You must have been physically prent in Canada for at least: 1095 days during the five years right before the date you sign your application.
When you have PR, you can live outside of Can but must live in CAN at least 2 years in a five-year period.
To be eligible for Canadian citizenship, you must have been physically prent in Canada for at least 1,095 days in the five years immediately before the date of your application. We encourage applicants to apply with more than the minimum requirement of 1,095 days of physical prence, to account for any miscalculations of abnces, or any other aspect that could lower the physical prence total below 1,095 days. Plea note that you cannot meet the physical prence requirement without a minimum of two years as a permanent re
When calculating your time in Canada:skirt的音标
∙only the five (5) years immediately before the date of your application are taken into account;
∙each day you were physically prent in Canada as an authorized temporary resident or protected person before you became a permanent resident counts as half a day (up to a maximum of 365 days);
∙each day you were physically prent in Canada after you became a permanent resident counts as one day;
∙time spent rving a ntence for an offence in Canada (e.g. rving a term of imprisonment, probation and/or parole) cannot be counted towards your physical prence - there are some exceptions.
二级建造师延续注册In order to help you decide when to apply, the physical prence calculator calculates if and when you will meet the 1,095 day requirement.酒吧侍者