the christmas song1.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔分别填写在试题卷和答题纸规定的位置上。
does the woman want to do?
TV. for a walk. the Internet.
would the woman like to have a Chine name?
is taking a Chine class.
will be working in China.
has made some Chine friends.
are the speakers talking about?
travel plan. exam result.水墨画的意思 sports game.
has the man been doing?
something. his pen. .
does John suggest the woman do?
his friend.
Harry for help.
to the airport with him.
are the speakers?
a bank a アルバムhotel. a restaurant.
much does the man need to pay?
A.$68 B.$136 C.$204
birthday is it?
's. 's. 's.
will the birthday party begin?
:15. :30. :00.
does the man want to know?
to buy. to call. to park.
was Julia abnt from the class?
was ill. got up late. wen to a party.
has Robert got for Julia?
. paintings. notes.
will the speakers meet on Saturday?
Robert's home. a bar a shop.
is the woman doing?
a minar. some advice. an interview.
often does the man travel by bus?
a day. other day. a week.
does the man feel about the bus rvice?
's good. 's fair. 's poor.
improvement should the bus company make?
should be more punctual.
should be more polite.
should be more comfortable.
is Pierre?
doctor from Senegal.
university rearcher.
United Nations official.
does Pierre mainly talk about?
supplies in the world.
role that the UN plays.
purpo of his study.
is the expected outcome of Pierre's work?
new medicine. new type of rice. new farming method.
The most welcome sight on a cold,wet winter night in London is the familiar shape of a London taxi cab approaching with its yellow "for hire" sign shining brightly. That shows it is ready to pick you up. Travelling by taxi in London is not just a way of going from one place to another. It is an experience to be enjoyed and remembered.
The main reason for this is the drivers, who are called “cabbies."Many of them are true Cockneys. This means they were born in the heart of London and speak their own special dialect(方言)of English. All of them know every street and famous building in the city, and all of them love to talk. A simple twenty-minute journey across town can become
very interesting. You may have a discussion about the government and its leaders or a friendly talk about the driver's Aunty Nellie! One thing is for sure, it will never be boring. Cabbies know all the latest news about film stars, the Royal Family, government leaders, and popular singers or actors and actress.
They also know the best places to eat, shop and relax. And they can take you straight to any large hotel, ravageddepartment store, theatre or muum. They know the shortest way possible withoutdatabus even looking at a map, becau everyone who wants to become a taxi driver must pass a very difficult examination in order to get a licen to drive a taxi. The exam is called "The Knowledge." It is a written test, and in it drivers are asked the shortest way from one place to another. They must take into account the time of day --in rush hour, a longer route(路线)may be quicker --法律英语翻译 and describe the best way. Moreover they must never forget the one-way streets!
what can we tell that someone is a Cockney?
interest. manners.
speech. appearance.
does the author suggest by mentioning "Aunty Nellie”in paragraph 2?
A. Pasngers are full of curiosity.
B. Cabbies' topics are wide-ranging.
C. Aunty Nellie is popular in London.
D .Londoners are friendly to each other.
is the purpo of "The Knowledge"?arora
qualify one to drive a taxi. assess one's driving skills.
test drivers' ability to wjtechrite. check taxi drivers' memory.
This month millions of American kids can forget about classroom bells and t off for grandparents' homes, sleep-away camps and lifeguard stands. But summer vacation hasn't always been a birthright of . schoolchildren. Before the Civil War, schools operated on one of two calendars(日历), neither of which included a summer vacation. Rural(农村的)schooling was divided into summer and winter terms, leaving kids free to help with the farm work in the spring planting and fall harvest asons. Urban students, meanwhile, 心想事成英文regularly had as many as 48 weeks of study a year, with one break per quarter.