
更新时间:2023-06-27 06:31:25 阅读: 评论:0

Active Area
The area in a device that actually collects light and converts it to electrons. In our data active areas which are circular are noted with one dimension and quadrilateral squares with two dimensions. Some PMT dimensions are described as 2π, square or hexagonal.
AD Converter
Device for converting analogue signals into digital signals
A device for increasing the signal size from a photodector to make it easier to digitize.
Amplifier bandwidth
An amplifier's bandwidth (BW) is defined as the difference between the upper and lower frequency cutoff points. The cutoff points are where the signal drops by 3 dB.
Anode luminous nsitivity
Anode luminous nsitivity is the anode output current (amplified by the condary emission process) per incident light flux (10-10 to 10-5 lumens) on the photocathode. A tungsten filament lamp, operated at a distribution temperature of 2856K, is ud to provide the incident light. Cathode and Anode luminous nsitivity are particularly uful when comparing tubes having the same or similar spectral respon.
Anode luminous nsitivity is expresd in A/lm (amperes per lumen). Note that the lumen is a unit ud for luminous flux in the visible region and therefore the values may be meaningless for tubes that are nsitive beyond the visible light region.
Average/typical life
Length of time the lamp usually operates to with 50% of stated specifications, including output energy, drift and fluctuations.
Using a lamp with a longer life leads to the reduction of maintenance cost as well as the time and running cost of equipment. Due to unique electrode structures with minimum electrode wear, Hamamatsu lamps feature unprecedented high stability over extended periods of operating time.
Bias angle
The bias angle of a microchannel plate is the angle between the channel wall and a line perpendicular to the input plane The detection efficiency of an MCP for charged particles and electromagnetic radiation can be optimized by controlling the angle of incidence of the input event. Typical bias angles range from of 5º to 15º.
Cathode blue nsitivity, Blue nsitivity index
Blue nsitivity index is the photoelectric current generated from the photocathode when a blue filter (CS 5-58) is interpod in the same measurement system as ud to measure cathode luminous nsitivity. Blue nsitivity index is an esntial parameter in scintillation counting becau the NaI(Tl) scintillations frequently ud in scintillation counting, produce light emissions in the blue.
Cathode luminous nsitivity
Cathode luminous nsitivity is the photoelectric current from the photocathode per incident light flux (10-5 to 10-2 lumens) from a tungsten filament lamp operated at a distribution temperature of 2856K. Cathode and Anode luminous nsitivity are particularly uful when comparing tubes having the same or similar spectral respon.
The cathode luminous nsitivity is expresd in uA/lm (microamperes per lumen). Note that the lumen is a unit ud for luminous flux in the visible region and therefore the values may be meaningless for tubes that are nsitive beyond the visible light region.
Cathode radiant nsitivity
Radiant nsitivity is the photoelectric current from the photocathode, divided by the incident radiant power at a given wavelength, expresd in A/W (amperes per watt). Quantum efficiency (QE) is the number of photoelectrons emitted from the photocathode divided by the number of incident photons. Quantum efficiency is usually expresd as a percent. Quantum efficiency and radiant nsitivity have the relationship shown in the equation at a given wavelength.
Cathode type
There are two types of photocathode associated with photomultiplier tubes: transmission mode and reflection mode. Transmission mode cathodes are mi-transparent and generally found in head-on photomultiplier tubes. Head-on tubes, in which the photocathode is deposited on the inner surface of the entrance window are noted for providing better uniformity than side-on tubes. Side-on tubes generally contain reflection mode cathodes, which are opaque.
Cell dark resistance
The resistance of a photoconductive device in the dark state.
Center limiting resolution
The limiting resolution shows the ability to delineate image detail. This is expresd as the maximum number of line-pairs per millimeter on the photocathode (1 line-pair = a pair of black and white lines) that can be discerned when a black-and-white stripe pattern is focud on the photocathode.
Channel diameter
Diameter of the individual channels of a MCP. The MCP pore size and pitch limit the minimum spatial resolution available.
Channel pitch
The center to center spacing between active elements such as the channels of a MCP or elements of a PMT or photodiode array. The MCP channel or pixel size and pitch limit the spatial resolution available.
Cross talk
Amount of input signal prent in adjacent channels of a multi-element detector.
Cut-off frequency: fc
The cutoff frequency is defined as the point at which the output signal is attenuated by -3db.
D* typical
D* is the detectivity of a detector that indicates the S/N when radiant energy of 1 W is incident on the detector. Since D* is normalized by an active area of 1 cm2 and noi bandwidth of 1 Hz, it is independent of the size and shape of the active element.
cm · Hz1/2 / W
where S is the signal, N is the noi, P is the incident energy in W/cm2 , A is the active area in cm2 and f is the noi bandwidth in Hz. The higher D* value, the better the detector.
Dark Count
This is the number of counts per cond that a detector generates in the abnce of light.
Dark current/Shunt resistance
The dark current is a small current that flows when a rever voltage is applied to a device even in a dark state. This is a major source of noi for applications in which a rever voltage is applied to devices such as PIN photodiodes.
Dark resistance
This is the resistance of a photoconductive device in the dark state.
Drift - Lamps
Drift refers to variation of output over a long period of time. It can be caud as a result of the change in thermoelectric discharge characteristic of the cathode, change in gas pressure, dirt on the window, or voltage to the lamp. It is expresd in variation per hour.
Drift - Photomultiplier Tubes
While operating a photomultiplier tube continuously over a long period, the anode output current of the photomultiplier tube may vary slightly over time, even though operating conditions have not changed. Among the anode current fluctuations, changes over a relatively short time are called "drift", while changes over long periods such as 103 to 104 hours or more are called the life characteristic. Drift is primarily caud by damage to the last dynode by heavy electron bombardment. Therefore the u of lower anode current is desirable. When stability is of prime importance, keeping the average anode current 100 times below the maximum is recommended.
Dynamic range
The term dynamic range refers to the range in which a measuring device or detector is capable of accurately measuring the signal. Dynamic range is the ratio of maximum to minimum signal levels (detection limit) that can be detected.
For a CCD the dynamic range is the saturation charge (full well capacity) divided by the readout noi. Since the detection limit depends on both dark shot noi and readout noi, the dynamic range varies with operating conditions, such as operating temperature and charge integration time.
The dynamic range is determined under operating conditions where the CCD is cooled adequately so that dark shot noi can be ignored. Since the upper detection limit is determined by the full well capacity, the dynamic range (DR) is given by:
DR = full well capacity / readout noi
20 × log (full well capacity / readout noi) [dB]
ENI indicates the photon-limited signal-to-noi ratio. ENI refers to the amount of light in watts necessary to produce a signal-to-noi ratio of unity in the output of a photomultiplier tube. The value of ENI is given by:
Equivalent Background Input
This indicates the input illuminance required to produce a luminous emittance from the phosphor screen, equal to that obtained when the input illuminance on the photocathode is zero. This indicates the inherent background level or lower limit of detectable illuminance of an image intensifier.
Frequency Respon
Frequency respon refers to the electrical bandwidth of a detector or module given in Hertz (Hz). The cutoff frequency is defined as the point at which the output signal is attenuated by -3db
Full Well Capacity
The saturation charge for a CCD is equivalent to the number of signal electrons that can be transferred to an adjacent potential well, therefore it is also called the full well capacity (FW). The saturation charge or full well capacity is expresd in terms of the number of electrons (e- ), in particular, CCDs intended for scientific application.
The full well capacity for CCDs is determined by the following four factors.
1. Vertical shift register saturation (vertical full well capacity)
2. Horizontal shift register saturation (horizontal full well capacity)
3. Summing well saturation (summing full well capacity)
4. Output ction saturation
In CCD area image nsor applications, the signal charge of each pixel is output individually, so the saturation is determined by the vertical full well capacity. On the other hand, the horizontal full well capacity is designed to saturate at a higher level than to the vertical full well capacity so as to enable line binning (addition of vertical pixel signals). The summing well capacity formed by the summing gate, which is the last clock gate, is designed to be even greater than the horizontal full well capacity in order to add the signals from the horizontal shift register (pixel binning).
Accordingly, the saturation voltage Vsat of an output signal which is derived as a voltage is generally given by:
Vsat = FW × Sv.
Sv (conversion coefficient)=uν/e-
Gain is the internal multiplication process of the detector. It is a dimensionless multiplier of the photogenerated signal. In APD's its usually in the 100's and in PMTs 1,000,000's
Gate function
Gating is the process of quickly shutting the input of a detector off and turning it on again. It can be thought of as an electronic shutter.
Gate Function Operation
Gating in detectors usually involves disrupting the flow of electrons, by applying a voltage that is more negative than the electron source, thereby repelling the signal electrons and shutting the detector off.
Guaranteed Life
Ends when drift or fluctuation exceeds stated specifications. Is shorter than the average or typical life of a lamp. Life-end is defined as the time when the radiant intensity falls to 50% of its initial value or when the output fluctuation exceeds the device's specification.
Using a lamp with a longer life leads to the reduction of maintenance cost as well as time and running cost of equipment. Due to unique electrode structures with minimum electrode wear, Hamamatsu lamps feature unprecedented high stability over extended periods of operating time.
HA coating
A conductive coating placed on the bulb of photomulitipler tubes to prevent noi generation by the proximity of grounded objects. It is only necessary for negative high voltage operation.
Interelectrode resistance: Rie
"This is the resistance between opposing electrodes in a dark state. The interelectrode resistance is an important factor that determines the respon speed, position resolution and saturation photocurrent. The interelectrode resistance is measured with 0.1 V applied across the opposing electrodes and the common electrode left open. When measuring the interelectrode resistance of two-dimensional PSDs, the output electrodes other than the opposing electrodes under measurement are left open."
"Isc, open circuit voltage: Voc"
The open circuit voltage is a photovoltaic voltage developed when the load resistance is infinite and exhibits a constant value independent of the device's active area.
The variation in the delay of an output signal with respect to an input signal. For a Xenon flash lamp this is the variation in delay from the input of the flash signal (trigger signal) to the peak of the flash.
Limiting resolution
The modulation transfer function (MTF) is commonly ud to quantify the resolution of an image nsor that reproduces the contrast at a certain spatial frequency of the scene. Since the active area of a CCD consists of discrete pixels, it exhibits a limiting resolution determined by the Nyquist limit bad on the discrete sampling theorem. For example, when a black-and-white pattern is viewed with a CCD, the difference between the black and white signal levels decreas as the pattern becomes finer, finally reaching the point at which the pattern cannot be resolved. The ideal MTF is expresd as follows:
Sinc [(π × f) / (2 × fn)]
where f and fn are the spatial frequency and spatial Nyquist frequency of the scene, respectively.
However, becau of the difficulty of creating an optical sine wave, a test pattern that provides a square wave is generally ud. In this ca, the spatial frequency respon is called the contrast transfer function (CTF) to distinguish it from the MTF. (Note that the CTF can be converted into the MTF by means of a Fourier transform.)
Actual CCD resolution is determined by the extent of diffusion occurring before the signal charge collects inside the silicon. When the incident photons are absorbed within the depletion layer, the generated charge does not diffu and is collected by the corresponding pixels. Conquently, the resolution does not deteriorate. In other words, the resolution depends on the depth in the silicon where the incident photons are absorbed. The longer the incident photon wavelength, the more the resolution deteriorates.
Luminous Gain
The ratio of the phosphor screen's luminous emittance (lm/m2 ) to the illuminance (lx) incident on the photocathode.
Maximum Receivable nsitivity
The maximum amount of light incident on the photodetector that keeps the photodetector output within its linearity limits.
Maximum rever voltage: VR Max.
"Applying a rever voltage to a device triggers a breakdown at a certain voltage and caus vere deterioration of the device's performance. Therefore the absolute maximum rating is specified for rever voltage at the voltage somewhat lower than this breakdown voltage. The rever voltage should not exceed the maximum rating, even instantaneously."
Minimum receivable nsitivity
The minimum amount of light incident on the receiver in order for the receiver to detect that input.
Mu metal
A shield made up of high permittivity metal. It is ud to shield a photomultiplier from magnetic fields.
NEP (Noi Equivalent Power)
The NEP is the amount of light equivalent to the noi level of a device. Stated differently, it is the light level required to obtain a signal-to-noi ratio of unity. Hamamatsu lists the NEP values at the peak wavelength λp. Since the noi level is proportional to the square root of the frequency bandwidth, the NEP is measured at a bandwidth of 1 Hz.
Node Sensitivity
The conversion ratio of electrons to voltage at the output of a CCD, in units of uV/electron.
There are numerous sources that generate noi in CCDs, including tho originating from extrinsic factors, such as cosmic rays. The can be categorized into the following four factors when considering only intrinsic noi in CCD elements:
1. Fixed pattern noi (Nf)
2. Photon shot noi (Ns)
3. Dark shot noi (Nd)
4. Readout noi (Nr)
Nt = (Nf 2 + Ns2 + Nd2 + Nr2 ) 1/2
Nt: total noi
Note: Nf = 0 at noi calculation of one pixel.
The graph shows how the four factors are related to amount of exposure. The dark shot noi resulting from the dark current is always constant regardless of the number of incident photons as long as exposure time is constant. Likewi, the readout noi is independent of the amount of exposure, as it is determined only by the CCD output method.
The performance of a CCD can be enhanced up to its detection limit (readout noi) by operating the CCD under conditions where the dark shot noi is reduced below the readout noi. Cooling the CCD while operating in the MPP mode is most effective in reducing the dark current. The fixed pattern noi at higher exposure levels, and the shot noi at lower exposure levels determine the S/N during operation. The noi factors that affect the detection limit are dark shot noi and readout noi. Since dark shot noi largely depends on the dark current, if sufficiently minimized, readout noi ultimately governs the detection limit or the minimum level of the dynamic range discusd in the next ction.
Noi - NMOS, CMOS, Flat Panel, and Linear Image Sensors
NMOS image nsor noi is largely divided into fixed pattern noi and random noi.
Fixed pattern noi includes spike noi and dark current. Spike noi is a switching noi occurring on the video line via the drain to gate capacitance of the MOS switch when an address pul is input. The magnitude of this noi is constant when the readout conditions are specified, so they can be subtracted from each pixel on signal processing software. In contrast, random noi is traceable to erroneous fluctuations of voltage, current or electrical charge which are caud in the signal output process. This random noi may occur inside the image nsor and also in the readout circuit. When the fixed pattern noi is subtracted by an external circuit, random noi determines the lower limit of light detection of the image nsor, or the lower limit of dynamic range.
Taking performance during actual operation into account, Hamamatsu NMOS image nsors are tested and evaluated by measuring the total random noi derived from the readout circuit, not from the image nsor only.
The noi level is expresd in equivalent input noi or ENI, which is a value converted into input charge units to the image nsor. The units are the root-mean-square value for the number of electrons (s.).
Noi - Photodiodes
Like other types of light nsors, the lower limits of light detection for photodiodes are determined by the noi characteristics of the device. Noi in photodiodes is the sum of the thermal noi (or Johnson noi) ij of a the shunt resistance and the shot noi isD and isL resulting from the dark current and the photocurrent.
Noi - Photomutliplier Tube
Like other types of light nsors, the lower limits of light detection for Photomultipliers are determined by the noi characteristics of the device. Noi in PMT’s is the result from statistical fluctuation in the dark current and photocurrent known as shot noi. The photomultiplier gain has very little effect on the noi.
Open area Ratio
The ratio of the open area to the total effective area of a MCP.
Photo nsitivity
This measure of nsitivity is the ratio of radiant power expresd in watts (W) incident on the device, to the resulting photocurrent expresd in amperes (A). It may be reprented as either an absolute nsitivity (A/W) or as a relative nsitivity normalized for the nsitivity at the peak wavelength, usually expresd in percent (%) with respect to the peak value.
Photocathode material
The photocathode is a photoemissive surface usually consisting of alkali metals with very low work functions. The photocathode materials most commonly ud in photomultiplier tubes are as follows:
1. Ag-O-Cs. The transmission-mode photocathode using this material is designated S-1 and nsitive from the range of visible light to infrared radiation (300 mm to 1000 nm). The reflection mode covers a slightly narrower range from 300 mm to 1100 nm. Since Ag-O-Cs has comparatively high thermionic dark emission, photomultiplier tubes of this photocathode material are chiefly ud for detection in the infrared region with the photocathode cooled.
2. GaAs. GaAs activated in cesium is also ud as a photocathode. The spectral respon of this photocathode material usually covers a wider spectral respon range than multialkali, from ultraviolet to 930 nm, which is comparatively flat over the range between 300 mm and 850 nm.
3. InGaAs. This photocathode material has greater extended nsitivity in the infrared range than GaAs. Moreover, in the range between900 mm and 1000 nm, InGaAs has a much higher S/N ratio than Ag-O-Cs. Some photocathodes can operate at 1700nm.
4. Sb-Cs. Sb-Cs has a spectral respon in the ultraviolet to visible range and is mainly ud in reflection-mode photocathodes.
5. Bialkali (Sb-Rb-Cs, Sb-K-Cs). The materials have a spectral respon range similar to the Sb-Cs photocathode, but have higher nsitivity and lower dark current than Sb-Cs. They also have a blue nsitivity index matching the scintillation flashes of NaI scintillators and so are frequently ud for radiation measurement using scintillation counting.
6. High temperature bialkali or low noi bialkali (Na-K-Sb). This is particularly uful at higher operating temperatures since it can withstand up to 175 °C. At room temperatures, this photocathode operates with very low dark current, making it ideal for u in photon counting applications.
7. Multialkali (Na-K-Sb-Cs). The multialkali photocathode has a high, wide spectral respon from the ultraviolet to near infrared region. It is widely ud for broad-band spectrophotometers and photon counting applications. The long wavelength respon can be extended to 930 nm by a special photocathode activation processing.
8. Cs-Te, Cs-I. The materials are nsitive to vacuum UV and UV rays but not to visible light and are therefore referred to as solar blind. Cs-Te is quite innsitive to wavelengths longer than 320 nm, and Cs-I to tho longer than 200 nm.
Photon Counting
PMT's have extremely high gain low noi amplifiers. The mechanisim is capable of amplifing a single electron into a detectable signal. Usually the single electron puls are summed and read as a DC current. However it is possible to count the single electron puls, since each pul reprents a photon this method is known as photon counting. It offers some advantages in noi and stability and the convience of digital detection.
Photorespon non-uniformity
Each of the photodiodes arrayed in an image nsor or CCD is carefully fabricated to provide uniform performance, but each also exhibits some small non-uniformity in terms of nsitivity. This may be due to crystal flaws in the silicon substrate, variations in the wafer process and diffusion in the manufacturing process. This non-uniformity is often called the photorespon non-uniformity.
Position resolution R
This is the minimum detectable displacement of a light spot incident on a PSD, and is expresd as a distance on the PSD surface. Resolution is mainly determined by S/N and expresd as"resistance length × noi / signal". The resolution values listed in our PSD data sheets are calculated bad on the RMS values for noi measured under the following conditions.
Interelectrode resistance: Typical value (listed in the data sheets)
Photocurrent : 1 µA
Frequency bandwidth : 1 kHz
Equivalent noi input voltage to circuit: 1 µV
Quantum efficiency
The quantum efficiency is the number of electrons or holes that can be detected as a photocurrent divided by the number of the incident photons. This is commonly expresd in percent (%). The quantum efficiency and photonsitivity S have the following relationship at a given wavelength (nm).
Radiant flux
For radiant flux, the full radiant output power is measured when a specified forward current flows into the LED. To measure the radiant power emitted in the horizontal direction, a reflector is provided so that the entire radiant power emitted in every direction from the LED can be detected by a photodiode placed in front of the LED.
Radiant Sensitivity
Radiant nsitivity is the photoelectric current generated when a photoactive surface is struck by light at a given wavelength. It is defined as the current divided by the incident radiant power, and expresd in A/W (amperes per watt). See cathode radiant nsitivity.
Readout Noi
Readout noi is independent of the amount of light exposure. It is amount of noi generated by the CCD. It is independent of light level or dark current.
Readout Speed
The maximum pixel data output rate of image nsors such as CCD's
red/white ratio
Red/white ratio is ud for comparing the nsitivity of photomultiplier tubes having a spectral respon extending to the near infrared region. Like blue nsitivity index, the red/white ratio is also measured with the measurement system ud for cathode luminous nsitivity, but a red to infrared filter is interpod. Red/white ratio is defined as the ratio of the cathode nsitivity measured with a red to infrared filter, as compared with the cathode luminous nsitivity when measured without a filter.
you are good enough
Reflector Type
Xenon Flash Lamps are equipped with a built-in reflecting mirror, which allows, as much as , 4x the amount of light to be obtained as that from conventional lamps. Two types of reflecting mirror are available for lection:
Converginng: rays of light are reflected or bent towards each other
Collimating: type: every ray of reflected light is parallel to the others
Ri time
The ri time is defined as the time required for the device's output to ri from 10% to 90% of the steady output level, when a step function light is input to the device.
Scintillation counting
Scintillation counting is one of the most nsitive and effective methods for detecting radiation. It us a photomultiplier tube coupled to a scintillator that produces light when struck by radiation. In radiation measurements, there are two parameters that should be measured: the energy of individual radiation particles the amount of radiation. When radiation particles enter the scintillator, they produce visible light in respon to each particle. The amount of light is extremely low, but is proportional to the energy of the incident particle. Since individual light flashes are detected by the photomultiplier tube, the output puls obtained from the photomultiplier tube contain information on both the energy and amount of puls. By analyzing the output puls using a multichannel analyzer (MCA) a pul height distribution (PHD) or energy spectrum is obtained and the amount of incident particles at various energy levels can be measured accurately.
Short circuit current:
The short circuit current is the output current which flows when the load resistance is 0 and is nearly proportional to the device's active area. This is often called “white light nsitivity” with regards to the spectral respon. This value is measured with light from a tungs四个月宝宝早教ten lamp of 2856 K distribution temperature (color temperature), providing 100 lux for silicon and 1000 lux for GaP.
This is the ratio of the signal produced by a device divided by the total noi in the detector and signal
Spectral distribution
The wavelength range of energy emitted by a lamp. The wavelength range varies according to the input energy, gas pressure, type of lamp (continuous vs. flash mode) and transmittance on the window material.
Spectral half width
Full width at half of the output maximum of the emission spectrum, expresd in wavelength (nm).
Spectral respon Curve
The photocurrent produced by a given level of incident light varies with the wavelength. This relation between the photoelectric nsitivity and wavelength is referred to as the spectral respon characteristic and is expresd in terms of photo nsitivity or quantum efficiency versus wavelength
Terminal capacitance: Ct
The terminal capacitance is the sum of the junction capacitance (capacitance from the capacitor formed at the PN junction of a device) plus the package stray capacitance. It is a factor in determining the respon speed. The terminal capacitance listed in our devices is the total capacitance measured from all output electrodes.
TIA, transimpedence amplifier
An amplifier which converts a small photocurrent to a voltage. The gain of the amplifier is usually given as the transimpedence gain in units of volts/amp.
Transit time
The electron transit time is the time interval between the arrival of a delta function light pul (pul width less than 50 ps) at the photocathode and the instant when the anode output pul reaches its peak amplitude.
Transit Time spread (tts)
transit time spread is a result of different electron trajectories inside a PMT and different initial velocity's of photo electrons leaving the cathode. The effect is a fluctuation or jitter in the transit time and a broadening of the pul. The spread is defined as the FWHM of the probability distribution of the fluctuations
Window material
Window materials commonly ud in our devices are described below. The window material must carefully be lected according to the application becau the window material determines the spectral respon short wavelength cutoff.
1. Borosilicate glass. This is the most frequently ud window material. Borosilicate glass transmits radiation from the infrared to approximately 300 nm. It is not suitable for detection in the ultraviolet region.
2. UV-transmitting glass (UV glass). This glass, as the name implies, is ideal for transmitting ultraviolet radiation and is ud as widely as a borosilicate glass. The UV cutoff is approximately 185 nm.
3. Synthetic silica (fud quartz). The synthetic silica transmits ultraviolet radiation down to 160nm and offers lower absorption in the ultraviolet range compared to fud silica.
4. MgF2 (magnesium fluoride). Crystals of alkali halide are superior in transmitting ultraviolet radiation, but have the disadvantage of deliquescence. Among the crystals, MgF2 is known as a practical window material becau it offers low deliquescence and transmits ultraviolet radiation down to 115 nm.
1D PSD : Monolithic Silicon detector using surface resistance to provide continuous position information in one dimension.
2D PSD : Monolithic Silicon detector using surface resistance to provide continuous position information in two dimensions. Certain Photomultipliers can also be ud to provide two dimensional position information.

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