一、Commonly Ud Nursing Terms(常用护理技术用语) | |||
Nursing process Asssment Nursing diagnosis Planning Intervention (implementation, management) Evaluation Daily care of the patient Morning (evening) care, AM (HS) care Bedmaking Oral hygiene (mouth care) Brushing the teeth Flossing the teeth Denture care Bathing Cleanliness and skin car Perineal care Hair care Shaving Care of nails and feet Changing hospital gowns Massage Bedsore care 褥疮护理 do not touchMeasurement of vital signs 测量生命体征 Taking oral (rectal, axillary) temperature Taking a radial pul Counting respirations Measuring (taking) blood pressure Catheterization Cardiac catheterization Laryngeal catheterization; intubation Retro-urethral catheterization Urethral catheterization Clean techniques (medical apsis) Apsis Integral apsis Disinfection Concomitant (concurrent) Disinfection Steam Disinfection Terminal Disinfection Disinfection by ultraviolet light Sterilization Chemical Sterilization Intermittent Sterilization Decompression Cardiac decompression Cerebral decompression Orbital decompression Decompression of pericardium Gastro-intestinal decompression Decompression of rectum Decompression of spinal cord Dialysis Peritoneal dialysis Hemodialysis Drainage Aspiration (suction) drainage Clod drainage Negative pressure drainage Open drainage Postural drainage Vaginal drainage Vesicocelomic drainage Enema Barium enema 英文祝福语Blind enema Contrast enema Glycerin enema High (low) enema Magnesium sulfate enema Retention (non-retention) enema Soapsuds enema Turpentine enema Feeding Forced (forcible) feeding Intubation (tube) feeding Vassal feeding Rectal feeding Heat and cold applications Applying hot compress Applying hot soaks Assisting the patient to take a sitz bath Applying hot water bottles Applying cold compress Giving a cold (an alcohol) sponge bath Infusion Gluco infusion Gluco-saline infusion Saline infusion Injection Endermic (intracutaneous) injection Hypertonic saline injection Hypodermic injection Intramuscular injection Intrapleural injection Intraocular injection Intrauterine injection Nasal injection Peritoneal injection Rectal injection Subconjunctival injection Urethral injection Vaginal injection Irrigation Vaginal irrigation Bladder irrigation Continuous irrigation Mediate irrigation Isolation Strict isolation Contact isolation Respiratory isolation Drainage (cretion) precautions Enteric precautions Blood (body fluid) precautions Protective isolation Lavage Gastric lavage Intestinal lavage Peritoneal lavage Pleural lavage Medication Endermic medication Epidermic medication Hypodermatic medication Ionic medication Nasal medication Oral medication Rectal medication Sublingual medication Transduodenal medication Vaginal medication Suctioning Upper airway suctioning Nasogastric suctioning Wound suctionin Transfusion Arterial transfusion Blood transfusion Direct (immediate) transfusion Drip transfusion Indirect transfusion Plasma transfusion Venous transfusion Diet nursing Absolute diet (fasting) Balanced diet Bland diet Convalescent diet Diabetic diet Eucaloric diet Fat-free diet Salt-free diet Fever diet Full diet Half diet High caloric diet High-carbohydrate diet High-protein (protein-rich) diet Invalid diet Light diet Liquid diet High fat diet Low fat diet Low caloric diet Low-protein diet Low-residue diet Nourishing diet Obesity diet Prenatal diet Regimens diet Smooth (soft) diet Emergency care (first aid) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Mouth-to mouth (mouth-to-no) resuscitation Emergency care ud to control hemorrhage Emergency care given to help a patient who is vomiting Emergency care for a patient during a izure Hospice care Postmortem care | 护理过程 估计 护理诊断 计划 措施(实施、管理) 评价 graduates对病人的日常护理 晨(晚)间护理 整理床铺 口腔卫生 刷牙 清牙垢 清洗假牙 洗澡 清洁与皮肤护理 会阴部护理 梳头 元旦主持词刮脸 指甲修剪和洗脚 更换住院服装 按摩 褥疮护理 测量生命体征 测量口腔(直肠、腋下)温度 测量桡动脉脉搏 计呼吸次数 测量血压 导管插入术 心导管插入术 喉插管术 逆行导尿管插入术 尿道导管插入术 消毒灭菌(医学无菌) 无菌(法) 完全无菌 消毒 随时消毒,即时消毒 蒸气消毒 终末消毒 紫外线消毒 灭菌,消毒 化学灭菌法 间歇灭菌法 减压(术) 心脏减压术 脑减压术 眼眶减压术 心包减压术 胃肠减压术 直肠减压术 脊髓减压术 透析 腹膜透析 血液透析 引流、导液 吸引导液(引流) 关闭引流法 负压吸引法 开放引流法 体位引流法 阴道引流法 膀胱腹腔引流 灌肠 钡灌肠 肛管排气法 对比灌肠 甘油灌肠 高(低)位灌肠 硫酸镁灌肠 保留(无保留)灌肠 肥皂水灌肠 松节油灌肠 饲,喂养 强制喂养 管饲法 鼻饲法 直肠营养法 冷、热敷 热敷 湿热敷 帮病人坐浴 用热水瓶 冷敷 冷水(酒精)擦浴 输入,注入 葡萄糖液输注 葡萄糖-盐水输注 盐水输注 注射 皮内注射 高渗盐水注射 皮下注射 肌肉注射 胸膜腔注射 眼球内注射 子宫内注射 鼻内注射 腹膜腔注射 直肠注射 结膜下注射 尿道注射 阴道注射 冲洗 阴道冲洗 膀胱冲洗 连续冲洗法 间接冲洗法 隔离、分离 严密隔离 接触隔离 呼吸道隔离 引流预防措施 肠道预防措施 血液(体液)预防措施 保护性隔离 灌洗,洗出法 洗胃 洗肠 腹膜腔灌洗 胸膜腔灌洗 药疗,投药,给药 皮内投药法 皮上投药法 皮下投药法 离子透药疗法 鼻内投药法 口服法 直肠投药法 舌下投药法 十二指肠内投药法 阴道投药法 吸气,引液 上呼吸道抽吸 鼻胃抽吸 伤口吸引 输血,输液 动脉输血 输血 直接输血 滴注输血(液) 间接输血 输血清 静脉输血,静脉输液 饮食护理 禁食 均衡饮食 清淡饮食 恢复期饮食 糖尿病饮食 适当热量饮食 无脂饮食 无盐饮食 热病饮食 全食,普通饮食 半食 高热量饮食 高糖饮食 高蛋白饮食 病弱者饮食 易消化饮食 流质饮食 高脂饮食 低脂饮食 低热量饮食 低蛋白饮食 低渣饮食 滋补饮食 肥胖饮食 孕期饮食 规定食谱 细(软)饮食 急救护理 心肺复苏术 口对口(口对鼻)复苏术 止血措施 呕吐患者急救 癫痫发作急救 临终护理 死亡后护理 | ||
二、Commonly Ud Nursing Equipment (常用护理器械) | |||
Absorbent cotton Adhesive plaster Bandage Bath towel Cotton wool balls Wipes Dressing Elastic bandage Gauze Mask Mattress Rubber sheet Swab Alcohol burner Breast pump Curet(te) Dropper Enema can Enema syringe Finger stall Forceps Hemostatic forceps Obstetric forceps Funnel Gastric tube Glass measure cup Hypodermic syringe Needle Ampoule (ampute) Ice bag Incubator gment是什么意思 Kidney basin Measuring tape Medicine cup Murphy’s drip bulb Percussion hammer Rectal tube Rubber air ring Rubber gloves Sand bag Scalpel Scissors highwaySpecimen container Sphygmomanometer Stethoscope Sucker Ribbon gut Test tube Thermometer Three-channel tube Spatula (padded tongue blade) Tourniquet Tray Ultraviolet lamp Vesl clamp Vial Bedside commode Bedside rails Bedpan Disposable collecting bag Emesis basin Patient pack Urinal Binder Sling Slint Scrotal support Cane (walking stick) Crutch Stretcher Walker Wheelchair Isolation unit, t-up Cannula(e) Perfusion cannula Wash-out cannula Catheter Cardiac catheter Indwelling catheter Double current catheter Flexible catheter Female catheter Prostatic catheter Tracheal catheter Dialyr Dialyzator Drainage-tube Enemator Intubator Irrigator Oxygen tank Rubber-topped hemostat Speculum Anal speculum Aural speculum Eye speculum Nasal speculum Speculum oris Rectal speculum Urethral speculum Vaginal speculum Suction Sputum suction apparatu Mechanical suction Ventilator (respirator) Automatic ventilator Positive pressure ventilator Negative pressure ventilator Cabinet respirator Autoclave sterilizer (disinfector) Bronchoscope Cystoscope Defibrillator Electrocardiograph Electroencephalograph Gastroscope Hyperbaric oxygen chamber Pacemaker Spirometer | 脱脂棉 胶布 绷带 浴巾 棉球 棉球 敷料 弹力绷带 纱布 口罩 垫子 橡皮单 拭子,药签 酒精灯 吸奶器 刮器,刮匙 滴管 灌肠筒 灌肠注射器 指套 钳子 止血钳 产钳 漏斗 胃管 玻璃量杯 皮下注射器 针头 安瓿 冰袋 保温箱 弯盘 带尺 药杯 墨菲氏滴管 叩诊锤 肛管 橡皮气圈 橡皮手套 沙袋 手术刀 剪刀 取样器皿 血压计 听诊器 吸管 肠线 试管 体温计 三腔管 压舌板 止血带 托盘 紫外线灯 止血钳,血管夹 药瓶 床边洗脸台,便桶 床栏 床上便盆 一次性集尿袋 盂盆 医院为病人提供的个人用具 男用尿壶,贮尿器 腹带,绷带 悬带 夹板 阴囊托 手杖 拐杖 担架 助行器 轮椅 消毒室,消毒病房 套管、插管 灌注套管 冲洗套管 导管 心导管 留置导尿管 双腔导管 软导管 女导尿管 前列腺导尿管 气管吸引导管 透析膜 透析器 引流管 灌肠器 插关器、喉管插入器 冲洗器 氧气筒 带橡皮头的止血器 窥器,张口器 肛门张开器,扩肛器 耳窥器,耳镜 开睑器 鼻窥器,鼻镜 张口器 直肠窥器,直肠张开器 尿道窥器 阴道窥器 吸吮器 吸痰器 机械吸吮器 呼吸机,呼吸器 自动呼吸机 正压呼吸机 负压呼吸机 箱式呼吸器 高压蒸汽灭菌器 支气管镜 膀胱镜 除颤器 心电图机 脑电图机 胃镜 高压氧仓 起搏器 肺活量计 | ||
三、Organization and Members of A Healht Care Facility (医院部门及主要职务术语) | |||
Hospital superintendent / director/ administrator Medical director Department head Attending physician/ doctor in charge Resident doctor Physician‘s assistant Intern Director of nursing Nursing education director Nursing supervisor sofoHead nur Registered nur(RN) Licend practical nur(LRN) Nursing assistant Orderly General office of the hospital Out-patient department Out-patient In-patient department Out-patient Emergency department (unit) Nursing department Registration/ registrar’s office Medical records division Admission office Department of internal medicine Internist , physician Department of general medicine General practitioner Department of cardiology Cardiologist ,heat specialist Department of respiratory medicine Department of digestive medicine(G. I. department ) Gastrologist Department of proctology Proctologist Department of hepatology Hepatologist Department of nephrology Nephrologist Department of hemotology Hemotologist Department of endocrinology Endocrinologist Department of neurology Neurologist Department of psychiatry Psychiatrist Department of geriatrics Geriatrician Department of (general) surgery Surgeon Department of neuro-surgery Department of thoracic/ chest surgery Department of cardiovascular surgery Department of esthetic surgery Department of abdominal surgery Department of orthopedics Orthopedist Department of plastic surgery Department of anesthesiology Anesthetist Department of obstetrics and gynecology Obstetrician/ accoucheur(F.) Gynecologist Midwife/accoucheu(F.) Department of pediatrics Pediatrician Department of neonatology Neonatologist Department of ophthalmology Ophthalmologist Oculist Optician Department of stomatology Stomatologist Department of dentistry Dental department Dentist Department of orthodontics Orthodontist Department of otorhinolaryngology/ ENT(ear,no,throat) department Otorhinolaryngologist) Otolaryngologist ENT specialistrecycle Aurist/ otologist Rhinologist Laryngologist Department of dermatology Dermatologist Department of traditional Chine medicine TCM physician/ doctor Department of acupuncture Acupuncturist Department of massage Massagist Department of pathology Pathologist Department of radiology Radiologist X-ray technologist X-ray technician Department of physical therapy Department of radioisotope Department of dietetics Dietitian/ dietician Diet technician Cook Chef Pharmacy Dispensary Pharmacist Pharmaceutist(Br.) Druggist(Am.) Dispenr Clinical laboratory Laboratory technician Assayer Pulmonary function lab Nursing station/desk Intensive Care Unit(ICU) Blood bank Mortuary Waiting room Consulting room Bronchoscop room E.C.G. room E.E.G. room Gastro-endoscopic room Disinfection room Dressing room Injection room Therapeutic room Operating room Recovery room Medical ward Surgical ward Maternity ward Isolation ward General ward Obrvation ward Optical ward Children’s ward Male ward Private ward | 医院院长 医务主任 科主任 主治医师 住院医师 医生助理,医士 实习医生 护理部主任 护理教育处长 总护士长 护士长 注册护士 持照护士,护士 助理护士,护理员 护理员,卫生员,男助理护士 院部办公室 门诊部 门诊病人 住院部 住院病人 急诊部 护理部 挂号室 病案室 颤动的意思住院处 内科 内科医生 大内科 全科医生 心内科 心脏专家 呼吸科 消化科 胃病专家(医生) 肛肠科 肛肠科专家(医生) 肝病科 肝病专家(医生) 肾内科 肾内科专家(医生) 血液科 血液科专家(医生) 内分泌科 内分泌专家(医生) 神经科 神经科专家(医生) 神经病科 神经病专家(医生) 老年病科 老年病专家(医生) 普通外科 外科医生 神经外科 胸外科 心血管外科 美容外科 腹外科 矫形外科、骨科 骨科医生 整形外科 麻醉科 麻醉师 妇产科 产科医生 妇科专家(医生) 助产士 小儿科 儿科医生 新生儿科 新生儿科专家(医生) 眼科 眼科专家(医生) 眼科医生 验光师 口腔科 口腔科专家(医生) 牙科 牙科 牙医师 正牙科 正牙专家(医生) 耳鼻喉科 耳鼻喉科 耳鼻喉科专家(医生) 耳鼻喉科专家(医生) 耳鼻喉科专家(医生) 耳科医生 鼻科医生 喉科医生 皮肤科 皮肤科专家(医生) 中医科 中医大夫 针灸科 针灸师 按摩科 按摩师 病理科 病理学家 放射科 放射科专家 X光技师 X光技术员 体疗科 放射性同位素科 营养科 营养师 营养技术人员 炊事员 厨师 药房 药房 制剂师 制剂师 药剂师 药剂士 临床化验室 化验室技术员 化验师 上海复旦大学自考网肺功能检查室 护理站 监护室 血库 太平间 接待室、会客室、候诊室 咨询室 支气管镜室 心电图室 脑电图室 胃镜室 消毒室 换药室 注射室 治疗间 手术室 康复室 内科病房 外科病房 产科病房 隔离病房 普通病房 观察病房 眼科病房 儿童病房 男病房 特等病房 | ||
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