As the title of the novel makes clear,A Farewell to Arms concerns itlf primarily with the war,namely the process by which Hederic Henry removed himlf from World War I and left it behind.The novel reveals the develop-ment of Hemingway’s philosophy of life—the univer is an unordered one. There is no God to watch over man,to dictate codes of morality,or to ensure justice.Instead,the univer is indifferent,sometimes even hostile to man’s plight.In the novel,this indifference is best exemplified by the war—an ulti-mately futile struggle of man against man.There are no winners in a war,and there are no reasons behind the lives that are taken.
No one was quite prepared for the enormous brutality of the war.Cather-ine was undoubtedly not the only people who imaged their loved one might just have a minor wound,perhaps a saber cut.However her fiancéwas blown“all to bits”.(Hemingway,19)Far from ending within weeks,the war dragged on for four years.The human cost was enormous:Great Britain lost750,000peo-ple;German and France a million each;Russia lost as many as all the other combatants combined.Even the United States,who entered the war later than others,lost88,000.The end of chapter1leaves the reader a deep impression of the war:“At the start of the winter came the permanent rain and with the rain came the cholera.But it was checked and in the end only ven thousand died of it.”(Hemingway,7)The word“only”conveys a s
en of indifference.
hootersIn the war,human lives emed to be something cheap and insignificant. In chapter9,Henry and other four drivers were blown up when they were eat-ing chee.Henry saw Passini be blown into pieces and died in great pain.In the dressing station,“The doctors were working with their sleeves up to their shoulders and were red as butchers.”(Hemingway,45)On his way to the hos-pital,the man over Henry had a hemorrhage,“At first it(blood)dropped slow-ly and regularly,then it pattered into a stream.”The driver simply said,“I wouldn’t be able to get the stretcher out alone”,and did nothing to help.After the man died,“they took the stretcher out and put another in”.(Hemingway, 49)Another good example showing Human’s insignificance and negligibility under the force of war is Henry’s conversation with the medical officer before the retreat:
“Tell me,I have never en a retreat—if there is a retreat how are all the wounded evacuated?”现在时
“They are not.They take as many as they can and leave the rest.”
“What will I take in the cars?”
“Hospital equipment.”
The majority of the characters remained ambivalent about the war,re-ntful of the terrible destruction it caud,and doubtful of the glory it was suppod to bring.Most people,gradually,became disappointed with the war. Henry once talked about the war with other drivers and Passini was one of them who protested the war ferociously.He said rentfully,“There is nothing wor than war.”“When people realize how bad it is they cannot do anything to stop it becau they go crazy.There are some people who never realize. There are people who are afraid of their officers.It is with them the war is made.”“It doesn’t finish.There is no finish to a war.”“War is not won by victory.”“Everybody hates this war.”“There is a class that controls a country that is stupid and does not realize anything and never can.That is why we have this war.”(Hemingway,40-41)Passini realized the nature of war and wished to end the war by quitting it.However,he died shortly after that and there was an implication that he died becau he had quit the struggle.Be-sides,soldiers who refud to attack were shot by the carabinieri,even their family members were unfairly treated.It emed that,in the war,all the par-ticipants could do was to struggle against what was t upon them and the ones who refud would probably get killed.
The brutal war left many people deeply disillusioned,even tho who had firm beliefs.The young prie
st in the novel was a respectable character.He was able to maintain faith in God and often rved as a counlor to others.But even he sometimes felt helpless and tired in the war—“I try to hope but some-times I cannot.”(Hemingway,36)When Henry returned to the front,he met the major again,who looked older and drier.He said to Henry,“I am very tired of this war.If I was away I do not believe I would come back.”But it was Rinaldi who had changed most.Crushed completely by the war,he became desperate and cynical.“This war is killing me,”Rinaldi said,“I am very de-presd by it.Never think.No,by God,I don’t think;I operate.”“This is a terrible war.”Rinaldi was hopeless,but still couldn’t get away from the war. So he tried to numb himlf with work,alcohol and women.His psychological and physical suffering pushed him to very verge of“lf-destruction”.(Hem-ingway,121,124)Unlike Ettore or Gino,the promi of honor and duties of patriotism meant little to Henry.He said,
I was always embarrasd by the words scared,glorious,and sacrifice and the expression in vain…and I had en nothing scared and the things that were glorious had no glory and the sacrifices were like the stockyards at Chicago if nothing was done with the meat except bury it…Abstract words such as glory,honour,courage,or hollow were obscure beside the concrete names of village,the numbers of roads,of the names of rivers,the numbers of regiments and the dates.
Having witness the violence of the war and the dramatic changes of his surrounding people,Henry decided to dert the army.Away from the war, Henry received a lot of help from the porter,Simmons,and Emelio.They helped him out of friendship and as a support to his farewell to arms.Other men,such as the proprietor of the wine shop,were willing to help him simply becau he had the courage to dert the war.Therefore,it is quite clear that most civilians were sick of the war,and willing to do anything they could to help tho who left the army.
A Farewell to Arms is one of the finest novels coming out of the war,re-flecting the widespread disillusionment with war and a world that allowed such barbarity.To Hemingway the war was a botch cheerfully begun by men with romantic notions of glory and honor,but fought with savagery.And to the end, as soldiers risked their lives fighting the enemies,their leaders,safely away from the front,told tales of valor,patriotism and duty.Few of them thought about tho soldiers who had become cynical and disillusioned to the war.
The novel is primarily a love story that chronicles the relationship be-tween Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley through courtship,consumma-tion,reaffirmation and finally paration by Catherin
panda是什么意思e’s death.Love can hap-pen under any circumstances,even in the chaos of war.But the love story be-tween Henry and Catherine has something different from the others,becau their love first begun as a game.The fact that Catherine had recently lost a loved one in the war made her almost desperate for someone to care for.She wanted to distance herlf from the pain of her loss.Likewi,Henry intended to get as far as possible from the talk of the war and looked for someone to pass the time with.So they quickly begun the role playing game,pretending they fell in love with each other.Henry thought Catherine as“a little crazy”and did not care what he was getting into.He believed it was better than going ev-ery evening to the hou for the officers.Their relationship was just a game, like bridge.As to Catherine,it was a rotten game.She called Henry“darling”(Hemingway,26)to carry out her fantasy that her fiancéwas still alive.In this way,they were well-matched.Henry treated eing Catherine very lightly,but
War and Love in A Farew ell to Arms
[Abstract]Ernest Hemingway,the famous American writer,was one of the reprentatives of“the lost generation”.He was good at depicting
the life and the inner world of“the lost generation”,especially the youth.A Farewell to Arms is one of his masterpieces.Becau of the simi-larities between the hero and Hemingway himlf,many critics regard it as an autobiographical novel.The novel develops with the themes of
war and love,exposing the brutality and absurdity of World War I,and the unforgettable pain it caud.At the same time,Hemingway ex-tolled beautiful and unlfish love.In an age filled with war and chaos,pure love rved as a beacon in the darkness,bringing hope,comfort
and courage to people.
wall eye near
[Keywords]themes war love
力学性能抗冲击强度(kJ/m 2)
拉伸强度(MPa )
2.3DCPD 改性UPR 的红外(FT-IR )和核磁共振(1H NM R )图谱分析
图1未固化DCPD 改性UPR 、已固化DCPD 改性UPR 的FT-IR 谱图
图1a 、b 分别为DCPD 改性UPR 及其固化后的红外光谱。读图1b 可知,脂基伸缩振动特征峰1720cm -1,不饱和聚酯分子链节上的两个端基-COOH 的特征峰1300cm -1和-OH 的特征峰1410cm -1明显减弱,图
中存在共轭烯烃伸缩振动特征峰1645cm -1
,说明双键仍然存在。图1a 中由于酯基不参与固化,所以1720cm -1和1728cm -1仍然存在,但由于
C=C 双键基团参与固化交联反应而被消耗,因而1645cm -1
,980cm -1,912cm -1,778cm -1峰在红外谱图上消失,表明C=C 已经被消耗完全,树
脂已经完全固化。DCPD 五元环上的双键特征吸收峰1600cm -1
在,降冰片环上的双键特征吸收峰1575cm -1已经消失,说明双键已经参加了加成反应。
2.4DCPD 型树脂的机械性能测试
0×4mm 的无缺口样条,在A-JU-22型悬臂梁冲击实验机测定材料的抗冲击性能;按照GB1447-83制成标准样条,在Shimadzu AGS-H 型电子拉力机上测试材料的拉伸性能,拉伸速率为25mm/min 。DCPD-UPR 与通用不饱和聚酯树脂浇注体
表3DCPD-UPR 及通用不饱和聚酯树脂浇注体的力学性能
确定了适宜的合成工艺:加成温度125℃~140℃;酯化温度150℃~170℃;n (DCPD ):n (顺丁烯二酸酐)=(0.6~0.8):1;催化剂为甲磺酸,用量为0.1%~0.2%。
famous(3)M DI 的加入代替了苯乙烯,得到一种新型环保树脂,树脂机械性能符合要求,可以作为生产和加工材料。
参考文献[1]焦扬声.双环戊二烯改性的不饱和聚酯树脂[J ].玻璃钢/复合材料,1988(2)[2]赵之山,林宗基.端基封闭法合成双环戊二烯改性不饱和聚酯[J
].石油化工,1995[3]付丽华,贾德民.液化MDI 型聚氨酯/聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯/改性蒙脱土纳米复合材料的力学性能与形态[D ].广西大学学报(自然科学版),2005
when he couldn ’t e her,he suddenly felt lonely and hollow.This psycholog-ical change of Henry reveals the change of his feeling towards Catherine.
However,their relationship did not really develop until Henry was wounded and taken to the hospital where he met Catherine again.“When I saw her I was in love with her.Everything turned over inside of me,”he said,“I was crazy about her.”“God knows I had not wanted to fall in love with her.But God knows I had.”(Hemingway,70)This was the turning point of Henry ’s feeling to Catherine and the real beginning of their love.
The priest once told Henry,“When you love you wish to do things for.You wish to sacrifice for.You wish to rve.”(Hemingway,57)While Cather-ine ’s idea of love was more specific:“I ’ll say just what you wish and I ’ll do
what you wish.”“I want what you want.There isn ’
t any me any more.Just what you want.”“I ’m you.Don ’t make up a parate me.”(Hemingway,79)This was her definition of love,that is,the combination of body and soul.It was her unlfish love that helped Henry recover quickly from the nightmare of the war and changed the former aimless and restless youth into a man com-mitted to love.
Back to the front,the desperation of his friends and the defeats in the battlefields deepened Henry ’s weariness to the war.He though about Cather-ine all the time,even saw her in his dreams.He preyed,“That my sweet love Catherine down might rain.Blow her against to me.”(Hemingway,142)His love for Catherine was so strong that he cho to jump into the icy river,before being executed and escaped.Henry could dert the war,but he would never dert his love.Compared with the passion of love,the war was pale and frag-ile.Floating down the river with a piece of wood,Henry abandoned everything except Catherine and let the river take him to a new life.“Anger was washed away in the ri
ver along with any obligation.”The rest for him to do was to “Eat and drink and sleep with Catherine.”(Hemingway,167-168)Nothing could parate them from now on.Henry returned to Catherine and found comfort,order and courage again.After staying in Stresa for veral days,the couple fled to Switzerland,and begun their clusive life.There was no war,no pain any more,only peace and love.That fall they lived in a brown wooden hou on the side of a mountain with the kind M r.and M rs.Guttingen living down-stairs.They walked down the mountain path in M ontreus,appreciated the beautiful scenery and played chess,enjoying each other ’s company.They be-came one flesh.“I don ’t live at all when I ’m not with you,”said Catherine.Henry replied,“I ’m no good when you ’re not there.I haven ’t any life at all anymore.”(Hemingway,213)Court Greffi once told Henry that love was a “religious feeling.”(Hemingway,188)Now they became the faith and support for each other.Catherine ’s haircut and Henry ’s new beard along with their life there signify a world they have longed for,devoid of war and filled with tranquil time.When the expected date of childbirth approached,Henry and
Catherine moved to a hotel in Lausanne,near the hospital.
“We know the baby was very clo now and it gave us both a feeling as though something were hurrying us and we could not lo any time together.”(Hemingway,220)This ems to be a prophecy
for the tragic ending.Catherine delivered a dead baby and she died from hemorrhages.
Love can be an antidote for the painful feelings of war,but it can not change the basic unforgiving hardness of the world.In an indifferent and un-caring univer,love between Henry and Catherine,though beautiful,is doomed to failure.Actually,the title of the novel is a pun.“Arms ”may refer to the weapons as well as the arms of a lover.Henry not only made his farewell to the war,but also to his love.
A Farewell to Arms is a tragic love story.It develops with the themes of war and love,describing the fate and development of different characters.The war is cruel,absurd and it is indifferent to man ’s plight.While the beautiful love brings people hope and helps them forget the painful experiences.References [1]Hemingway,Ernest.A Farewell to Arms.Beijing:Foreign Lan-guage Teaching and R earch Press,1992
[2]Donaldson,Scott.By Force of Will:The Life and Art of Ernest Hemingway.NewYork:Viking Penguin,1977
dog police
米田.通过《永别了,武器》看海明威的爱情观和反战立场[J ].作家,2009,(06)508——