Method Ib (Residual Titration) 方法Ib(残留滴定)
Principle— See the information given in the ction cbgPrinciple under Method Ia. In the residual titration, excess Reagent is added to the test specimen, sufficient time is allowed for the reaction to reach completion, and the unconsumed Reagent is titrated with a standard solution of water in a solvent such as methanol. The residual titration procedure is applicable generally and avoids the difficulties that may be encountered in the direct titration of substances from which the bound water is relead slowly.
Apparatus, Reagent, and Test Preparation— U Method Ia. 中学生演讲稿
Standardization of Water Solution for Residual Titration— Prepare a Water Solution by diluting 2 mL of water with methanol or other suitable solvent to 1000 mL. Standardize this solution by titrating 25.0 mL with the Reagent, previously standardized as directed under Standardization of the Reagent. Calculate the water content, in mg per mL, of the Water Solution taken by the formula:
in which www asian4you comV' is the volume of the Reagent consumed, and F is the water equivalence factor of the Reagent. Determine the water content of the Water Solution weekly, and standardize the 美国历史Reagent against it periodically as needed.
其中,V'是消耗掉的试剂,F是试剂zoom in的水平衡因子。每周测定水溶液的水分含量,并据此根据需要定期对试剂进行标准化。
Procedure— Where the individual monograph specifies that the water content is to be determined by Method Ib, transfer 35 to 40 mL of methanol or other suitable solvent to the titration vesl, and titrate with the Reagent to the electrometric or visual endpoint. Quickly add the Test Preparation, mix, and add an accurately measured excess of the Reagent. Allow sufficient time for the reaction to reach completion, and titrate the unconsumed Reagentsimc with standardized Water Solution to the electrometric or visual endpoint. Calculate the water content of the specimen, in mg, taken by the formula:
F(X' XR),
in which F is the water equivalence factor of the Reagent; X' is the volume, in mL, of the Reagentef海外留学 added after introduction of the specimen; Xaltitude is the volume, in mL, of standardized Water Solution required to neutralize the unconsumed Reagent; and R is the ratio, V'/25 (mL Reagent/mL Water Solution), determined from the Standardization of Water Solution for Residual Titration.
Method Ic (Coulometric Titration) 方法Ic(库仑滴定)
Principle— The Karl Fischer reaction is ud in the coulometric determination of water. Iodine, however, is not added in the form of a volumetric solution but is produced in an iodide-containing solution by anodic oxidation. The reaction cell usually consists of a larg
e anode compartment and a small cathode compartment that are parated by a diaphragm. Other suitable types of reaction cells (e.g., without diaphragms) may also be ud. Each compartment has a platinum electrode that conducts current through the cell. Iodine, which is produced at the anode electrode, immediately reacts with water prent in the compartment. When all the water has been consumed, an excess of iodine occurs, which usually is detected electrometrically, thus indicating the endpoint. Moisture is eliminated from the system by pre-electrolysis. Changing the Karl Fischer solution after each determination is not necessary since individual determinations can be carried out in succession in the same reagent solution. A requirement for this method is that each component of the test specimen is compatible with the other components, and no side reactions take place. Samples are usually transferred into the vesl as solutions by means of injection through a ptum. Gas can be introduced into the cell by means of a suitable gas inlet tube. Precision in the method is predominantly governed by the extent to which atmospheric moisture is excluded from the system; thus, the introduction of solids into the cell is not recommended, unless elaborate precautions are taken, such as
working in a glove-box in an atmosphere of dry inert gas. Control of the system may be monitored by measuring the amount of baline drift. This method is particularly suited to chemically inert substances like hydrocarbons, alcohols, and ethers. In comparison with the volumetric Karl Fischer titration, coulometry is a micro-method.
Apparatus— Any commercially available apparatus consisting of an absolutely tight system fitted with the necessary electrodes and a magnetic stirrer is appropriate. The instrument's microprocessor controls the analytical procedure and displays the results. Calibration of the instrument is not necessary, as the current consumed can be measured absolutely.
Reagent— See Reagent under Method Ia.
Test Preparation— Where the specimen is a soluble solid, dissolve an appropriate quantit
y, accurately weighed, in anhydrous methanol or other suitable solvents. Liquids may be ud as such or as accurately prepared solutions in appropriate anhydrous solvents.
Where the specimen is an insoluble solid, the water may be extracted using a suitable anhydrous solvent from which an appropriate quantity, accurately weighed, may be injected into the anolyte solution. Alternatively an evaporation technique may be ud in which water is relead and evaporated by heating the specimen in a tube in a stream of dry inert gas, this gas being then pasd into the cell.