The rural transformation of the two rice bowls of Vietnam: the making of a new Asian miracle
期刊名称: Innovation and Development
wonder boy作者: Montrrat López Jerez
年份: 2019年
期号: 第2期
rendez vous关键词: Rural transformation;pro-poor growth;Vietnam;inclusive
innovation;Ishikawa curve
special摘要:This paper asss the factors driving inclusiveness in Vietnam's rural transformation by comparing the two rice deltas of the country since reunification in 1975. In order to achieve this, a pro-poor institutional development approach bad on Adelman is applied. We focus on ast-oriented, de
attend的意思mand-generating and price-increasing interventions. Our findings point out that the experienced growth might be considered inclusive, but the dynamics of poverty reduction, income generation, and productivity-enhancement are substantially different in the two delta economies. This might have implications for the prospects of Vietnam's continuation in a 'growth with equity' model, if policies and innovations are not locally adjusted.碧昂丝 女儿