. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choo the one that would best complete the statement.
1. The minimal meaningful units in a language are known as____.
A.words B.allomorphs
C.morphemes Dimorphs
2. The ____are “actual spoken, minimal carriers of meaning”.
A. morphs B. allomorphs
C. morphemes D.allophoneschord
3. Morphemes are ____units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as ____.
A.concrete;allomorphs B.abstact;morphs
cbt C.abstact;lexemes D.concrete;morphs
4. Which word not a mono-morphemic word?
A.Tree. B. Desire.
C.Look. D.Different.
5. Most morphemes which can ____by themlves and ____freely in a ntence are realized by single morphs. Words of this kind are called monomorphic words.
A.establish;change B.stand;change
C.stand;function D.establish;function
6. A (n) ____refers to a member of a t of morphs, which reprent one morpheme.
A.morph B.allomorph
C.morpheme D.allmorph
7.Which is not an allomorph of morpheme “would”?
A. /wud/ B. /d/
C. /d/ D. /t/
8. Morphemes which cannot occur as parate words are ____.
A.bound B.stem
C.root D.ba
9. Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word. Such alternative morphs are known as___.
A.lexemes B.hesdwords
C.allomorphs D.phones
10. We可乐果 can classify morphemes into veral general categories becau of different function: free versus bound, derivational versus ____, and lexical versus grammatical.
A.functional B.inflectional
husband什么意思 C.logical D.emotional
11. Free morphemes have ____meanings in themlves and can be ud as ____grammatical units in ntences.
A.incomplete;independent B.complete;free
C.complete;dependent D.free;complete
12. Morphemes which ____occur as parate words are bound.
A.can B.can not
火星上的约翰 卡特
C.should D.shouldn’t
13. Which is not the morpheme of the word recellection?
A.Re. B.Ion.
C.Collect. D.Tionteva
14. Free morphemes are all ____, which are capable of being ud as ____.
A.roots;words B.words;roots
C.words;word building elements
D.word building elements; words
15. Bound morphemes include two types:____and____.
A.bound root;prefix B.bound root; suffix
suffer fromC.bound root; affix D.affix;prefix
16. Morphemes which are ud to derive new words are known as____.
A.derivational morphemes
B.inflectional morphemes
C.free morphemes
D.bound morphemes
17. Inflectional morphemes indicate syntactic relationships between____and ____as grammatical markers.
A.words;meaning B.words;function
C.words;root D.words;prefix
18.____occurs with all members of some large class of morphemes.
A.Bound morphemes
B.Inflectional morphemes
C.Free morphemes
D.Derivaional morphemes
19. Derivational morphemes indicates ____relations within the word.
A.syntatic B.pragmatic
C.mantic D.morphological
20. Derivational morphemes are lexical morphemes which are known as____morphemes.
A.derivational morphemes
B.inflectional morphemes
C.free morphemes
D.bound morphemes
21. Some morphemes are not meaningful in ____but acquire meaning by virtue of their connection in words.
A.isolation B.meaning
C.connection D.combination
22. Some morpheme,s are identical in form but different in meaning, for example,-erorderwithme in teacher means “one who”, but –er in clearer indicates“____” .
A.an object B.the comparative degree
C.one who D.element
23. Affixes are forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify ____.
A.words B.content
C.meaning D.grammar
24ita. Derivational affixes can be further divided into ____and ____.
A.bound roots;suffixes B.prefixes;suffixes