Unit One Questions
Lesson One P9
Plea answer the following questions in simple words.
1. What activities are harming ancient Buddhist grottoes?
2. Who turned the caves into the painted shrines?
3. Are murals in good shape?
4. Why is it difficult for the authorities to prevent them from being destroyed?
5. Does the Chine government value the prervation of tho historical and cultural sites?
6. Why did Mr. Neville Agnew say “ tourism and conrvation are good partners”?
Lesson Two P18
Plea answer the following questions in simple words.
1. What is Beijing running for?
2. When will the site be chon for the games?
3. Did China get fair play in choosing the site for the 2000 games?
4. What are the reasons listed by the Bid Committee of Beijing for choosing it for the 2008 games?
青岛理工大学学报5. What is the goal of the English-speaking drive in Beijing?
Lesson Three P29
Plea answer the following questions in simple words.
1. Why did some of the HBS grads choo to come back to China although they had received lucrative offers from America’s top companies?
2. What profession do they usually like to go in for?
3. Why did most of them choo to take in IT industry?
4. Why did some of them decide to stay in the US while some cho to come back?
5. What do you think is the biggest obstacle preventing the elite from coming back home?
6. What does the title of this article “ Home At Last” mean?
Unit Two Questions
Lesson Four P38
Plea answer the following questions in simple words.
1. Why are virtual institutions thought of as best graduate schools?
2. Why is the huge upsurge of interest in remote learning?
3. moralityWill the distance education substitute the traditional education? Explain.
4. What’s the advantage of remote learning?
5. What’s the opposite idea about remote learning?
6. What are the factors you should consider before you choo a distant-education school?
Lesson Five P57
Plea answer the following questions in simple words.
1. Do rearchers agree with each other on the correlationship between college lectivity and future income of the graduates? Cite examples to answer the question.
2. Are all state-run universities less competitive than private universities? Plea give examples.
3. If a candidate is admitted to Harvard University, but decides to go to a state university, will his future earnings be affected?
4. For students from poor backgrounds, does it affect their future earning to choo an elite university? Why?
5. philadelphiaWhere do most top companies go to recruit their employees? Why?
6. breaking newsWhat has influenced the old pattern of employee recruiting for companies?goods>广交会翻译