Spancil Hill 史班赛山丘
friendbookSpancil Hill是一首典型的爱尔兰民谣,散见于不同的CELTIC专辑中。但它打动了我的心灵,却是在买到了菲尔柯尔特( Phil Coulter)的专辑《月光沐情》( Admire the Moonlight )之后,其中的第3首曲子就是Spancil Hill,旋律是为我所熟悉的,似乎我以前在别的CD中听过。按彩页上的介绍这首曲子应该表达的是对于故乡的思念,是的,整盘专集中可以感觉到Phil Coulter对于故乡浓郁的情感,但那天在我听来,似乎没这么简单,不知道为什么突然一下子就打动了我,我反复地听了好多遍,似乎里面更多还有别的情感的存在.有时我听音乐是不太顾及所谓的那些经典的介绍的,我不管它原来要表达的是什么意思,我只取我所理解和感悟到的就是了。
欣赏: Spancil Hill
再见到这首歌曲出现在专集《CELTIC MYST》中时,已经是带有歌词的了,不能完全听懂这里面的英文歌词,于是想上网搜索一下它的完整歌词。而搜索出来的信息却印证了我的预感,其中一篇文章提到的这首爱尔兰民谣背后的悲剧故事吸引了我。
欣赏: Spancil Hill(带歌词的)
Spancil Hill 这个地方是真实存在的,它位于 Ennis 和 Tulla 之间,现在在那儿只剩下一些断壁残垣和一条十字路了,可在当年,那儿却是一个著名马匹交易市场的举办地,每年都会有1000~2000匹马在这里交易,并吸会引大量的国外买家前来。Clooney 社区教堂离 Spancil Hill 也仅有一英里左右。
这里原来叫作 Cnoc Fuar Choile(盖尔语),意即 The hill of the cold wood,不知何故,英语化后被称作 Spancil Hill。Spancil 这个词源自“spancilling”,即用一条短绳绑在动物的左前腿和右后腿之间,以此来限制动物的活动,防止它们跑远。
Spancil Hill 马市通常在每年六月的23日举行,但在歌曲的第二段里写道,男主角“在23日是马市的前一天”(It being on the twenty third of June, the day before the fair),这又是怎么一回事呢?原来在老版的诗篇(附在文后)中有过说明:23号恰好是安息日(Sabbath),遵照安息日不工作的传统,马市延后了一天。
Spancil Hill 这首歌源自名为 Spancilhill 的诗篇,作者 Michael Considine 出生于1850年,1870年前后从 Spancilhill 移民到美国。他的部分亲戚也移居到了美国,但仍有一部分留了下来,例如他五个月大的侄子 John。
Michael 去美国后努力工作,希望能把自己的爱人也接过来并完婚,可惜他至死都没能存下足够她爱人移民的钱。他的爱人在最早版本的诗篇中说的很清楚,是“巡逻兵的女儿 Mack(Mack the Ranger’s Daughter)”,而非现在流行的版本中——包括 The Corrs 的这个版本——所说的“农夫的女儿 Ned(Ned the Farmers daughter)”,她就是 Michael 青梅
竹马的爱人 Mary MacNamara。
Michael 在波士顿工作了两年左右后去了加利福尼亚,在很长一段时间内饱受疾病的折磨。觉得自己将不久于人世,他写下了这篇 Spancil hill 并寄回家乡爱尔兰,以此纪念自己的爱情。
Michael 1873年逝世,有人说他最后葬在了Spancil hill,但也有人说他被葬在了加利福尼亚。而他的爱人Mary MacNamara 则终身未嫁。
附:Spancilhill 完整版诗篇
Last night as I lay dreaming, of the pleasant days gone by,
My mind being bent on rambling and to Erin’s Isle I did fly.
I stepped on board a vision and sailed out with a will,
‘Till I gladly came to anchor at the Cross of Spancilhill.
Enchanted by the novelty, delighted with the scenes,
Where in my early childhood, I often times have been.
I thought I heard a murmur, I think I hear it still,
bushy‘Tis that little stream of water at the Cross of Spancilhill.
麦当劳巨无霸And to amu my fancy, I lay upon the ground,
Where all my school companions, in crowds asmbled ’round.
Some have grown to manhood, while more their graves did fill,
Oh I thought we were all young again, at the Cross of Spancilhill.
It being on a Sabbath morning, I thought I heard a bell,
O’er hills and vallies sounded, in notes that emed to tell,
That Father Dan was coming, his duty to fulfill,
At the parish church of Clooney, just one mile from Spancilhill.
creditcardAnd when our duty did commence, we all knelt down in prayer,
In hopes for to be ready, to climb the Golden Stair.
And when back home returning, we danced with right good will,
To Martin Moilens music, at the Cross of Spancilhill.
It being on the twenty third of June, the day before the fair,
Sure Erin’s sons and daughters, they all asmbled there.
The young, the old, the stout and the bold, they came to sport and kill,
What a curious combination, at the Fair of Spancilhill.
I went into my old home, as every stone can tell,
The old boreen was just the same, and the apple tree over the well,
I miss my sister Ellen, my brothers Pat and Bill,
Sure I only met my strange faces at my home in Spancilhill.
I called to e my neighbors, to hear what they might say,
The old were getting feeble, and the young ones turning grey.
I met with tailor Quigley, he’s as brave as ever still,
Sure he always made my breeches when I lived in Spancilhill.
新课标英语听力下载I paid a flying visit, to my first and only love,
She’s as pure as any lilly, and as gentle as a dove.
联考mbaShe threw her arms around me, saying Mike I love you still,
She is Mack the Rangers daughter, the Pride of Spancilhill.
I thought I stooped to kiss her, as I did in days of yore,
Says she Mike you’re only joking, as you often were before,
The cock crew on the roost again, he crew both loud and shrill,