1 American Economic Review 1,00
2 Econometrica 1,00
3 Journal of Finance 1,00
4 Journal of Financial Economics 1,00industrial design
5 Journal of Monetary Economics 1,00
6 Journal of Political Economy 1,00
7 Nature 1,00
8 Quarterly Journal of Economics 1,00
9 Review of Economic Studies 1,00
10 Science 1,00
11 American Political Science Review 0,60
12 Annals of Statistics 0,60
13 Economic Journal 0,60
14 European Economic Review 0,60
15 Games and Economic Behavior 0,60
16 International Economic Review 0,60
女生网名2013最新版17 International Organization 0,60
18 Journal of Accounting and Economics 0,60
19 Journal of Business 0,60
20 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 0,60
21 Journal of Econometrics 0,60
22 Journal of Economic Theory 0,60
23 Journal of Health Economics 0,60
24 Journal of International Economics 0,60
25 Journal of Labor Economics 0,60
26 Journal of Public Economics 0,60
27 Journal of the American Statistical Association 0,60
28 Journal of the European Economic Association 0,60
29 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B Statistical Methodology
30 Management Science 0,60
31 Nature: Letter 0,60
32 RAND Journal of Economics (formerly: Bell Journal of
33 Review of Economics and Statistics 0,60
34 Review of Financial Studies 0,60
35 Science: Report 0,60
36 Statistical Science 0,60
37 Accounting Review 0,30
38 American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 0,30
到时候再说39 American Journal of Agricultural Economics 0,30
40 Annals of Applied Probability 0,30
41 Annals of Applied Statistics 0,30
42 Bernoulli 0,30
43 Biometrika 0,30
44 Demography 0,30
45 Econometric Theory 0,30
46 Economic Theory 0,30
47 Economics Letters 0,30
48 Finance and Stochastics 0,30
49 Health Economics 0,30权威留学中介
50 Health Services Rearch 0,30
mauritius51 Industrial and Labor Relations Review 0,30
52 International Journal of Industrial Organization 0,30
53 Journal of Accounting Rearch 0,30
54 Journal of Applied Econometrics 0,30
55 Journal of Banking and Finance 0,30
56 Journal of Conflict Resolution 0,30
57 Journal of Consumer Rearch 0,30
58 Journal of Development Economics 0,30
59 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 0,30
60 Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 0,30
61 Journal of Economic Growth 0,30
62 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 0,30
63 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 0,30
64 Journal of Human Resources 0,30
powermanagement65 Journal of Industrial Economics 0,30
66 Journal of International Money and Finance 0,30
67 Journal of Law and Economics 0,30
68 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 0,30
69 Journal of Marketing 0,30
70 Journal of Marketing Rearch 0,30
71 Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 0,30
72 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in
black teaSociety
73 Journal of Urban Economics 0,30
74 Marketing Science 0,30
75 Mathematical Finance 0,30
76 Population and Development Review 0,30
77 Rearch Policy 0,30
78 Review of Economic Dynamics 0,30
79 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 0,30
80 Transportation Rearch Part B: Methodological 0,30
81 Water Resources Rearch 0,30
82 World Development 0,30
83 Advances in Applied Probability 0,20
84 American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 0,20
85 American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 0,20
86 American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 0,20
87 American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 0,20
88 California Management Review 0,20
89 Canadian Journal of Economics 0,20
90 China Quarterly 0,20