专利名称:Game apparatus
27 dress发明人:GRAHAM JOHN ELPHINSTONE 申请号:US32050628
董事长的英文摘要:311,828. Graham, J. E. Nov. 23, 1927. Race games, mechanical.-In a game apparatus with bodies progresd over fixed obstacles, the bodies have one or more pendant projections which engage between the turns of a rotating helical wire thread or spring, the spring being a tension or compression spring. The bodies usually have two projections, but more may be provided to give a varied action, the pitch of the helix agreeing with the spacing of the projections. The projections take through a slot in the track, and the slot may be out of centre with the helix. The housing of the helix may have a curved ba to permit the helix to move laterally and roll axially. The housings may be straight or curved, and each helix arranged to rotate on its own axis, but with curved tracks the disc carrying the coils may rotate on its centre. For race games, two or more tracks are arranged side by side, or concentrically. The helix may be rotated by a spring, weight, or electric motor. In the form shown, a handoperated fly-wheel 12, Fig. 2, having a leather disc 15 engages a roughened or toothed wheel 28 mounted in a rocking frame 19. This frame carries axles 23 cured to the springs 25 and having wheels 22 geared to a wheel on the axle of wheel 28. Alternate helices are then made of opposite hand excent when the bodies start from opposite ends. The wheels 12, 28 are held in engagement by a spring 27 engaging the frame 19 which can be rocked by a lever 26 to dingage the
gearing. The wheel 28 may be replaced by twin wheels 52, 53, Fig. 10, roughened on half their peripheries to give varying movement to the helices. The track is provided with obstacles 32, Fig. 2, to reprent ditches or water jumps, and the may be slotted only in their upper portions. The tracks may have pin-head projections or rrations in places, or depressions 33 may be formed. The first body home engages a flap 34 which falls on to teeth 39 on a pivoted bar 37, the cond body home pushing its flap on to a cond row of teeth 40. A third row of teeth may also be provided. The flaps are ret by a bar 51 with a handle. The figures 41, Fig. 5, have a front projection 46 with a cam surface so that the helix lifts the figure, while the rear projection 47 is hook-shape so that it remains in engagement with the helix for a period until the weight of the figure rocks it forward again. The projections may have a stepped profile to vary the action. The ba of the figure has a curved front 43 for riding over obstacles, and may have a curved centre 44, the centre of gravity of the figure being in advance of the curve 44. The centre of gravity may be made variable by constructing the figure in two parts, or by inrting a ball or other object inside the figure. The figures may reprent jockeys or knights on hors.
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