Camping is a popular way for many people in the United States to spend their vacation. Camping involves people leaving the comfort of their home and driving to spend a few nights or more in the great outdoors.
afterwards>pollutionfdafWhen people camp, they can sleep in a tent, a camper, or if they want to be fancier, they can sleep in a cabin. Some people like to really "rough it" and u no shelter except for a sleeping bag and sleep under the stars. Some people drive across the U.S. in what is known as a recreational vehicle or RV, which is a trailer. Inside there are beds, a tiny bathroom and a kitchen.
weld quay>好听的摇滚There are campgrounds all over the United States. The are places where campers gather together and usually pay a fee to pitch a tent or place a camper in a designated outdoor spot. Many of the campgrounds have water hos and electric hookups so that people can wash dishes and themlves and plug in a radio or their computers. Most campsites also have a fire ring or pit, which is a hole in the ground where people can safely
national是什么意思 make a fire for roasting marshmallows, a popular camping activity. There usually is also a picnic table for people to eat their meals. Many of the campgrounds also have shared bathrooms complete with showers. Some campgrounds have playgrounds, pools, and game rooms. Some also organize activities for people who like sing-alongs, where people will gather together and sing songs. Usually it is illegal to camp in a place not designated as an official campsite, meaning you can't just pitch a tent in a forest.