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FY  2009/10
The Parliamentary Commission, June 2009
Table of Contents (1)
Foreword (2)
Executive Summary (3)
V1: Vote Overview (4)
V2: Past Vote Performance an d Medium Term Plans (5)
V3: Propod Budget Allocations fo r 2009/10 and the Medium Term (6)
V4: Vote Challenges for 2009/10 and the Medium Term (8)
V5: Key Vote Function Outputs Planned for 2009/10 (8)
V6: Vote Function Comp osition (10)
VF1: Vote Function Ov erview (11)
VF2: Past Vote Function Perform ance and Medium Term Plans (12)
VF3: Propod Budget Allocations for 2009/10 and the Medium Term (15)
VF4: Vote Function Challenges for 2009/10 and the Medium Term (19)
VF5: Details of Vote Function Outputs Planned for 2009/10 (19)
Annex: Vote Organization Structures and Departmental Staff List (22)
Abbreviations and Acronymsguildhall
The Parliamentary Commission is entering the third financial year of the 8th Parliament with the multiparty system of government deeply rooted and operating smoothly. Credit for this amazingly quick stabilisation of the multiparty system goes to the Members and Staff of Parliament, the Executive arm of government, Donor partners, Civil Society Organisations and the general populance of the country.
The removal of Parliament from the Public Administration Sector and creation of the Legislature Sector in the financial year 2008/09 has made it possible for the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to look at the budgetary requirements of Parliament from a realistic point of view. Conquently, the budget of the Parliamentary Commission for 2008/09 was provided as requested  and 100% of the Recurrent expenditure was relead and 54% of the Development expe
nditure was relead. The unrelead component of the Development budget was meant for construction of a new Parliamentary Chamber which has not taken off.
The funds relead enabled the Commission to accomplish many tasks it had planned to perform during the year, namely: pay up arrears of Pensions contribution for Members and Staff of Parliament; host the 53rd Session of the Executive Committee and 31st Conference of African Parliamentary Union in Kampala in August 2008; procure transport equipment, computers, and furniture; upgrade the Local Area Network (LAN); pay for goods and rvices, and the salary and allowances for Members and Staff of Parliament.
The Commission has requested for less funding in the financial year 2009/10 compared to 2008/09. The Hou should approve the request to enable the continuous improvement in facilitation of Members and Staff of Parliament and improvement in the infrastructure of the institution. The main challenges during the financial year 2009/10 will include: enforcing attendance of Parliamentary business; ensuring speedy legislation; and commencing construction of a new and larger Chamber of Parliament. The Parliamentary Commission undertakes to measure up to the challenges.
Edward .K. Skandi
Structure of the Ministerial Policy Statement
The Ministerial Policy Statement is split in two main ctions; Section A, which provides an overview of performance and plans for the Ministry, Central Votes and local governments and Section B, which provides past performance and future plans for each Vote Function in detail, in addition to Cross Cutting and other Budgetary Issues.
This ction provides an overview of past performance and future plans, firstly for the Ministry and then for each Central Vote and Local Governments, where relevant. It ts out key details, including strategic priorities for the coming year.
This ction of the Ministerial Policy Statement expands on ction A and provides greater detail of past performance and future plans for each Vote Function (and comprising projects and programmes); in addition to Cross Cutting and other Budgetary Issues for the Vote.
• Section A: Ministry and Vote Overview
• Section B: Past Performance and Future Plans By Vote Function
This ction provides details of approved staff structure for each programme and project (including names of staff and vacant posts).  This is clearly demonstrated in the form of an organogram
Vote Functions
“Each Minister shall cau to be prepared and submitted to Parliament a Policy Statement of the relevant Ministry on the preliminary [budget] estimates .... by the 30th day of June in each year”.  Budget Act 2001, Section 6 (1)
初三数学辅导Since the FY2008/09 budget cycle, the preparation of ctor BFPs, Ministerial Policy Statements and Budget Estimates centre around the notion of Vote Functions. A Vote Function is a t of programmes, projects, and Local Government Grants, defining the roles and responsibilities of a vote/institution, and contributing towards the attainment of vote and overall ctor objectives.
As such, a Vote Function provides detailed information on centralid rvices, by capturing allocations to Central Ministries and Stand Alone Votes, and decentralid rvices funded via grants to Local Governments Preliminary
Executive Summary
藏语在线翻译Executive Summary
Article 77 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda provides for the establishment of the Parliament of Uganda. There are 333 members in the 8th Parliament, 215 of which reprent constituencies. The rest reprent various interests, namely: Women, the Army, Youth, Workers, and
欢笑之歌People with Disability. Thirteen (13) of the members are ex-officio.
The functions of Parliament, provided under Article 79 of the Constitution are to make laws and protect the Constitution. In addition, Parliament carries out oversight over the Executive arm of government and reprents the electorate.
This policy statement has the following ctions:
V1- Vote Overview which summarizes the medium budget allocation and gives the projection by Vote Function. It also states the vote Mission, Objectives and Services.
V2- Past Vote Performance and Medium Term Plans for the financial years 2007/08 and 2008/09 are described and the Vote Output indicators are stated. Planned outputs for 2009/10 are given as well as plans to improve Vote performance.
V3- Propod Budget Allocations for 2009/10 and the Medium Term are given together with the major expenditure allocations in the vote for 2009/10.
V4- Vote challenges for 2009/10 and the Medium Term are outlined in this ction.
V5- Key Vote Function Outputs Planned for 2009/10 and summarized.
V6- Provides the Vote Function Composition.
VF1 –Vote Function Overview states the Vote Function Expenditure; Strategic Objectives; Services; Responsibilities.
万达 石景山VF2- Past Vote Function Performance and Medium Term Plans ction outlines the Past and Future Planned Vote Function Outputs and Capital Purchas, including performance in 2007/08 and 2008/09. Planned output for 2009/10 as well as strategies to improve Vote Function Performance is stated.
VF3- Propod Budget Allocations for 2009/10 and the Medium Term. This ction gives the total budget allocation over the
Medium Term; the major expenditure allocations in the vote function for 2009/10.
VF4- Vote Function Challenges for 2009/10 and the Medium Term are stated in this Section.
VF5- Details of Vote Function Outputs Planned for 2009/10 are provided together with the costs.
Annex 1 contains the Overall structure of the Parliamentary Commission followed by the structures of the Departments of the Parliamentary Service.
Annex 2 has the lists of the Departmental Staff.
Parliamentary Commission
Vote:Ministerial Policy Statement
Parliament Vote Summary 104
*  Donor expenditure data unavailable
The chart below shows total funding allocations to the Vote by Vote Function over the medium term:
Table V1.1: Overview of Vote Expenditures  (UShs Billion)
This ction ts out the Vote Mission, Strategic Objectives, and provides a description of the vote's rvices (i) Snapshot of Medium Term Budget Allocations
Table V1 below summaris the Medium Term Budget allocations for the Vote: V1: Vote Overview
**  Non VAT taxes on capital expenditure
Non Wage GoU Donor*GoU Total
Total GoU + Donor (MTEF)Development
Recurrent Taxes**0.8160.0000.0000.000Total Budget
(ii) Arrears
and Taxes
Arrears 0.0000.0000.0000.000N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(i) Excluding Arrears, Taxes
17.31414.2379.05715.07514.33915.056113.44098.03967.23798.03994.53394.53314.34815.8678.4569.04911.47911.4790.0000.000N/A 0.000  1.4830.000145.102128.14284.750122.163120.351121.068145.102
128.142N/A 122.163121.834121.068
2011/122007/08 Outturn Releas Approved Budget 2009/102010/11MTEF Budget Projections 2008/09

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