组员:英语0902周培培,许丽娜,谢雅骏周:Oh,hahaha ,oh, what a happy happy day.My little baby's getting married.
许:xu.....Mushu, someone will hear you.
周:I can't help it.Y ou know dragons are very emotional.oh,Seems like just last month, you and I were saving China
许:hehe,it was last month.
周:how,times fly.Y ou know, this must be a magical moment for you. 许:It's not every day I getting engaged.
周:no.I meant telling me you're engaged.after all.I'm the guy that gave you and pretty boy the hook-up.Am I a guardian, or am I a guardian?
许:Hehe,oh,Y ou're more than that.mu xiu.Y ou're my most trusted friend.
山市译文周:oh ,i did?
许:Are you crying again?
周:No, I just got some exfoliating cream in my eye.Of cour I'm crying, girl.What you think? Oh, Mulan.- I'm just so happy for me. 许:Ke ke ,
周:This wedding businessis a big status boost for me.When the ancestors look up the career ladder, all they're gonna e is my
许:So glad my getting married is helping you out.mu xiu
周:All right, I get you, Miss Missy.But I'm thinking about you too。In fact.I'll plan your wedding.first,I gotta work me up u know,Theme is everything.How about "Rainbow of Memories?"a ...now That's too junior prom.I've got it.The theme is, "Think Pink."Y ou know, pink is the new red.It's simple, it says it. now,W atch my smoke.
周:Cri-kee, to the fabric store.
谢:Mulan, ems your grandma invited someone to help us celebrate the engagement.
大家:- Congratulations!hahahaaa
周:Isn't it wonderful?Sorry it's sort of slapdash.It took us by surpri, you know.
周:Make way for the happy couple.
谢:Now ,this is a bad field.
treasurer>passive许:- What's our strategy, General?
谢:Divide and conquer.pc是什么意思
周:All right, all right,all rigut.weak weak weak,dead people.
W e've got work, so move with purpo.I've got an important announcement to make.Hold on to your ectoplasm now.Mulan's getting married.
fromytoy周:Ok ,All right. All,right.Simmer down.I know just how you feel.But time is wasting now. so let's Move move move..The theme is pink.I want to e pink flowers, pink ribbons, pink bows.I'm not talking about salmon.Don't show me ,No blush.I mean pink as a freshly-slapped newborn's behind.
茶:How about pink slips
周:Exercu ,don't.Nobody wants to e your drawers, Prunehilda. 许:Actually, she meant this.
周:Hey, this looks like a for-real pink slip.Y ou know,like a "you're fired" pink slip.
许:Oh ,it is
周:The what
谢:The pink slip is for you.
许:It is written, once a woman marries, her husband's ancestors take over the duty of guardianship.
周:No. Y our scroll must have a typo.That can't be.
许:- oh ,But it is. Y ou're out of a job. 茶:And out of our hair, 娜fool.
周:oh.No, no.I ain't going out like this.It took me 500 years to get this pedestal back, and I ain't about to give it up
许:Hear me, you lazy lounge lizard.The moment Fa Mulan is married, you've got your old job back。Remember gong duty?Perhaps this will ring a bell.
Mushu's on his way out
对话Mushu's on his way out
Mushu's on his way out
Mushu's on his way out
周:en.......What am I gonna do?