Task 1 (3 marks)
Develop the initial business glossary (of about a dozen terms) for the AP system.
Task 1 Answer:
Term Definition
Academic Payroll (AP) system A software system ud to issue payments to academic
Full-time academic staff A person employed in a full-time capacity with the
University to perform academic duties.
Casual academic staff A person employed in an as needed basis with the
功夫不负有心人英文University to perform academic duties.
leave Time spent away from the University in a period that
would normally be considered normal working hours. Annual leave Yearly entitlement of four weeks leave
Long-rvice leave Entitlement of six months leave for members of staff
employed for more than ten years.
leave balances Employees remaining leave entitlement
Contractual academic staff See casual academic staff
contract An agreement between the University and a casual
academic to perform teaching duties to be paid an hourly
payments Money paid to employees in return for work.
sick leave Entitlement of leave bad on an employee’s health
Windows A graphical ur interface
初中阅读题及答案desktop interface A client program run on an employee’s desktop
web-bad access A client program run within a browr on an employee’s
desktop computer
browr A program ud for browsing the world-wide -web
Task 2 (3 marks)
Develop a u ca model for the AP system. Your model should identify about ten u cas. Distinguish Provide Web Access as one of the u cas. Show the most important relationships, including (if applicable) <<extend>> and <<include>> relationships. Make the distinction between both-directional and uni-directional associations, when appropriate. U generalizations and dependency relationships (in particular with regard to actors). Describe the meaning of the model, including any assumptions you have made, in text under the diagram.
Task 2 Answer:
The model consists of ten u cas of interest to five actors (as Full-time Academic and Casual Academic are merely subclass of Academic). The main actor is Personnel (i.e. employees in the Personnel Department). Actors which are clearly “external entities ” include Contract Management, Bank System, and Mail Office. Full-time Academic interacts directly with Provide Web Access. Casual Academic has a uni-directional association to Manage Timecards. Any academic (signified by Academic) may have a dependency relationship to Mail Office and/or Bank System.
A central u ca is Generate Payment. This u ca can be extended by Manage Timecards and Generate Pay Slip (for the benefit of Casual Employee). It can also be extended by Generate Paycheck (for Mail Office) and Make Bank Deposit (for Bank System).
Personnel communicates with three principal functions of the AP system – Generate Payment, Manage Leave, and Manage Employee. The three u cas produce data, stored in the AP databa, which provides main data input to Provide Web Access. However, we decided not to clutter the model by showing relevant associations between the four u cas. Instead, the model makes only explicit the inclusion of Modify Personal Details and Modify Payment Method in Provide Web Access. Finally, note also a uni-directional association from Generate Payment to Modify Payment Method.
Full-time Academic
Provide Web Access
Task 3 (3 marks)
Develop an entity class diagram (i.e. entity class only) for AP. Your model should identify about ten entity class. Show some significant attributes in class (specify both attributes names and Java types). Specify relationships between class. U generalization and aggregation, if applicable. Consider uni-directional associations. Describe the meaning of the model, including any assumptions you have made, in text under the diagram.
Task 3 Answer:
The model consists of nine class, although the tenth class (PaymentMethod) is directly referred to in the Payment class and could be added at will. An Academic contains Payment objects. There will be many Payment objects over time for each Academic. Each Payment object refers to exactly one Pay Period. Similarly, each Timecard object refers to exactly one Pay Period
An Academic can be either Full-time Academic or Casual Academic. Full-time Academic holds salary and tax information necessary to compute Payment. It also contains a Leave object that stores leave balances.
Casual Academic contains Timecard and Contract objects. Timecard stores hours worked per pay period, which can be computed from Timecard Entry objects. Each Casual Academic object stores information if tax should be deducted and what is the means of payment notification (mail or email).
英语星期一到星期天Task 4 (3 marks)
Write a u ca document for the u ca “Modify Payment Method”. Plea refer to the example in the book and specify the u ca name, brief description, flow of events (both basic flow and alternative flows), special requirements, preconditions, postconditions, and extension points.
Task 4 Answer:
U Ca Specification: <Modify Payment Method>
Modify Payment Method
Brief Description
Enables an Academic to modify their own payment method using the Academic Kiosk. The payment method specifies how the Academic is paid, by cheque to the postal address of their choice or by direct deposit to a bank account.
Flow of Events
Basic Flow
This u ca starts when the Academic wishes to view his/her existing payment method with the possible intention to modify it.
1. The system requests that the Academic enter his/her name and password.
2. The Academic enters his/her name and password.
3. The system validates the entered name and password and logs the Academic into Academic Kiosk. Ref. Alternative Flow <Invalid Name/Password>.
4. The system displays an Academic Kiosk entry webpage with a list of possible actions supported by the Kiosk, including the actions with regard to the payment method. The Academic requests the payment method webpage.
5. The system displays the existing payment method of the Academic and provides an option to modify the existing method or to change to another payment method (and enter new details for it). There are two possible payment methods: bank cheque mail or direct bank deposit.
6. The Academic choos the modification/change option and the system displays the relevant data entry form.bridge是什么意思
7. If the method is the same as the most recently ud, the system will display all details of that payment method. The existing details can be overridden by the Academic, as needed.
8. If the Academic lects the ‘bank cheque mail’ method, the system requests that the Employee specify the address that the cheques should be mailed to.
9. If the Academic lects the ‘direct bank deposit’ method, the system requests that the Employee specify the bank name, account name and account number. Ref. Alternative Flow <Deposit Insufficient Information>balcony什么意思
lookforwardto10. Once the Academic confirms the changes, the system updates the payment method in the AP databa and refreshes the payment method webpage to show the changes made. Ref. Alternative Flow <Mail Insufficient Information>. Ref. Alternative Flow <Deposit Insufficient Information>. Alternative Flows
<Invalid Name/Password>
If in the Basic Flow, the Academic enters an invalid name and/or password, the system displays an error message. The error message reminds the Academic that only full-time academics have access
to this u ca. The actor can re- enter name/password or can cancel the login and terminate the u ca. The u ca will also terminate after three unsuccessful attempts to login.
<Mail Insufficient Information>
If in the Basic Flow, the Academic enters insufficient information for the ‘bank cheque mail’ method, t
he system highlights missing/incorrect information and requests the Academic to re-enter that information and confirm the changes again.
<Deposit Insufficient Information>
If in the Basic Flow, the Academic enters insufficient information for the ‘direct bank deposit’ method, the system highlights missing/incorrect information and requests the Academic to re-enter that information and confirm the changes again.
Special Requirements
The Academic must be using the University intranet to get access to the login window for Academic Kiosk.
If the u ca was successful, the payment method for the Academic is updated in the AP databa and it will take effect from the next pay period. Otherwi, the system state is unchanged. Extension Points
Task 5 (3 marks)
Develop a quence diagram and a corresponding collaboration diagram for the u ca “Modify Payment Method” defined in Task 4. Assume the “happy path” scenario, i.e. there is no need to account for Alternative Flows. The design must conform to the PCMEF architecture. Show all major interactions from the actor (Academic). Show message arguments. Show how the webpages within Academic Kiosk are instantiated. However, do not show any “trips to the databa”, with the exception of the final storage of a modified payment method in the databa (i.e. do not show messages that require reading from the databa to validate ur’s login or to retrieve the academic’s existing payment method). For simplicity, work only with one control class (to be named CModifyPayMethod) and one mediator class (named MMediator). Assume that CModifyPayMethod holds a reference to the existing EPayMethod and can directly obtain its data. The model must be explained in text under the diagrams.凡人皆有一死
Task 5 Answer: