Fine-root turnover patterns and their relationship to root diameter and soil depth in a 14C-labeled
standuphardwood forest
期刊名称: New Phytologist
关注英语作者: J. D. Joslin,J. B. Gaudinski,M. S. Torn,W. J. Riley,P. J. Hanson海绵宝宝之父去世
expert什么意思作者机构: Below-ground Forest Rearch, Apartado 104-5655, Monteverde, Puntarenas, Costa Rica;,Department of Environmental Studies, University of
how stuff worksCalifornia, Santa Cruz, CA, USA;,Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA;,Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
sufferfrom年份: 2010年
kenneth期号: 第3期
关键词:14 C ; carbon cycling ; fine-root lifespan ; fine-root turnover ; live fine-root turnover time ; root
alevinbiomass ; root diameter ; root mortality
surrender摘要:Characterization of turnover times of fine roots is esntial to understanding patterns of carbon allocation in plants and describing forest C cycling. We ud the rate of decline in the ratio of 14 C to 12 C in a mature hardwood forest, enriched by an inadvertent 14 C pul, to investigate fine-root turnover and its relationship with fine-root diameter and soil depth. Biomass and 14 C values were determined for fine roots collected during three concutive winters from four sites, by depth, diameter size class (< 0.5 or 0.52 mm), and live-or-dead status. Live-root pools retained significant 14 C enrichment over 3 yr, demonstrating a mean turnover time on the order of years. However, elevated 14 C values in dead-root pools within 18 months of the pul indicated an additional component of live