1. I Can you think of alternatives we would u today?
algiersalternative n.选择对象
have no alternative but to do sth.:只能做某事
We have no alternative but to go on.
There was no other alternative but to fight till the victory.
I had no money, so I had no alternative but to stay at home
alternative n.[C]可能的选择,可能性之一。近义词,choice。
翻译英文adj. 选择性的, 二中择一的
另一种方式:alternative means; 另择群体:the alternative society
he way was blocked, so we had to go by. alternative road
alternative v.交替;轮流alternatively adv.交替地,作为另一种选择的
2. Make a tentative guess about what Peking Man might have done and ud thousands of years ago.暂且猜猜几千年前“北京人”可能做的事情和用的东西。【例证分析】
tentative adj. 试验性的, 试探的, 尝试的, 暂定的,在句中作前置定语和表语。a tentative schedule. 是个试验性的计划
We have made a tentative arrangement to meet next month. 我们暂约定下月见。我只能给出一个不确切的意见。
I can only give a tentative opinion。
My opinion is only tentative.
作尝试性的出价、建议:make a tentative offer ;
获得暂时的结论:come to a tentative conclusion
3.You must be aware that it’s here that we found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world.
强调句型的用法:强调句句型It is/was+被强调部分+that…将被强调的部分放在前面,其它部分置于th
It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.
It was they that (who) cleaned the classroom yesterday.
fbl是什么意思It was in the street that I met her father.
原句:My father did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening.
强调主语:It was my father who did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening. 强调宾语:It was the experiment that my father did in the lab yesterday evening. 强调时间:It was yesterday evening that my father did the experiment in the lab. (注意不用when)
强调地点:It was in the lab that my father did the experiment yesterday evening. 【思维拓展】It is not until + 被强调部分+ that ...
该句型也是强调句型。主要用于强凋时间状语,译成汉语“直到……才……”,可以说是not ... until ... 的强调形式。
It was not until she took off her dark glass that I realized she was a famous film star.
= Not until she took off her dark glass did I realize she was a famous film star.
= I didn't realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glass.
4. I am sorry to interrupt you but how could they live here?
interrupt v中断,打扰,打断,插嘴诉诸法律
Rain interrupted our baball game.下雨中断了我们的捧球比赛。
The baby interrupted me while I was on the phone.
Traffic in the city was interrupted by a snowstorm. 市内交通被暴风雪所阻断。
It is rude to interrupt.打断别人的话,是不礼貌的。
“Don't interrupt,”he said. 他说:“别插嘴”。
他中断大学学业到军队去服役。(He interrupted college to rve in the army.) 我忙的时候,请不要来打扰我。(Don’t interrupt me when I am busy.)
在别人讲话的时候插嘴是不礼貌的。(It is not polite to interrupt when someone ishonor什么意思
你继续讲下去,我不想打断你说话。(Go on, I don’t want to interrupt.)
interrupt sb/sth with sth. 用…打扰/打断
interrupter n.造成中断或中止的人或事物
bothofinterruption n.[U]中断、中止[C]阻碍物,障碍物
5. So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in the caves, regardless of the cold.
assume v.假定,以为;装作,担任,承担。后多跟宾语;宾语+to be +n./adj或that 从句。
I assume you always get up at the same time.
我假定那是错误的。(I assume it to be wrong.)
我来承担责任。(I assumed the responsibility.)
她装出国外腔调,但我们仍听出来了。(She assumed a foreign accent, but I still
recognized her.)
我想是这样的。(I assume that it is so.)
suppo 近似于think,但含有不确切之意,比think 缺少根据
guess 凭想象加以猜测
imagine 想象
fancy 凭空想象
regardless adj.(与of连用)不管…的;不顾…的
He says what he thinks, regardless of other people's feelings.
regardless of 不注意、不顾、不管
他不注意自己的外表。(He is regardless of his appearance.)
他不顾危险地去了。(He went regardless of the risk.)
近义词/短语:disregarding /in spite of 三者意义和用法相同,区别不大。regardless adv.无论如何;不管;不顾
I must make the decision regardless.不管怎样我得做决定。
regardlessness n. 不注意。
6. It ems that they ud sharpened stone tools to cut up the animals and remove their skin. 看起来他们可能是用尖锐的石器切开动物,把他们的皮剥下来。
sharpen v.使变得锋利;变得清晰;变得尖锐,变得刺耳。
他正在削铅笔。(She is sharpening a pencil.)
随着天色转亮,树的轮廓也变得清晰了。(The outline of the trees sharpened as
it grew lighter.)
他在变得不耐烦时,说话的声音也变尖了。(His voice sharpened as he became
【思维拓展】sharp adj.1)锐利的,锋利的,尖的
a sharp knife锋利的小刀
a needle with a sharp point针头尖利的针
sharp eyes灵敏的眼睛
The famous writer is still sharp in thought though he has attained the age of ninety-two.
sharp adv.1)准时地;整
at ven o'clock sharp七点整
turn sharp to the left猛然向左转
cut up 切碎;使伤心,严厉批评
彼得,为何不把蔬菜切碎呢?(Peter, why not cut up vegetables?)
爱丽丝丢了钱,她伤心极了。(Alice was badly cut up by losing the money.)红军很快摧毁了敌军。(The Red Army soon cut up the enemy’s forces.)【思维拓展】
由cut 组成的常用词组:
cut off 切断;剪掉
cut down vt.砍伐;削减
cut in 打断Don't cut in while I'm talking. 我说话时别插嘴。
7. After that they would rub an ample amount of salt onto the skin to make it soft.
ample adj. 足够的,富裕的;宽敞的,大的
an ample reward. 优厚的报酬
Ample food and clothing by working with our own hands. 自己动手,丰衣足食。
我们有充足的旅费。(We have ample money for the journey.)