会议策划手册—会议人必备手册 PRODUCER MANUAL

更新时间:2023-06-26 15:32:51 阅读:12 评论:0

1.0 Idea brought    会议初步构思 Content  提纲  Part One
2.0 Desk Rearch  桌面调研
Topic definition and relevant information collecting 议题定义和相关资料收集
What to look for in your reading  去看什么
Compiling a Questionnaire 总结问卷表
3.0    Telephone Rearch  电话调研
谢词TM(Tailor Made) List Prepared 准备TM 表
Rearch calls - what to ask and how to ask  调研电话 – 问什么和怎么问
Keeping track of people called and information obtained – working with the TM                                  与联系过的人保持沟通并通过TM 表关注收集到的信息
Meetings instead of telephone rearch 客户见面
Part Two 1.0 Set up the Activity Sheet and Choosing Speakers
Activity Sheet 会议准备时间表
How to convert your rearch into a programme                                                                              如何将你的调研结果体现在会议资料里
Choosing the right speakers to invite 选择合适的演讲人
2.0 Inviting Speakers 邀请演讲人
Matching speakers with topics 为演讲人推荐适合的演讲议题
Why speakers agree to speak - finding the right arguments                                                              演讲人为何同意演讲 – 寻找合适的突破口
The invitation process - phone calls, letters and chasing                                                                  邀请程序 – 电话,邮件和跟进
Telephone contact with potential speakers 与潜在演讲人的电话沟通
What to do when a speaker accepts 演讲人同意后要做什么
3.0 Writing Programme 会议宣传册成形
Getting started 准备开始
How do you write a brochure that lls? 如何写会议资料
Part Three 1.0 While the conference is in the market  会议销售中
Ongoing liaison with speakers 与演讲人保持沟通
Handling speakers who want to drop out 当有演讲人退出时的操作
2.0 The Sales Campaign: Making It A Success 让销售团队更有效的运作
Writing the sales brief 准备针对销售的会议介绍
Briefing the sales team 对销售团队进行会议介绍
3.0 After the Conference 会议结束以后
Conference evaluation 会议评估
Speaker thank you letters 针对演讲人的感谢信
1.0    Idea brought    会议初步构思 Part One Event topic could from manager or producer themlves.
The idea normally comes from media (a piece of news, an article, a magazine or other media source), past delegates or colleagues. You should prepare the below info before start deep rearch:
Relevant Definition 相关定义
Relevant industry players 相关行业
Relevant job 针对的企业负责人职位
Industry chain or organization chart (relationship among all player and function)                                产业链或者职能结构图(包括各相关行业或者相关部门的关系)
Approximate quantity of potential industries player or delegates                                                      大致的市场参与公司的数量或者客户数量
Approximate attracting points 会议存在的吸引点
2.0 Desk Rearch 桌面调研
Topic definition and relevant information collecting  议题定义和相关资料收集  Your first aim is to: deep understand the topic area, find out if it is a hot topic, the main issues, who is interested and who potential delegates would like to hear from.  An overall outline of the issues, the industries it may appeal to, topics to include in rearch and a list of people you will initially contact.
benedictionWhat to Look For In Your Reading 去看什么  You can never read too much.  How ever, time is scarce so whilst you can continue to read throughout your two weeks of rearch, the main reading should be done in the first three days of your rearch.  It is esntial to START PHONING NO LATER THAN DAY 4 in order to establish whether the market is interested at all.          你不可能去看非常多的东西,也不可能在准备会议期间花两个星期去用来看。主要的桌面调研应该在你开始做会
What to read:  Past conferences, including program, evaluation forms, website etc.
Internet arches by key words, Google or Baidu etc. 用关键字,Google, Baidu 作网上搜索
Competitors’ brochures, web pages, their past and future events Newspaper cuttings                        竞争对手的手册,网页,他们以往和将来会展剪报
Relevant industry magazines and newsletters      相关企业杂志,新闻
General media      大众媒体
What to take:  major government legislation, break through technologies/products, industry and
competitor’s conferences 主要的会展,例如政府发言,具有突破性的技术、行业,以及竞争对手的会议
应该做什么 When reading an article, underline and make a note of:  在阅读文章时,画下划线,做一些记号
who wrote the article 谁写的这些文章
problems 问题
greatest fears/wishes; why they fear/what they want to achieve
company names, industry bodies and people’s names, they should be written on your TM list,
rearched with and may be a possible source for speakers                                                          公司名,产业主体&人名,这些都写在你的TM 列表中,并进行调研,都可以作为发言嘉宾的有效资源。
who or what could solve their problems 谁或什么能帮助他们解决问题
Compiling a questionnaire 总结问卷表  Once you have read the brief, you will want to spend some time either reading relevant articles, doing internet arches or reading newspaper clippings. From there, you will pick up some hot issues to compile the questionnaire that will be ud to aid in your rearch.
You should collect evaluation forms of past annuals, analy the last conference for the top four topics. Feed the topics into your questionnaire. Find out if they are still hot topics and to what extent they should change. For new conferences, look at similar conferences suggested on the brief and test the top topics in your questionnaire to e if some of the issues are the same.
Don’t forget to ask questions such as “Have you been to any conferences on this subject lately?”
There are two kinds of questionnaire 有两种问卷
1.a brief prompt questionnaire which you u to remind you, when on the phone, of the issues
you wish to cover and the questions you want to ask about them. This is to help you control
telephone conversations so that you get maximum value from them.
Questions should all be open ones ie. no yes/no answers. 问题应该是开放式的,没有固定的答案
The good words to u are 可以用的一些好的用语
how involved are you in..? 你是怎么涉及。。。。
how do you handle ...? 你是如何处理。。。。
what are the most difficult issues ? 成功道路中最大的困难问题是什么?
what are the benefits for your ? 对你组织的。。。。来说,什么是有利的
2.A 'faxback' questionnaire listing potential topics asks rearch contacts to rate their interest
level.  传真问卷列举可能的话题,通过调研沟通去评估他们的兴趣度
Topics should be clearly defined - make sure you have only one point in each topic, so that if you get high interest you know for sure what the interest is in.
Faxback should only be nt out after a successful rearch call or when someone has failed to
return two or more calls. They are a quantitative back-up to qualitative telephone rearch, not a repl
acement for it!
List the issues you wish to rearch and ask the respondent to indicate their appeal through “1–4”
rating system.
3.0    Telephone Rearch  电话调研
TM(Tailor Made) List Prepared 准备TM表
TM stands for “tailor-made”, a list of names tailor-made for our conference.  The info recorded here will be invaluable when inviting speakers and for the marketing.  Always make a note of:
Name, title, phone number & company of person called 姓名,职位,电话,公司名字
Where/who you got the name from 名字的来处
Immediately during or after the call write down on TM whether person is: 电话后需要添加的内容Possible speaker and on what topic 可能的演讲人和话题
Notes on what they said 他提及的要点
Call-back for more help - when? 什么时候需要跟进
Referrals gained from this contact 其他被推荐的演讲人
Who to Call? 打给谁?
Past speakers / delegates from relevant CBI Conferences & competing events                              之前与CBI相关会议&竞争会展的发言者/代表
Names called up from data ba      数据库中的人名
Names extracted from newspaper cuttings      报刊摘要中的人名
Relevant associations, bodies, government departments (test the water here for endorment opportunities)相关协会,主体,政府部门(探测有没有赞助的机会)
Consultants (always test the water here for sponsorship opportunities) and academics                  咨询者(探测有没有赞助的机会)和学术团体
People and companies recommended on other calls      提供其他联系方式的人或公司
When you know the job titles you are going for: companies in your target ctors, getting
numbers from directory enquiries                                                                                                  当你知道你应该找什么职位的人:你目标行业的公司,从目录查询中获得联系号码
Always ask for referrals from all your calls!  Who el do you need to speak with?
How many calls to make 打多少个电话
Make 10-15 quality calls per day, 15-30 minutes each.
When to call? 什么时候打
Core hours when you are most likely to get through to people are 9:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 -17:00 最有可能联系到关键人的黄金时间:9:00~12:00, 14:00~17:00
Trying leisure hours however, is often very uful as people are less likely to be in meetings and less likely to be protected by their cretaries.
然而在你休息时间尝试去联系关键人也是很有用的,因为这段时间他们很少会有会议,或是有秘书帮他们挡电话Preparing to make a call and introducing yourlf 开始准备打电话并且自我介绍
Have your list of your prompt questions (with plenty of space for you to write down the info you get) ready 准备好你要问的问题(留下足够的空间让你能够写下沟通中的重点信息)
Always have name of the person you want to speak to. Get it from the switchboard if you have not already got one. 记住你要联系的姓名。如果你还没有找到任何联系人的姓名,尝试从前台那里获得。
Have a little speech ready including your name, CBI introduction, what we do, and why you are 事先准备简短的陈述,包括你的姓名,公司名,我们是做什么的,你为什么要打电话去。
Refer to open questions in the above questionnaires.    参考以下问卷中的开放性问题
Some general questions you could ask are: 你可能会问的一些基本问题:
Do you think this conference is a good idea? Why?
Who do you think would/should attend this conference?
Is there a certain geographical area where this conference would work best?
Is there a time of year when we should not run the conference?
Is the primary market for this conference growing or shrinking?
What kind of market is it: buyers or llers? Who is a buyer, who is a ller?
Have there been any major changes in the industry in the last 12 months?
Have there been any conferences in this general area that you know of?  When were/are they?
Who did them? Good turnout? Good Programme? Do have a copy of the brochure? Did you attend? If so was it good? Do you have a copy of the delegate list?
举办方是谁? 效果好吗?规划如何? 有手册吗?你参加没?感觉好吗?你有会议代表名单吗?
If we did only three hot issues what would they be?
What are some other hot issues?
What association or body caters to the primary market? Does it hold conferences?
What are the main publications in this area?
If a conference could solve one business problem for you what would it be?
Who el should I speak to? May I u your name?
A clear understanding of the topic area, including info on new regulations/legislation, governing bodies and what all abbreviations like stand for.
Be wary of the following: 注意以下要点 People always have their own agenda.  Be aware of who you are speaking to.  Obviously consultants or corporates in a certain industry can stand to gain by a conference in their area of specialisation and will tell you it is a good idea or that you should slant the conference focus in that direction.
But don’t worry, this comes with experience and your manager will assist you.
A lot of people will tell you that a particular industry is over-conferenced.  This means different things
to different people.  Always ask how many conferences they know about in the area you are discussing.  We decide later whether it is too many!
In the early rearch stage never pass judgement on what people are telling you .  You should just be trying to get as much information from them as possible.  Do not disagree with what they are saying.
Before launching into your questions always make sure that this is a convenient moment for the person you have called.  Offer to call back later if it is not and arrange a time.
Every name you contact or find an article should be added to your TM. The more relevant people are mailed, the more chance of lots of bookings on your conference.
Keeping Track Of People Called and Information Obtained – Working With The Tm            保持与你联系过的人的跟进,拥有信息的更新  By the end of rearch (around two weeks), you will need to have the following:

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标签:会议   电话   调研   相关   应该   问卷   问题
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