cfa level 1词汇 L1word2
franchi n.选举权;特许权;专营权
disposable income one can spend onelf after paying one's income tax, social curity contributions, etc 可支配收入(缴纳所得税﹑社会福利金等之后自己可以动用的部分)
GDP 国内生产总值:一个经济体系在特定时期内生产的所有货品及服务的总值,其中包括消费、政府购买、投资及出口减进口
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
The monetary value of all the finished goods and rvices produced within a country's borders in a specific time period, though GDP is usually calculated on an annual basis. It includes all of private and public consumption, government outlays, investments and exports less imports that occur within a defined territory.
GDP = C + G + I + NX
"C" is equal to all private consumption, or consumer spending, in a nation's economy
"G" is the sum of government spending
"I" is the sum of all the country's business spending on capital
"NX" is the nation's total net exports, calculated as total exports minus total imports. (NX = Exports - Imports)
GNP 国民生产总值:一种经济统计数据,相等于国内生产总值(GDP)加国内居民来自海外投资的收入,减海外居民在国内赚取的收入
家电维修学校lf-correcting a. 自动调整的, 自动修正的
Consideration 约定金额;代价;对价;考虑因素 pecuniary consideration 金钱报酬
similarity consideration (=similitude consideration) 相似[模拟]条件
e_mailstochastic consideration 或然率考虑 stochastic [stəuˈkæstik] adj.【数】随机的
pecuniary [piˈkju:niəri] a.1金钱上的,金钱的;2应罚款的
keynesian model n.凯恩斯派的模型
Elasticity 弹性 一个可变因素对另一个可变因素的敏感度。更具体来说,是指消费者对价格变动的反应。计算方法为:需求量变动% / 价格变动%
A measure of a variable's nsitivity to a change in another variable. In economics, elasticity refers the degree to which individuals (consumers/producers) change their demand/amount supplied in respon to price or income changes. Calculated as:
cross elasticity 交叉弹性
unit elasticity n.单一弹性
Efficiency 效率 效能
A level of performance that describes a process that us the lowest amount of inputs to create the greatest amount of outputs. Efficiency relates to the u of all inputs in producing any given output, including personal time and energy.
slash [slæʃ] vt.砍;大幅度削减 n.砍,砍痕;斜线号
slope 【数】斜率[度] ;【刷 】斜体
Econometrics 计量经济学:将统计理论运用在经济上,目的在于预测未来趋势
well-being [ˈwelˈbi:iŋ] n.幸福;健康;福利
debt curities 债务证券;债券
risk premium 风险溢价
We must choo a consistent time frame in which to count the defects.This will ensure that we have an apples-to-apples comparison. 其中apples-to-apples意思是有可比性的
apples-to-apples 同类相比较 apple to orange 不同类的比较
excruciate [iksˈkruːʃieit]屈服点vt.1. 使苦恼[痛苦]2. [古]拷打; 折磨excruciating [ɪkˈskruːʃɪeɪtɪŋ]a
dj.1. 使苦恼的; 极痛苦的; 难忍受的2. 极度的, 强烈的 -atingly1. 苦恼, 巨痛; 折磨2. [古]酷刑, 拷问n.
grind out 用功做出
deplete [di'pli:t] v. 耗尽,使...空竭 n.亏空
Consumer Surplus 消费者盈余/剩余
An economic measure of consumer satisfaction, which is calculated by analyzing the difference between what consumers are willing to pay for a good or rvice relative to its market price. A consumer surplus occurs when the consumer is willing to pay more for a given product than the current market price.
Investopedia Says:
Consumers always like to feel like they are getting a good deal on the goods and rvices they buy and consumer surplus is simply an economic measure of this satisfacti
on. For example, assume a consumer goes out shopping for a CD player and he or she is willing to spend $250. When this individual finds that the player is on sale for $150, economists would say that this person has a consumer surplus of $100. 美国黑色星期五
burndownMan propos, God dispos. [谚]谋事在人, 成事在天。
propo sb. for 提名某人(任某职); 推荐某人
propo to sb. 向某人求婚
trade off 相互替代,交替换位, 交替使用, 卖掉
discriminate [disˈkrimineit] vi.(between)区别;(against)歧视
deadweight loss 净损失,额外损失,实在损失,无谓的损失
The costs to society created by an inefficiency in the market.
Investopedia Says:毛线衣
Mainly ud in economics, the term "deadweight loss" can be applied to any deficiency due to an inefficient allocation of resources. Lost production due to inaccurate forecasting for labor is an example of a deadweight loss.
Tax Incidence 税收归宿,纳税负担,课税归宿
An economic term for the division of a tax burden between buyers and llers. Tax incidence is related to the price elasticity of supply and demand. When supply is more elastic than demand, the tax burden falls on the buyers. If demand is more elastic than supply, producers will bear the cost of the tax.
as oppod tongo是什么意思 与...形成对照
entrepreneur [en·tre·pre·neur |prescott]n. 企业家; 主办人
entrepreneurialszc adj. 企业家的; 中间商的; 创业者的
as with 与…一样
asmble [ә'mbl]vt. 集合, 收集, 装配vi. 集合[计] 汇编[化] 装配
asmbly [əˈmbli] n.1议会;2集会,集合;4组装, 安装,组合,部件,系统
asmbly line 装配线, 流水作业线
shirk [ʃɜrk /ʃɜːk] v. 1逃避, 躲避, 推卸; 2逃避义务, 偷懒
1解释..., 说明..., 是...的原因/理由, 2(数量)占... 3对...负有责任; 4证明
1. In accounting, the number of times an ast is replaced during a financial period.
2. The number of shares traded for a period as a percentage of the total shares in a portfolio or of an exchange.