Optimization of Tessier Procedure for Metal Solid Speciation in River Sediments 期刊名称: International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
作者: Rauret, G., Rubio, R., López-Sánchez, J. F.wednesday怎么读
年份: 2012年
牛津一年级英语期号: 第2期
佛罗里达大学排名>iss关键词: Sample handling;riverf man
一见钟情英文diments;speciation;copper;lead;chromium;nickel;successivehttp m youjizz com
burrow摘要:Optimization of Tessier procedure for trace metal partitioning in diments is studied. Firstly simplex optimization method is applied and the results indicate that the volume of extractant solution/weight of diment ratio (V/m) is the main variable. Optimization of V/m ratio for cond, third
and fourth fractions of Tessier scheme is studied on two different river diments. The optimum values of V/m ratio obtained are applied for copper, lead, chromium and nickel partitioning. The results obtained are compared with tho obtained using Tessier procedure. Some conclusions about the behaviour of each fraction are prented.