top up物理期刊----接收相对难易、影响因子、一审周期
全名影响因子* 接收投稿难易一审周期
japane journal of applied physics part 1-regular papers short notes & review papers 1.309 容易超快,一般1-2周
journal of physics-condend matter 1.9 容易超快,一般1-2周
acta physica sinica 1.165 容易超快,一般1-2周nuclear instruments & methods in physics rearch ction a-accelerators spectrometers detectors and associated equipment 1.019 容易超快,一般1-2周
colloids and surfaces a-physicochemical and engineering
aspects 1.926 容易超快,一般1-2周
physica e-low-dimensional systems &
nanostructures 1.23 容易很快,2-3周
physica a-statistical mechanics and its
applications 1.441 容易很快,2-3周
journal of physics and chemistry of solids 1.103 容
materials chemistry and physics 1.799 容易很快,2-3周
browr是什么意思applied physics a-materials science & processing 1.884 容易很快,2-3周
nsors and actuators a-physical 1.724 容易很快,2-3周
physics of fluids 1.738 容易较快,2-4周european physical journal b 1.568 容易较快,2-4周
physica status solidi b-basic rearch 1.166 容
瑞思英语chemical physics 1.961 容易较快,2-4周
journal of mathematical physics 1.085 容易较快,2-4周
modern physics letters a 1.334 容易较快,2-4周metallurgical and materials transactions a-physical metallurgy and materials science 1.389 容易较快,2-4周annales geophysicae 1.66 容易较快,2-4周annales geophysicae 1.66 容易较快,2-4周journal of low temperature physics 1.034 容易较快,2-4周
physica d-nonlinear phenomena 1.926 容易一般,3-6周
journal of polymer science part b-polymer physics 1.586 容易一般,3-6周
european physical journal d 1.397 容易一般,3-6周bereave
geophysics 1.349 容易一般,3-6周
nuclear physics a 1.959 容易一般,3-6周astrophysics and space science 1.283 容易一般,3-6周
molecular physics 1.478 容易一般,3-6周tectonophysics 1.677 容易一般,3-6周
journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial
covfefephysics 1.667 容易一般,3-6周
journal of statistical physics 1.621 容易一般,3-6周
international journal of modern physics d 1.968 容
新概念英语第三册mp3下载physics and chemistry of the earth 1.138 容易一般,3-8周
current applied physics 1.526 容易一般,3-8周proceedings of the royal society of london ries a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 1.705 容易一般,3-8周proceedings of the royal society of london ries a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 1.705 容易一般,3-8周journal of physical organic chemistry 1.415 容
perception & psychophysics 1.424 容易偏慢,4-8周
american family physician 1.94 容易偏慢,4-8周european physical journal e 1.943 容易偏慢,4-8周
american journal of physical medicine &
rehabilitation 1.695 容易偏慢,4-8周
canadian family physician 1.06 容易偏慢,4-8周physical review special topics-accelerators and
beams 1.551 较易偏慢,4-8周
pure and applied geophysics 1.004 容易偏慢,4-8周
progress of theoretical physics 1.661 较易偏慢,4-8周
contributions to plasma physics 1.25 容易较慢,6周-12周
zeitschrift fur physikalische chemie-international journal of rearch in physical chemistry & chemical physics 1.447 容
yadaastronomy letters-a journal of astronomy and space
astrophysics 1.005 容易较慢,6周-12周
nonlinear process in geophysics 1.022 容易较慢,6周-12周
journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 1.895 较易较慢,6周-12周
infrared physics & technology 1.037 容易较慢,6周-12周
journal of biochemical and biophysical methods 1.994 较易较慢,6周-12周
international journal of geometric methods in modern
physics 1.464 容易较慢,6周-12周
fortschritte der physik-progress of physics 1.309 容
氨基酸缩写meteorology and atmospheric physics 1.034 容
physics and chemistry of minerals 1.524 较易较慢,6周-12周
radiation and environmental biophysics 1.787 较
topics in applied physics 1.51 较易 12周以上或约稿
journal of applied geophysics 1.333 容易 12周以上或约稿
magnetic resonance materials in physics biology and
medicine 1.844 较易 12周以上或约稿
reviews in mathematical physics 1.258 容易 12周以上或约稿
physics of particles and nuclei 1.015 容易 12周以上或约稿
physics of particles and nuclei 1.015 容易 12周以上或约稿
journal of aging and physical activity 1.66 较
易 12周以上或约稿
geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics 1.56 较
易 12周以上或约稿
geografiska annaler ries a-physical geography 1.042 容易 12周以上或约稿
advances in physical organic chemistry 1.833 较
易 12周以上或约稿
手续费英文chine physics 1.68 较易 12周以上或约稿applied physics letters 3.726 较易超快,一般1-2周
journal of applied physics 2.201 容易超快,一般1-2周
physical review letters 7.18 较难超快,一般1-2
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (ACS
Publications) 3.396 较易超快,一般1-2周
journal of geophysical rearch-atmospheres 3.147 较
journal of chemical physics 3.149 较易超快,一般1-2周
physical review a 2.908 容易超快,一般1-2周astrophysical journal 6.331 较难超快,一般1-2周
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B (ACS
Publications) 4.189 较易超快,一般1-2周biochemical and biophysical rearch
communications 2.648 容易超快,一般1-2周journal of physical chemistry a 2.871 容易超快,一般1-2周
journal of physics d-applied physics 2.104 容
geophysical rearch letters 2.959 容易超快,一般1-2周
physics letters a 2.174 容易超快,一般1-2周chemical physics letters 2.169 容易超快,一般
biophysical journal 4.683 较易超快,一般1-2周physics letters b 4.034 较易超快,一般1-2周physical review c 3.124 较易超快,一般1-2周europhysics letters 2.203 容易超快,一般1-2周europhysics letters 2.203 容易超快,一般1-2周physics of plasmas 2.427 容易超快,一般1-2周physical chemistry chemical physics 4.064 较
new journal of physics 3.44 较易很快,2-3周international journal of radiation oncology biology
physics 4.639 较易很快,2-3周
medical physics 3.871 较易很快,2-3周
journal of the physical society of japan 2.058 容
physics in medicine and biology 2.784 容易很快,2-3周
journal of physics b-atomic molecular and optical
physics 2.089 容易很快,2-3周
atmospheric chemistry and physics 4.927 较易较快,2-4周
journal of physics g-nuclear and particle physics 5.27 较
applied physics b-lars and optics 2.167 容易较快,2-4周
journal of computational physics 2.279 容易较快,2-4周
archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2.159 容易较快,2-4周
nuclear physics b 4.158 较易较快,2-4周JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS 6.389 较难较快,2-4周
geophysical journal international 2.219 容易较快,2-4周
journal of the optical society of america b-optical
physics 2.181 容易较快,2-4周
archives of biochemistry and biophysics 2.626 容
european physical journal c 2.805 容易较快,2-4周
philosophical transactions of the royal society of london ries
a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 2.282 容易一般,3-6周
philosophical transactions of the royal society of london ries
a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 2.282 容易一般,3-6周
geochemistry geophysics geosystems 2.979 容易一般,3-6周
biochimica et biophysica acta-biomembranes 4.18 较
biochimica et biophysica acta-proteins and
proteomics 2.233 容易一般,3-6周macromolecular chemistry and physics 2.202 容
biochimica et biophysica acta-molecular cell
rearch 4.893 较易一般,3-6周
communications in mathematical physics 2.075 容
plasma physics and controlled fusion 2.299 容
solar physics 2.774 容易一般,3-6周
computer physics communications 2.12 容易一般,3-8周
biochimica et biophysica acta-bioenergetics 4.447 较学习数学的方法
journal of the mechanics and physics of solids 3.467 较