剥皮的树--不长A tree is deprived of its skin, meaning things can not grow.
八月的天气 --一会儿晴,一会儿雨The weather in August is changeable, sometimes it will rain and sometimes it is sunny, meaning things which are changeable.
八仙过海不用船--自有法度(渡)The eight gods need not u boats to cross the a, meaning that people have their own ways to solve problems.
mart八月十五吃月饼--正是时候To eat mooncakes on 15th, August, it means that everything is suitable.
baiyue把它当枕头--置之脑后To make it as a pillar, it means that putting it behind your mind and forget it.
霸王请客--吃也得吃,不吃也得吃A despot's treat of dinner , it means that there is no excu for turning down.
八仙过海--各显神通The eight gods cross the a, meaning that they will show their individual appitude.
nuclear waste拔了毛的鸽子--看你咋飞A pigeon without feather can not fly, meaning that people have no way out.
半斤八两--没高低Half Jin equals to eight Liang, which means that there is the same.
背着棉花过河--负担越来越重To cross the river with cotton, it means that people have a heavy burden.
白天不做亏心事,半夜敲门鬼不惊A clear conscience is a sure card.
搬起石头砸自己的脚Let his own wand ding him.
船到桥头自然直When the boat es under the bridge, it will bee straight, meaning that ever
ything will be natural.
在线德语课程病来如山倒,病去如抽丝Sickness es on horback but goes on foot.
百闻不如一见One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.
裁缝的尺子--量人不量己The tailor always measures others but never measures himlf, meaning that people always be critical about others while be lenient with themlves.
裁缝做衣--讲究分寸The tailor should pay great attention to the measurement while making clothes, meaning that people should be careful in doing things.
才输了当头炮--慌什么哩One needn't worry if he has only lost the first round
苍蝇的翅膀--扇不起多大风浪It means that a small fly's wings cannot cau too much trouble.
茶壶有嘴--说不出话Though a teapot has a mouth, it cannot speak.It is ud to describe tho people who are shocked and speechless.
长跑比赛--争分夺秒In the long distance running race, every cond is precious.
爱心词典唱戏的喝彩--自吹自擂The actors applaud themlves, meaning that people like boasting very much.
2012年山东高考分数线吃多了盐--尽讲闲(咸)话When people have eaten too much salt, they are likely to speak too much. The word "salt" and the phra"speaking too much" sound the same in Mandarin.
池中捞藕--拖泥带水When the lotus root is taken out of the pool, it is always with a lot of mud and water.The expression is ud to describe tho people who do things hesitantly
家规再严,丑事难免Accidents will happen in the best-regulated families.
机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命The fox knew too much, that's how he lost his tail.
疾风知劲草Adversity is a good discipline.
鸡蛋再硬,碰不过石头Whether the pitcher strikes the stone, or the stone the pitcher, it is
bad for the pitcher.学位班
江山易改,本性难易The fox may grow gray but never good.
窥一斑而知全貌You may know by a handful the whole sack.
留得青山在,不怕没材烧Where there is life, there is hope.
烈火验真金,患难见人心The fire is the test of gold, adversity of p man.
二万五千里长征--任重道远A march which is 25.000 miles long, ud to describe an arduous journey.
鲤鱼吃水--吞吞吐吐A fish is drinking water, meaning that one speaks hesitantly.
芦沟桥上石狮子--数不清There are numerous stone lions on Lu Gou Bridge. It is ud to describe a large amount.
雷声大,雨点小Actions speak louder than words.
烈火炼真金,患难见真情Liquor brings out a person's true color