Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) report
tags是什么意思Jinneng (tianjin) Coal Sales Co.,Ltd.
Customer address:
Economic and Technological Development Zone in the fist street No.79 MSD Block C1,No903 000000 Tianjin City P.R. China
Order Number:
This report complies with the IEC 62381:2006(E) standard for the factory acceptance tests.
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1. FAT checklist 2. FAT measurement procedures 3. FAT measurement conditions 4. FAT measurement results 5. Equipment traceability 6. Appendix - FAT punch list - FAT certificate - EC certificate
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1. FAT checklist
1.1. Scope of supply
- Delivery as per Pasan packing list Y
All items included in the package have been tested according to Pasan's internal test and acceptance procedures.
1.2. Installation
高中英语教学计划- Installation completed - Optional temperature measurement channels (IR, PT100/1000) controlled - Lar printer controlled - Label printer controlled Y Y N NAkgo
1.3. Tests and measurements
- 20 flashes at 1.2 kW/m² with 95% load capacity - Uniformity measurement - Spectrum measurement - System's repeatability measurement - Long-term temporal instability (LTI) measurement - I-V measurement at different irradiance levels - Low irradiance tests using attenuation masks - Spectral respon measurement using band-pass filters Y Y Y Y Y Y NA NA
Comments: Y N = = Yes No Not applicable
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NA =
2. FAT measurement procedures
2.1. Uniformity measurement
The uniformity is measured, according to the IEC 60904-9:Ed2.0 2007-10 standard, using a polycrystalline Si encapsulated reference sample. Special requests of the customer are taken into account. The shortcircuit current of this reference sample is measured on 64 points of the illuminated
area, as illustrated on the figure below. This test is carried out when the system is calibrated at 1kW/m2. Due to the fact that the optical design of the PASAN's simulator enables a continuous correction of the non-uniformity, the number of the measurement points is smaller than the one requested by the IEC standard. This approach reduces considerably the measurement time and has been largely proven to be reprentative of the simulator's non-uniformity. However, the number of the measurement points can be incread upon request.
Lamp box
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 E F G H
Illuminated area
2.2. Spectrum measurement
Pasan us a spectrometer bad on a two channel configuration in combination with a 2D high quality silicon CMOS camera. Calibration lamps traceable to Swiss Federal Office of Metrology (METAS) are ud for calibration. This measurement is performed, after system calibration, in the wavelength range of 400-1100 nm at 1000 W/m², at nominal working distance and at the center of the illuminated area. The measurement is an average of 5 flashes.
2.3. Repeatability measurement
gina lynnThe repeatability is determined, with a calibrated system, using a reference module mounted at the center of the illuminated area. It indicates the measurement dispersions, under certain conditions: First, 10 concutive measurements are carried out, on the same DuT, without disconnecting the DuT cable. The irradiance is regulated using the monitor cell. The system is then turned off and cooled down during 10 minutes. After the restart, again 10 measurements are performed with the irradiance regulated using the optical nsors. The standard deviations of Isc, Voc and Pmax are taken into account to determine the repeatability and the system's capability.
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2.4. Short-term temporal instability (STI)
As the measuring channels current, voltage and irradiance are each provided with an own A/D converter and all 3 measurements are carried out simultaneously, short-term temporal instability (STI) complies with Class A of IEC 60904-9:Ed2.0 2007-10.zrj
情人眼里出西施英语2.5. Long-term temporal instability (LTI) measurement
The long-term temporal instability (LTI) was analyzed on the basis of the high speed measurement of the irradiance during a flash pul. Temporal instability of irradiance was evaluated during an I-V data acquisition period, from the Isc measurement point until the end of the flash. The LTI is evaluated in both irradiance regulation modes, using the monitor cell and the integrated optical nsors.
2.6. I-V measurement at different irradiance levels
I-V measurements at 0.7, 1 and 1.2 kW/m² are carried out after system calibration with a reference module mounted at the center of the illuminated area. The capability of the machine to perform measurements at the irradiance levels and the coherence of the measurements are checked.
2.7. Measurements with low-irradiance masks
I-V measurements at 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.7 and 1 kW/m² are carried out using the low-irradiance masks. Irradiance regulation is performed using the integrated optical nsors. The capability of the machine to perform measurements at the irradiance levels and the coherence of the measurements are checked.
2.8. Spectral respon measurement
The calibration factors of the band-pass filters are determined using a reference who spectral respon (SR) is known. SR measurement results are compared with tho provided by an accredited laboratory for another reference device.
3. FAT measurement conditions
ever3.1. Technical requirements
PASAN's simulators provide accurate measurements under certain conditions that need to be fulfilled according to the ur manual. The main requirements are as follows: - The calibration of the system must be performed with a reference module provided by an accredited laboratory. - The refer
ence module's spectral respon must correspond to the one of the devices under test. - The nsitivity indicated on the monitor cell is a an indicative value and must be adjusted using the reference module. - In order to obtain a reliable fill factor, the module cable must be adapted using appropriate connectors. - The average number of flashes for the flash tubes must be respected for reliable measurements.
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