Part ⅠProperties of Formation Fluid贝尔机器人
Chemical Composition and Physical Property ●Chemical Composition and Physical Property
of Rervoir Fluid
●Properties of Natural Gas
●Pha Behavior of Hydrocarbon象人
中国少年梦Physical Property of Crude Oil
●Physical Property of Crude Oil
●Property of Oilfield Water
C diti f R i Fl id
image是什么意思Condition of Rervoir Fluid z Original Pressure and temperature are high.
z Property of rervoir fluid is changing with pressure and temperature.
纯洁无暇z Exploration and exploitation are in different stages z In the cour of development
P i f R i Fl id
Properties of Rervoir Fluid Crude oil is in the state of high temperature and
C d il i i th t t f hi h t t d
high pressure with much associated gas and formation
water. It has great differences with stock tank oil.
scientology>2012年福建高考数学The property of porous medium rock determines
栏杆英文the distribution and flow pattern of oil, gas and water the distribution and flow pattern of oil gas and water
in rervoir rocks to a large extent. The physical and
chemical properties of formation fluid (oil, gas and
water) also affect its performance.
11Ch i l C iti d Ph i l 1.1 Chemical Composition and Physical
Property of Rervoir Fluid
z Chemical Composition of Crude Oil
z Physical Property of Crude Oil
z Classification of Crude Oil
z Chemical Composition of Nature Gas
z Classification of Rervoir
bored1Ch i l C iti f C d Oil
1 Chemical Composition of Crude Oil
Crude oil is defined as “a mixture of hydrocarbons that existed in the liquid pha in natural underground rervoirs and remains liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing through surface parating facilities
after passing through surface parating facilities”(joint API, AAPG, and SPE).