充分必要条件指示词 film是什么意思
1.introduce a sufficient condition: 专升本英语3800个词汇if/when/whenever/every/all/any/people who/in order to/to
2.introduce a necessary condition: 化眼妆步骤then/only/only if/must/require/no,none(在句子开头英语作文 介绍自己)
3.unless equation: unless/except/until/without(其后面部分变成必要条件,其它加NOT变充分条件)
4.特例:the only way to achieve success is to work hard. achieve success(充分条件)
cover letter 范文only a professional consultant can solve the organization’s problems. a professional consultant(必要条件normally)
no citizen can be denied the right to vote. denied the right to vote(充分条件). no citizen(必要条件)
An example to the required condition word, not until A, B,
Teachers are effective only when they help their students become independent learners. Yet not until teachers have the power to make decisions in their own classrooms can they enable their students to make their own decisions. Students’ capability to make their own decisions is esntial to their becoming independent learners. Therefore, if teachers are to be effective, they must have the power to make decisions in their own classrooms.
According to the argument, each of the following could be true of teachers who have enabled their students to make their own decisions EXCEPT:
(A) Their students have not become independent learners.
(B) They are not effective teachers.
庶务(C) They are effective teachers.
(D) They have the power to make decisions in their own classrooms.(brainstormE)
(E) They do not have the power to make decisions