dhf>出国留学的中介Jane Austin( December 1775 C July 1817)
“Jane Austen was an English novelist, who realism, biting social mentary and u of free indirect speech have earned her a place as one of the most widely read and most beloved writers in English literature.” ----Wikipedia
Biographical film
Famous work
Family Education Conditions for writing Love Places she lived Social atmosphere Writing Death
Family father William, a rector, from a family of woolen manufacturers which had rin through the professions to the lower ranks of the landed gentry ; mother Cassandra, a member of the prominent Leigh family; Greatly affected by her parents who were avid readers; received a broader education than many
外语翻译机women of her time.
the cond daughter and venth child in a family of eight; sister, Elizabeth Cassandra, died unmarried, her clost friend and confidante throughout her life; favorite brother Henry, provided her with a view of social worlds not normally visible from a small parish in rural Hampshire, became her literary agent later ;
pandareaderEducation once nt to Oxford with Cassandra to be educated by Mrs. Ann Cawley in 1783, (but quitted for both catching typhus and Jane nearly died) later early in1785 went to boarding school for
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a short time. acquired the remainder of her education by reading books, guided by her father and her brothers James and Henry.
Social atmosphere Class divisions were rooted in family connections and wealth. The chief method of lf-improvement for women was the acquisition of wealth. That is to say, to marry well a girl needed a large amount of fortune, or luck.
Love and marriage Tom Lefroy: handsome, experienced but
poor, met in parties, marriage was impractical; Harris Bigg-Wither :rich but boring, received her only proposal of marriage, refud the next day; Never Married
Places she livedSteventon, Hampshire: the first 25 years of peaceful and happy life; Bath (a place of tourist resort):broadening of vision, dislike the place; Chawton village (with mother and sisters): a more ttled life, given more opportunity to write.
Conditions for writing had access to her father’s large and varied library; was allowed to do so s ome risqué experiments in writing; was provided with expensive papers and other materials for her writing despite of her family‘s financial problems; benefited from private theatricals, in which her edic and satirical gifts were cultivated ;
Writing In the early time, wrote cretly, just for her own and her family‘s amument; During her time at Chawton, wanted to live by her pen, published her novels, provided her with some financial and psychological independence.
“S he wrote behind a door that creaked when visitors approached; this warning allowed her to hide manuscripts before anyone could enter.”
Death died in Winchester on 18 July 1817, at the agthe pirate bay
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f 41, be buried in the north aisle of the nave of Winchester Cathedral.