昼夜的意思商务英语专业辅修第八期 国际商务导论第一周作业
Passage Translation
lo过去式41.自三年前从轻工学院(College of Light Industry)服装系(Department of Garments)毕业后,张伟达一直在一家纺织品公司(a textiles company)工作。他工作业绩出色,深得上司赏识, 去年被提为部门经理,明年有可能升为分公司副总经理(a vice president of a division)freestyle swimming。但是,他老觉得自己只是个为别人做嫁衣的打工仔。在一次老同学聚会(a schoolmates’ reunion party)书香伴我行上,他发现当年班里公认的才子、现任市经贸委某处副处长(a deputy division chief of the Municipal Commission of Economy and Trade)的成浩也不甘于现状。经过深谈,他俩决定一起辞职,成立自己的服装店。他们给服装店起名为“宏雅”,张伟达和成浩分任正副经理。启动资本(start-up capital)为7万元,张伟达出3万,成浩出1万,还有3万是从银行借来的。他们决定从零售开始。进货主要由张伟达负责,因此他常去广州、上海采购。成浩有时也出去采购,但主要留在店里负责销售。
面盘下来,以扩大自己的营业面积。茶叶店老板周湖生不愿意出售自己的铺面,但同意以铺面作价3万元(relax是什么意思value the shop at 30,000 yuan),入股宏雅。此外,他觉得自己不懂服装,不便参加服装店的日常管理,但要求按其股份的50%分享利润(即3/(3+1+3)*50%*利润)。在权衡利弊之后(weighed the pros and cons)笔译兼职,张伟达和成浩同意了周湖生的要求,并签署了有关协议(sign an agreement)广州韩语培训。宏雅服装店是什么形式的企业?张伟达、成浩、周湖生之间是什么关系?
A Godndbubble pop什么意思
♦ Mike Anderson had lived a simple life as a carpenter before he won 100,000 dollars in a sweepstakes last month. After paying tax and buying a car for his family, he still has more than 60,000 dollars left. His wife has asked him to u the money to t up a family business such as a grocery or laundry mat in the neighbourhood. Their next door neighbour, Jim Thomas, who is an experienced plumber, has persuaded him to establish a partnership with him and provide home repair rvices to the neighbourhood. Mike’s br
波兰语在线翻译other-in-law does not like the ideas and has suggested that Mike buy a fast-food franchi becau the risk of running a franchi is relatively smaller than that of tting up a new business. Allen Smith, Mike’s best friend, however, has advid Mike to invest the money in blue-chip stocks so that while having another steady source of income as a shareholder, he can still live the quiet life he and his family have enjoyed so far.
♦ Questions:
1. What factors are the most important in deciding on the forms of business?
2. Which forms do you suggest if Mike wants to t up a new business or buy an existing one?