Decrees, ordinances, circular
The decree of No 2007-766 of 10th May of 2007 including the application of the code of consumption with regard to the materials and objects intended to come into contact with the foodstuffs
NOR: ECOC0751228D
The Prime Minister,
On the report of the minister of economy, finances and industry,
Considering the regulation (CE) of No 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27th October of 2004 concerning materials and objects intended to come into contact with foodstuffs and abrogating the directives of 80/590/CEE and 89/109/CEE;
Considering the modified directive of the European Parliament and the Council of 22nd June of 1998 e
nvisaging a procedure of information in the field of the standards and technical regulations and the rules relating to the rvices of the company of information, together with the notification of 2006/0080/F of 7th February of 2006 addresd to the Commission of the European Communities;
Considering the code of consumption, in particular its articles of L. 214-1, L. 214-2 and L. 214-3;
Considering the modified decree of No 73-138 of 12th February of 1973 including the application of the law of 1st August of 1905 on the repression of the frauds with regard to the chemicals in the human food and the materials and objects in contact with food, products and drinks intended for the human and animal food as well as the process and the products ud for the cleaning of the materials;
Considering the decree of No 92-631 of 8th July of 1992 relating to materials and objects intended to come into contact with the food, products and drinks for the human and animal food modified by the decree of No 99-242 of 26th March of 1999 and by the decree of No 2001-1097 of 16th November of 2001;cartographer
Considering the opinion of the French Agency of medical safety of food on 5th January of 2006;
The Council of State (ction of finances) heard,
Article 1st. – The provisions of the articles 1st to 5 and 15 to 17 of the regulation of 27th October of 2004 above-mentioned constitute the measures of execution envisaged with the article of L.214-1 of the code of consumption.
It is the same for the provisions of the regulations of community, having the same object, which would modify them or would be taken for their application.
Article 2. – The objects which, by their appearance, em intended to be put in contact with the foodstuffs, without to enter the field of application of the above-mentioned regulation of 27th October of 2004, are compelled to carry in a visible and indelible way the mention or the pictogram fixed by decree of the ministers in charge with the consumption and the industry indicating that they can not be put in contact with foodstuffs.
The ignorance of the prescriptions of the preceding subparagraph is liable to the sorrows envisages with the article of L.214-2 of the code of consumption.
Article 3. – The provisions of article 2 are not oppod to the marketing of materials and objects men
tioned to the audit article legally marketed in a member State of the European Union or another State left with the agreement instituting the European economic Area or in Turkey and ensuring an equivalent level of safety.
Article 4 – The above-mentioned decree of 8th July of 1992 is repealed as it relates to the materials and objects intended to come into contact with the foodstuffs included in the field of application of the above-mentioned regulation of 27th October of 2004.
firstimpressionArticle 5 – The decrees taken into application of the provisions of the articles 1st to 9 of the above-mentioned decree of 12th February of 1973 and the articles of 4 and 5 of the above-mentioned decree of 8th July of 1992 remain in force as they are not contrary with the provisions of the above-mentioned regulation of 27th October of 2004.
Article 6. – The Minister of economy, finance and industry, the attorney general, the Minister of justice, the Minister of agriculture and fishing and the minister of health and solidarity are charged, each one in what relates to, of the execution of this exact decree, which will be published in the Official Journal of the Republic of France.
Paris, the 10th May, 2007
By the Prime Minister:
The minister of economy,
finances and industry,
crzThe attorney general, the minister of justice,fairfax
The minister of agriculture and fishing,
The minister of health and solidarity,