't just the beer that (1)__________ to beer bellies. It could also be the extra calories, fat and unhealthy eating choices that may come with (2) __________drinking.
A recent study found that men consume an (3)__________ 433 calories (equivalent to a
McDonald's double cheeburger) on days they drink a moderate amount of alcohol. About 61% of the caloric increa comes from the alcohol itlf. Men also report eating higher amounts of saturated fats and meat, and less fruit and milk, on tho days than on days when they aren't drinking, the study showed.
Women fared a bit better, taking in an extra 300 calories on moderate-drinking days, from the alcohol and eating fattier foods. But women's increa in calories from additional eating wasn't statistically significant, the study said.
'Men and women ate less healthily on days they drank alcohol,' said Rosalind Breslow, an epidemiologist with the federal National Institute on Alcohol Abu and Alcoholism and lead author of the study. 'Poorer food choices on drinking days have public-health (4)__________,' she said.
The findings dovetail with controlled lab studies in which (5)__________ generally eat more food after consuming alcohol. Rearchers suggest that alcohol may enhance 'the short-term rewarding effects' of consuming food, according to a 2010 report in the journal
Physiology & Behavior that reviewed previous studies on alcohol, appetite and obesity.
But other studies have pointed to a different trend. Moderate drinkers gain less weight over time than either heavy drinkers or people who abstain from alcohol, particularly women, this rearch has shown. Moderate drinking is (6) __________having about two drinks a day for men and one for women.
6人行 'People who gain the least weight are moderate drinkers, regardless of [alcoholic] beverage choice,' said Eric Rimm, an associate professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard Medical School and chairman of the 2010 review of alcohol in the federal dietary (7)__________. The weight-gain difference is modest, and 'starting to drink is not a weight-loss diet,' he said.
The various rearch efforts form part of a long-standing (8)__________ about how alcohol affects people's appetites, weight and overall health. Rearchers say there aren't simple answers, and suggest that individuals' metabolism, drinking patterns and gender may play a role.
yhc>journey的意思Alcohol is 'a real wild card when it comes to weight management,' said Karen Miller-Kovach, chief scientific officer of Weight Watchers International. At ven calories per gram, alcohol is clor to fat than to carbohydrate or protein in caloric content, she said. Alcohol tends to lower restraint, she notes, causing a person to become more (9)__________ with what they're eating.
Rearch bolstering the role of moderate drinking in helping to control weight gain was published in 2004 in the journal Obesity Rearch. That study followed nearly 50,000 women over eight years. An earlier study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 1994, followed more than 7,000 people for 10 years and found that moderate drinkers gained less weight than nondrinkers. Studies comparing changes in waist circumference among different groups have yielded similar results.